Aaron, Jason |
Ultimate Comics Captain America |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-08-2011 |
Abbott, David |
The Upright Piano Player |
Literary / L |
Jun-07-2011 |
Adams, Riley |
Finger Lickin' Dead |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jun-07-2011 |
Addison, Amanda |
Laura's Handmade Life |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-23-2011 |
Adler, Elizabeth |
From Barcelona, With Love |
Mystery / M |
Jun-21-2011 |
Airgood, Ellen |
South of Superior |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-09-2011 |
Alender, Katie |
From Bad to Cursed |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-14-2011 |
Alers, Rochelle |
Sweet Persuasions |
HKR-237 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Allison, Jennifer |
The Bones of the Holy |
Horror / HORR |
Jun-09-2011 |
Altbacker, E.J. |
Shark Wars |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jun-14-2011 |
Altom, Laura Marie |
A Cowgirl's Secret |
HAR-1359 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-14-2011 |
Amato, Mary |
Edgar Allan's Official Crime Investigation Notebook |
Mystery / M |
Jun-01-2011 |
Anders, Charlie Jane |
Six Months, Three Days (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-08-2011 |
Andersen, Jessica |
Storm Kissed |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Anderson, M.T. |
Empire of Gut and Bone |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-01-2011 |
Andrews, Ilona |
Magic Dreams |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Andrews, Mary Kay |
Summer Rental |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Anthony, David |
Something for Nothing |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Arnold, Martin |
Thor: Myth to Marvel |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-02-2011 |
Ashby, Amanda |
Fairy Bad Day |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-09-2011 |
Ashley, Phillipa |
Wish You Were Here |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Ashwood, Sharon |
Frostbound |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Atkins, Ace |
The Ranger |
Thriller / T |
Jun-09-2011 |
Ayers, Sidney |
Demons Prefer Blondes (e) |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Ayers, Sidney |
Beauty School Demon |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Bache, Ellyn |
The Art of Saying Goodbye |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bacon, Charlotte |
The Twisted Thread |
Thriller / T |
Jun-14-2011 |
Baker, Brenda L. |
Sisters of the Sari |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bakopoulos, Dean |
My American Unhappiness |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Baldacci, David |
One Summer |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-14-2011 |
Ball, Jesse |
The Curfew |
Literary / L |
Jun-14-2011 |
Balogh, Mary |
Now a Bride (e) |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-13-2011 |
Barnes, Jennifer Lynn |
Trial by Fire |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-14-2011 |
Barrett, Lorna |
Sentenced to Death |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Jun-07-2011 |
Barrett, Tracy |
The Missing Heir |
Suspense / S |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bauermeister, Erica |
Joy for Beginners |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-09-2011 |
Bearn, Emily |
Adventures Beyond Nutmouse Hall |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Beil, Michael D. |
The Mistaken Masterpiece |
Suspense / S |
Jun-14-2011 |
Bell, Zana |
A Risk Worth Taking |
HS-1715 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bendis, Brian Michael |
Ultimate Comics Doomsday |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Bendis, Brian Michael |
Ultimatum Companion |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-29-2011 |
Bennardo, Charlotte; Zaman, Natalie |
Sirenz |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-08-2011 |
Benton, Jim |
Me! (Just Like You, Only Better) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Berendt, John |
My Baby Blue Jays |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-09-2011 |
Betts, Heidi |
Her Little Secret, His Hidden Heir |
SD-2091 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-14-2011 |
Beyer, Doug |
Path of the Planeswalker, Volume 2: A Magic: The Gathering Graphic Anthology |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Birch, Carol |
Jamrach's Menagerie |
Literary / L |
Jun-14-2011 |
Blackwell, Juliet |
Hexes and Hemlines |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Jun-07-2011 |
Block, Lawrence |
L.A. Noire (e) |
Mystery / M |
Jun-06-2011 |
Block, Stefan Merrill |
The Storm at the Door |
Literary / L |
Jun-21-2011 |
Blue, Parker |
The Healer's Passion (e) |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Boice, James |
The Good and the Ghastly |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-14-2011 |
Bolin, Janet |
Dire Threads |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bolton, S.J. |
Now You See Me |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bond, Stephanie |
Baby, Come Home |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jun-21-2011 |
Boschee, Rebecca L. |
Last Resort |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-03-2011 |
Brashares, Ann |
Sisterhood Everlasting |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-14-2011 |
Braver, Gary |
Tunnel Vision |
Thriller / T |
Jun-21-2011 |
Brennan, Sarah Rees |
The Demon's Surrender |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-14-2011 |
Brian, Kate |
Cruel Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bridwell, Norman |
Clifford and the Big Parade |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Bridwell, Norman |
Clifford Goes to the Doctor |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Bright, Rachel |
Mine |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Britton, Katharine |
Her Sister's Shadow |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Broach, Elise |
Missing on Superstition Mountain |
Mystery / M |
Jun-21-2011 |
Brody, Jessica |
My Life Undecided |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Brooks, Cheryl |
