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Keith R.A. Decandido's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    99 Books (4 Series)
  • First Book:
    February 1998
  • Latest Book:
    November 2025
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Full Series List in Order

An Abyssal Plague Novel

Under the Crimson Sun (Jun-2011)

Brave and the Bold

1 - The Brave and the Bold: Book One (Dec-2002)
2 - The Brave and the Bold: Book Two (Dec-2002)


Demons of Air and Darkness (Sep-2001)

I.K.S. Gorkon

1 - A Good Day to Die (Nov-2003)
2 - Honor Bound (Dec-2003)
3 - Enemy Territory (Mar-2005)

Multi-Author Series List

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Xander Years, Vol. 1 (Feb-1999)
The Deathless (May-2007)
23 - Blackout (Sep-2006)

CSI: New York

Four Walls (Apr-2008)

Disney's Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 (Feb-2015)

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Sun

Under the Crimson Sun (Jun-2011)


House of Cards (May-2001)

Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda

Destruction of Illusions (Feb-2003)

A Leverage Novel

2 - The Zoo Job (Mar-2013)

Marvel's Spider-Man

Down These Mean Streets (Sep-2005)

Resident Evil

Genesis (Mar-2004)
Apocalypse (Sep-2004)
Extinction (Aug-2007)

Star Trek

Diplomatic Implausibility (Feb-2001)
Demons of Air and Darkness (Sep-2001)
Have Tech, Will Travel (Jan-2002)
Miracle Workers (Feb-2002)
The Brave and the Bold: Book One (Dec-2002)
The Brave and the Bold: Book Two (Dec-2002)
The Art of the Impossible (Oct-2003)
A Good Day to Die (Nov-2003)
Honor Bound (Dec-2003)
Tales of the Dominion War (Aug-2004)
A Time for War, A Time for Peace (Oct-2004)
Wildfire (Nov-2004)
Ferenginar (Feb-2005)
Enemy Territory (Mar-2005)
Articles of the Federation (Jun-2005)
Tales From the Captain's Table (Jun-2005)
What's Past (Sep-2006)
The Mirror-Scaled Serpent (Mar-2007)
Q & A (Sep-2007)
A Burning House (Feb-2008)
Echoes and Refractions (Aug-2008)
Family Matters (Jan-2009)
A Singular Destiny (Feb-2009)
Worlds of Star Trek Deep Space Nine (Nov-2010)
Klingon Art of War (May-2014)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Ferenginar (Feb-2005)
Worlds of Star Trek Deep Space Nine (Nov-2010)

Star Trek: Gateways

4 - Demons of Air and Darkness (Sep-2001)

Star Trek: Myriad Universes

Echoes and Refractions (Aug-2008)

Star Trek: S.C.E.

2 - Fatal Error (Sep-2000)
6 - Cold Fusion (Aug-2001)
10 - Here There Be Monsters (Nov-2001)
21 - War Stories 1 (2002)
22 - War Stories 2 (2002)
28 - Breakdowns (Jun-2003)
54 - Security (Jul-2005)
66 - Many Splendors (2006)

Star Trek: The Lost Era

3 - The Art of the Impossible (Oct-2003)

Star Trek: The Next Generation

A Time for War, A Time for Peace (Oct-2004)
Q & A (Sep-2007)
61 - Diplomatic Implausibility (Feb-2001)

Star Trek: the Original Series Mirror Universe

The Mirror-Scaled Serpent (Mar-2007)
Family Matters (Jan-2009)

Star Trek: Klingon Empire

A Burning House (Feb-2008)

Star Trek: S.C.E. Omnibus

1 - Have Tech, Will Travel (Jan-2002)
2 - Miracle Workers (Feb-2002)
6 - Wildfire (Nov-2004)
9 - What's Past (Sep-2006)

Star Trek: S.C.E.: What's Past

6 - Many Splendors (2006)


Spectres (Oct-2011)
3 - Nova (Apr-2006)


1 - Nevermore (Aug-2007)
3 - Bone Key (Sep-2008)
4 - Heart of the Dragon (Feb-2010)

Young Hercules

2 - The Ares Alliance (Dec-1999)

Book List in Order: 99 titles

  • Those Chicks in Chainmail are baaaack -- and They Are Not Amused! A Brief Word from the Characters: We seem to have a Failure to Communicate here. Hey, it's okay with us that Chicks in Chainmail was so popular, and reached #3 on the Locus bestsell...