Virgin |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Brouwer, Sigmund |
The Canary List |
Thriller / T |
Jun-21-2011 |
Brubaker, Ed |
The Marvels Project: Birth of the Super Heroes |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-08-2011 |
Brubaker, Ed |
Captain America: Red Menace Ultimate Collection |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-29-2011 |
Bruchac, Joseph |
Dragon Castle |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Jun-09-2011 |
Bruel, Nick |
Bad Kitty Meets the Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Bruhns, Nina |
Red Heat |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jun-07-2011 |
Brunstetter, Wanda E. |
Growing Up |
Christian / CH |
Jun-01-2011 |
Bryant, Niobia |
Mistress No More |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Buckley, Matthew |
Chickens in the Headlights |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-16-2011 |
Buckley, Matthew |
Bullies in the Headlights |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-16-2011 |
Burke, Alafair |
Long Gone |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jun-21-2011 |
Burke, Jan |
Disturbance |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jun-21-2011 |
Burrowes, Grace |
The Soldier |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Burtenshaw, Jenna |
Shadowcry |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-21-2011 |
Butler, Steven |
The Wrong Pong |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-21-2011 |
Byers, Richard Lee |
The Spectral Blaze |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Byrd, Adrianne |
King's Passion |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Byrd, Adrianne |
King's Promise |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Caine, Rachel |
Shiny |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Camden, Elizabeth |
The Lady of Bolton Hill |
Historical / H |
Jun-01-2011 |
Campbell, Ramsey |
Solomon Kane |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Jun-14-2011 |
Carey, Mike |
X-Men: Second Coming |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-22-2011 |
Carter, Ally |
Uncommon Criminals |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jun-21-2011 |
Carter, Mike |
One Man and His Bike (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-02-2011 |
Carver, Rhonda Lee |
Delaney's Sunrise |
Romance / R |
Jun-21-2011 |
Castillo, Linda |
Breaking Silence |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jun-21-2011 |
Castro, Adam-Troy |
V Is for Vampire |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Cawood-Green, Michael |
For the Sake of Silence (e) |
Historical / H |
Jun-27-2011 |
Chaltas, Thalia |
Displacement |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-09-2011 |
Chance, Karen |
Hunt the Moon |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Chance, Megan |
City of Ash |
Historical / H |
Jun-07-2011 |
Christensen, Kate |
The Astral |
Literary / L |
Jun-14-2011 |
Christopher, Paul |
The Templar Legion |
Thriller / T |
Jun-07-2011 |
Citkowitz, Evgenia |
Ether |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Clancy, Tom |
Against All Enemies |
Thriller / T |
Jun-14-2011 |
Claremont, Chris |
Chaos War: X-Men |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-08-2011 |
Claremont, Chris |
Captain Britain - Volume 1: Birth of a Legend |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-15-2011 |
Claremont, Chris |
X-Men: Alpha Flight |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-22-2011 |
Clark, Dorothy |
Gold Rush Baby |
LIH-91 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Cleary, Anna |
Do Not Disturb |
HPE-156 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Clements, Rory |
Revenger |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jun-21-2011 |
Cockrell, Amanda |
What We Keep Is Not Always What Will Stay |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-08-2011 |
Cocks, Heather; Morgan, Jessica |
Spoiled |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Cody, Sandra Carey |
Left at Oz |
Mystery / M |
Jun-03-2011 |
Cohen, Tamar |
The Mistress's Revenge |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Cole, Grayson |
Inside Out |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Cole, Steve |
Z. Raptor |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-09-2011 |
Collins, Paul |
The Murder of the Century (e) |
Suspense / S |
Jun-14-2011 |
Colvin, Mildred |
Redeeming Sarah's Present |
HSNG-946 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Connor, Ellen |
Nightfall |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Conway, Jill Ker |
The Road From Coorain (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-22-2011 |
Conway, Jill Ker |
A Woman's Education (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Cook, Claire |
Best Staged Plans |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Cook, Eileen |
Wishes for Beginners |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-14-2011 |
Cook, Thomas H. |
The Quest for Anna Klein |
Suspense / S |
Jun-21-2011 |
Cooke, Carolyn |
Daughters of the Revolution |
Literary / L |
Jun-07-2011 |
Cooke, Deborah |
Flying Blind |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Corey, James S.A. |
Leviathan Wakes |
Space Opera / SO |
Jun-15-2011 |
Cotterill, Jo |
Forget Me Not |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-02-2011 |
Court, Dilly |
Cinderella Sister |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-02-2011 |
Culbertson, Judi |
A Novel Death |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jun-03-2011 |
Currimbhoy, Nayana |
Miss Timmins' School for Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Cussler, Clive; Blackwood, Grant |
The Kingdom |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jun-06-2011 |
Daley, Margaret |
Protecting Her Own |
LIS-247 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jun-07-2011 |
Daly, Catherine R. |
Best Buds |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Daniels, B.J. |
Lassoed |
HI-1282 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jun-07-2011 |
Day, Alyssa |
Vampire in Atlantis |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-07-2011 |
de la Cruz, Melissa |