  • "This is new territory for me. My valentines are usually met with heartfelt restraining orders." Unfulfilled crushes. Awkward first conversations. A date who wants you...dead. Having a Y-chromosome in Sunnydale is never easy. But Buffy the Vamp...

    • / Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery
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  • Take it apart, figure it out, put it back together. That's the ongoing mission of the U.S.S. da Vinci, commanded by Captain David Gold and his first officer, Commander Sonya Gomez, late of the Starship Enterpriseā"¢ and one of Starfleet's top enginee...

  • 200 YEARS AGO: The expanding Klingon™ Empire found a frozen world rich in deposits of the mineral topaline. They named the planet taD -- Klingon for "frozen" -- and they called the people jeghpu'wI' -- conquered. FOUR YEARS AGO: The Klingon Empir...

  • The pleasure planet Liantac was once the greatest gambling resort in the Uncharted Territories. Even now, having fallen on hard times, it remains a spectacle of glitz and greed. Astronaut John Crichton and his fellow interstellar fugitives see Lianta...

  • STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS Following the catastrophic conclusion of Avatar, Lieutenant Nog -- the chief operations officer of space station Deep Space 9 ā"¢ -- joins forces with the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci! With the station's future in doubt,...

  • Once they moved from world to world in a single step, through innumerable doors that spanned the galaxy. They were masters of space, and to those who feared them, they were demons of air and darkness. But long ago they left their empire and their mir...

  • Starfleet Corps Of Engineers After the events of What Lay Beyond, the Gateways crisis has finally come to a close and Starfleet can rest easy, knowing that another threat to the galaxy has been stopped. Except for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers w...

  • Need a gigantic, marauding starship explored? Is your global computer system starting to break down? Call in the crack team from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Overseen by Captain Montgomery Scott from his office at Starfleet Headquarters, the S.C...

    • / Space Opera
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    Beginning a gripping untold tale of the dominion war! Twice, Overseer Biron of the Androssi has been thwarted by the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci. In order to be prepared for their next encounter, he has obtained the records of the crew's past advent...

    • / Space Opera
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    CONCLUDING THE EXCITING UNTOLD TALE OF THE DOMINION WAR! To prevent his being defeated by the S.C.E. crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci a third time, Overseer Biron of the Androssi has decided to learn about his enemies by studying their adventures during ...

  • Need to build a subspace accelerator while under attack by a deadly local predator? Need to rescue a starship from interphase without getting trapped there yourself? Call in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team, specifically the crack team from the ...

  • AN ALL-NEW ADVENTURE SPANNING THREE GENERATIONS! The Malkus Artifacts: four deadly machines, wielded as weapons of absolute power by an interstellar tyrant thousands of years ago and scattered across the Alpha Quadrant when he was overthrown. Aft...

  • CONTINUING THE ALL-NEW ADVENTURE SPANNING ALL OF STAR TREK HISTORY! Two of the Malkus Artifacts -- used as deadly weapons millennia ago -- have been uncovered since their discovery in the 22nd century. Now in the 24th century, two more artifacts li...

  • A hundred and fifty years ago, in the sleepy fishing village of Darkness Falls, Matilda Dixon would give the local children cakes and treats and accept their baby teeth as "payment." After her husband Sonny was killed in a boating accident and a kitc...

  • Captain Dylan Hunt of the Andromeda Ascendant -- a mighty vessel of the Systems Commonwealth that encompassed three galaxies -- finds himself a man out of time. Three hundred years have passed, the Commonwealth has fallen, and chaos reigns in the Kno...

  • After the catastrophic events of Wildfire, both Captain David Gold and Commander Sonya Gomez return to their homes, to take refuge in family in the wake of tragedy. But neither commanding officer nor first officer finds the road to recovery an easy o...