Witches 101 (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-14-2011 |
de la Cruz, Melissa |
Witches of East End |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jun-21-2011 |
Decandido, Keith R.A. |
Under the Crimson Sun |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-07-2011 |
Deconnick, Kelly Sue |
Osborn: Evil Incarcerated |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-15-2011 |
Defalco, Tom |
Thor: Thunderstrike |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-15-2011 |
Defalco, Tom |
Thunderstrike: Youth in Revolt |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-08-2011 |
Delaney, Roxann |
The Maverick's Reward |
HAR-1357 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Devine, Thea |
The Darkest Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-21-2011 |
Dezago, Todd |
A Squad for All Seasons |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-01-2011 |
Diamond, Jacqueline |
Falling for the Nanny |
HAR-1358 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Disney Book Group |
A Day of Sweet Surprises (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-06-2011 |
Disney Book Group |
Captain America: The First Avenger: Junior Novel (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Disney Book Group |
Goofy, Movie Star (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-29-2011 |
Disney Book Group |
Cars (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-08-2011 |
Doiron, Paul |
Trespasser |
Thriller / T |
Jun-21-2011 |
Donnelly, Gabrielle |
The Little Women Letters |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Duff, Hilary |
Elixir |
Mystery / M |
Jun-07-2011 |
Dugoni, Robert |
Murder One |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Jun-07-2011 |
Duigan, Virginia |
Days Like These |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Duncan, Leigh |
The Daddy Catch |
HAR-1360 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-14-2011 |
Dunlap, Phil |
Cotton's War |
Historical / H |
Jun-07-2011 |
Dunning, John Harris |
Salem Brownstone: All Along the Watchtowers |
Horror / HORR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Durant, Will |
The Age of Reason Begins (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Easer, Katherine |
Vicious Little Darlings |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Edmondson, Elizabeth |
Stone and Shadows |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Elish, Dan |
The School for the Insanely Gifted |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Englehart, Steve |
The Plain Man |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-21-2011 |
Englehart, Steve |
West Coast Avengers: Family Ties |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-22-2011 |
Epstein, Joseph |
The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Evanovich, Janet |
Smokin' Seventeen |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jun-21-2011 |
Evans, Geraldine |
Deadly Reunion |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jun-01-2011 |
Evans, Harriet |
Love Always |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-21-2011 |
Everson, John |
Siren |
Horror / HORR |
Jun-06-2011 |
Feather, Jane |
A Wedding Wager |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-21-2011 |
Fielding, Liz |
Tempted by Trouble |
HR-4246 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Finchler, Judy |
Congratulations, Miss Malarkey! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-07-2011 |
Finder, Joseph |
Buried Secrets |
Thriller / T |
Jun-21-2011 |
Finn, Mary |
Belladonna |
Historical / H |
Jun-14-2011 |
Fischer, Scott M. |
Scary School |
Horror / HORR |
Jun-21-2011 |
Fisher, Catherine |
The Lost Heiress |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-14-2011 |
Fitzgerald, Conor |
The Fatal Touch |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jun-14-2011 |
Flaubert, Gustave |
The Dictionary of Received Ideas |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Foltz, Shellie |
Love Under a Dark Sky |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-03-2011 |
Foster, Lori |
Shelter From the Storm |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Foster, Zoe |
Amazing Face |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Fox, Janet |
Forgiven |
Romance / R |
Jun-02-2011 |
Fraction, Matt |
Thor: The World Eaters |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-01-2011 |
Frank, Dorothea Benton |
Folly Beach |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jun-14-2011 |
Franklin, Darlene |
Love's Raid |
HSNG-947 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-01-2011 |
Frazier, Angie |
The Eternal Sea |
Historical / H |
Jun-01-2011 |
Fruchter, Rena |
Dudley Moore (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-08-2011 |
Gage, Christos |
Iron Age |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-29-2011 |
Gaines, Abby |
Her Best Friend's Wedding |
HS-1712 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-14-2011 |
Gardner, Darlene |
Twice the Chance |
HS-1714 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Gensler, Sonia |
The Revenant |
Horror / HORR |
Jun-14-2011 |
Gillen, Kieron |
Generation Hope: The Future's A Four-Lettered Word |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-22-2011 |
Gischler, Victor |
Death of Dracula |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Goldberg, Lee |
Mr. Monk on the Couch |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jun-07-2011 |
Goodwin, Daisy |
The American Heiress |
Historical / H |
Jun-21-2011 |
Gouge, Louise M. |
The Wedding Season: The Gentleman Takes a Bride |
LIH-93 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jun-07-2011 |
Grady, Robyn |
The Billionaire's Bedside Manner |
SD-2092 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jun-14-2011 |
Graham, Cliff |
Day of War |
Historical / H |
Jun-07-2011 |
Gran, Sara |
Claire Dewitt and the City of the Dead |
Mystery / M |
Jun-02-2011 |
Granger, Ann |
Rack, Ruin And Murder |
General Fiction / GF |
Jun-01-2011 |
Graves, Paula |
Cooper Vengeance |
HI-1285 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jun-07-2011 |
Gray, Justin |
Tall Tales |
Fantasy / F |
Jun-01-2011 |