  • Ten of the most fertile imaginations in science fiction and fantasy come together in one book to create new worlds, new universes, new times, new places, and new realities. Master of alternate history Harry Turtledove tells a story of the future tha...

  • THE YEARS ARE 2328-2346 To the Cardassians, it is a point of pride. To the Klingons, a matter of honor. But the eighteen-year cold war between these two empires -- euphemistically remembered in later years as the Betreka Nebula "Incident" -- creates...

  • BEGINNING AN ALL-NEW SERIES OF KLINGON™ ADVENTURES! These are the voyages of the Klingon Defense Force vessel I.K.S. Gorkon, part of the mighty new Chancellor class. Its mission: to explore strange new seek out new life and new civilizat...

  • The Order of the Bat'leth: founded after Kahless's ascension to Sto-Vo-Kor, the Order was tasked with rooting out dishonorable behavior and spreading the word of Kahless to the Klingon people. In the subsequent millennium, the Order has become more c...

  • The Hive: a subterranean genetic research facility owned and operated by Umbrella, an immensely powerful corporation with interests in everything from human longevity to biowarfare. With computerized defenses and heavily armed human backup, the Hive ...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matters o...

  • For two seasons, Star Trek: Deep Space NineĀ® chronicled the intense struggle of the Federation, fighting alongside the Klingons and the Romulans against the overwhelming forces of the Dominion in some of the most exciting hours of television ever pr...

  • Failure of the Hive to contain the Umbrella Corporation's most deadly viral creation has led to an outbreak of apocalyptic proportions. Now the streets of Raccoon City swarm with the living dead, compelling Umbrella to deploy another of its bioweapo...

  • On the cusp of their epic battle with Shinzon, many of Captain Jean-Luc Picard's long-time crew were heading for new assignments and new challenges. Among the changes were William Riker's promotion to captain and his new command, Riker's marriage to ...

  • Whenever there's a need to fix, repair, or salvage, Starfleet calls in the crack S.C.E. team on the U.S.S. da Vinci. Under the command of Captain David Gold and Commander Sonya Gomez, the S.C.E. solves the unsolvable, from finding a Starfleet vessel ...

  • Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilization...

  • The Elabrej Hegemony For centuries, the Elabrej firmly believed that they were alone in the universe, and that no sentient life existed outside their home star system. But their beliefs are shattered when a controversial exploration vessel of their ...

  • Five hundred years in the future, Captain Mal Reynolds, a hardened war veteran (on the losing side), ekes out a living pulling off small crimes and transport-for-hire aboard his ship, Serenity. He leads a small, eclectic crew who are the closest thin...

  • Following the surprise resignation of Federation President Min Zife after the disastrous Tezwa affair, Nan Bacco of Cestus III has won a hotly contested election to become the new chief executive of over one hundred fifty planetary civilizations and ...

  • In this follow-up to the bestselling Captain's Table series of books, nine new Star TrekĀ® captains belly up to the bar to tell their tales of adventure and romance, of triumph and tragedy, of duty and honor, of debts paid and prices exacted, includi...

  • Starfleet Corps of Engineers When a new security guard reports for duty, it sets da Vinci security chief Domenica Corsi off in ways that confuse both her staff and her sometime lover Fabian Stevens. When Stevens confronts her, it only makes matters ...

  • As Triple X, a brand-new designer drug with devastating side effects, sweeps through the streets of New York, high school science teacher Peter Parker--and his alter ego Spider-Man--begins to suspect the drug may have originated with one of his most ...

    • / Space Opera
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    STAR TREK Ā™ S.C.E. #66 STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS WHAT'S PAST A special six-part S.C.E. event that flashes back to previous adventures of the S.C.E. crew from the 23rd century to the height of the Dominion War, with special guests from all...

  • The Burning Legion has been defeated, and eastern regions of Kalimdor are now shared by two nations: the orcs of Durotar, led by their noble Warchief, Thrall; and the humans of Theramore, led by one of the most powerful mages alive -- Lady Jaina Prou...

  • Four years after the end of the Brood War, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk has rebuilt much of the Terran Dominion and consolidated a new military force despite an ever-present alien threat. Within this boiling cauldron of strife and subversion, a young woma...

  • Taking advantage of the workings of serial killer Son of Sam in 1977 New York City, Spike and Drusilla indulge in their vampire natures while outmaneuvering a corrupt vampire community and endeavoring to murder vampire slayer Nikki Wood, who has move...

  • Before they became the crack team of engineers weve all come to know and love on the U.S.S. da Vinci, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team had plenty of adventures throughout the galaxy. Now some of those exploits are chronicled, featuring special g...

  • Some say the line between good and evil is narrower than we imagine -- a divide as subtle as a mirror, and perhaps just as deep. To peer into its black, reflective glass is to know the dark potential we each possess, and we cross that obsidian bounda...

  • As if Ring Day weren't enough to make Buffy Summers anxious (she can't even afford one of the less expensive silver bands), the Slayer has her hands full trying to figure out why an average split-level house in Sunnydale has all the vampires spooked....

  • IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, EARTH IS INFESTED WITH TIBERIUM, AN ALIEN SUBSTANCE THAT COULD BE HUMANITY'S SALVATION . . . OR ITS DOWNFALL. Though Tiberium is a resource that could solve the world's energy crisis, it is also incredibly destructive,...

  • Following the events of Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the beautiful, dangerous, enigmatic Alice returns, and this time she and her fellow survivor Carlos Olivera are running with a pack of humans led by a new ally, Claire Redfield. Together they are cut...

  • Twenty-two years ago, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. In the years after, their father, John, taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of Amer...

  • Nearly two decades ago, Jean-Luc Picard took command of the U.S.S. Enterprise™ NCC-1701-D. The captain knew it was an honor without equal. His new command bore the name of Enterprise. The people who had commanded other like-named starships had gone d...

  • They have been the Federation's staunchest allies, and its fiercest adversaries. Cunning, ruthless, driven by an instinct for violence and defined by a complex code of honor, they must push ever outward in order to survive, defying the icy ravages of...

  • A new Federation President has been elected, and his first order of business is to attempt to restore the alliance with the Klingon Empire. To that end, he sends Captain Picard to Deep Space 9, in the hopes that Picard's relationship with Chancellor ...

  • Detectives Mac Taylor, Danny Messer, Sheldon Hawkes, and Don Flack are called in to investigate a double homicide at a medium-security facility on Staten Island. Racial tensions turned the prison into a pressure cooker that finally boiled over in an ...

  • It's been said that for any event, there are an infinite number of possible outcomes. Our choices determine which outcome will follow, and therefore all possibilities that could happen do happen across countless alternate realities. In these divergen...

  • Twenty-two years ago, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. In the years after, their father, John, taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of Amer...

  • Fractured history. Broken lives. Splintered souls. Since the alternate universe was first glimpsed in the classic episode "Mirror, Mirror," something about Star Trek's dark side has beckoned us, called to us, tempted us -- like forbidden fruit on the...

  • THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME The cataclysmic events of Star Trek: Destiny have devastated known space. Worlds have fallen. Lives have been destroyed. And in the uneasy weeks that follow, the survivors of the holocaust continue to be tested to the lim...

  • A Supernatural novel that reveals a previously unseen adventure for the Winchester brothers, from the hit CW series!When renegade angel Castiel alerts Sam and Dean to a series of particularly brutal killings in San Francisco's Chinatown, th...

  • Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilization...

  • Bubbaā€™s backā€¦or at least heā€™s still here. In Materā€™s new solo series watch as he squares off against his long-time nemesis Bubba the tow truck in the Rust Bucket Derby. Mater and Bubba are determined to answerā€¦ who is the toughest tow truck...

  • Tharizdun, the Chanied God, has released the Voidharrow--a liquid crystal imbued with his will and all the chaos of the Abyss--into the universe, and with it comes a transformative engine of pestilence. When exposed to the Voidharrow, individuals loo...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matt...

  • The great metropolis of Super City is the home of dozens of costumed heroes: Spectacular Man, the Terrific Trio, the Bruiser, the Superior Six, and more. This isn't their story... When the heroes are done punching out the villains, it's left to the s...

  • Dominion ghosts epitomize the height of terran evolution and physical conditioning. Augmented by technologies that harness their innate psionic potential, these lethal operatives use telepathy and other superhuman powers to isolate and destroy the en...

  • The Olodumare Hegemony rules the entire solar system. Led by Oba Isembi, the primary agents of his rule are the Ori-Inu: highly trained telepathic operatives, who do the Oba's dirty work. They are found and trained by Orisha. When Ori-Inu start disap...

    • In a long and distinguished career, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew have faced uncounted foes and vanquished incredible dangers. But what happens when the enemy can't be easily seen -- when it lurks in the shadows, disguises itself as...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matt...

  • The rich and powerful take what they want. We steal it back for you. THE ZOO JOB Marney Brillinger is in trouble. The zoo that has been in her family for generations is failing, and when she makes a deal with a Malanian priest to loan her two...

  • "Reading Unicorn Precinct felt like meeting old friends ... I felt immediately at home in Cliff's End." -Unreality SF on Unicorn Precinct Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matt...

  • Cassie Zukav has always been a bit of a weirdness magnet. Strange things always happened to her, even before she came to Key West for vacation and never left. She's dealt with sea monsters and nixies and dragons, and shares her room with the ghost of...

  • Cassie Zukav has always been a bit of a weirdness magnet. Strange things always happened to her, even before she came to Key West for vacation and never left. She's dealt with sea monsters and nixies and dragons, and shares her room with the ghost of...

  • Cassie Zukav has always been a bit of a weirdness magnet. Strange things always happened to her, even before she came to Key West for vacation and never left. She's dealt with sea monsters and nixies and dragons, and shares her room with the ghost of...

  • Cassie Zukav has always been a bit of a weirdness magnet. Strange things always happened to her, even before she came to Key West for vacation and never left. She's dealt with sea monsters and nixies and dragons, and shares her room with the ghost of...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matt...

  • Passed down from the time of Kahless, ten precepts have shaped Klingon culture and indoctrinated Klingons in the Way of the Warrior. With this new translation, people from all walks of life--and all worlds--can harness the ancient Klingon wisdom and ...

  • When Ichabod Crane, a soldier from the Colonial Army, is resurrected from his grave, more than two centuries after he was killed in battle, he partners with Lieutenant Abbie Mills of the Sleepy Hollow Police Department to fight the evil forces that h...

  • A COLLECTION OF THE FINEST SHORT FICTION BY AWARD-WINNING, INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLING AUTHOR KEITH R.A. DeCANDIDOFor more than twenty years, Keith R.A. DeCandido has told stories in a variety of universes and genres. Now, some of his finest shor...

  • One of the greatest heroes from Marvel -- and myth -- returns as Thor battles the mightiest of the giants in a fight to the death. The first book in an action-packed trilogy, Dueling with Giants is a story of epic combat from start to finish, sure...

  • One of the greatest heroes from Marvelā€•and mythā€•returns as Thor battles the mightiest of the giants in a fight to the death. The first book of an action-packed trilogy from Joe Books, Dueling with Giants is a story of epic combat from start to fi...

  • When the only surviving member of SG-7 brings Kaliā€™s injured First Prime back to Stargate Command, Colonel Oā€™Neill and his team are called on to investigate an attack by the Reetou on one of Kaliā€™s homeworlds.But when a sabotaged Stargate leave...

  • Hell hath no fury...When the only surviving member of SG-7 brings Kali's injured First Prime back to Stargate Command, Colonel O'Neill and his team are called on to investigate an attack by the Reetou on one of Kali's homeworlds.But when a sabotaged ...

  • In the action-packed Sif: Even Dragons Have Their Endings, Marvel's Tales of Asgard trilogy tells of the adventures of another of the realm's greatest warriors.

    When the nearby village of Flodbjerge is terrorized by a dragon, one of its citi...

  • Marvel's Tales of Asgard trilogy comes full circle in its final volume, Godhood's End, as the Frost Giants once again set their sights on the Aesir. With Thor and Sif still healing from wounds sustained during earlier campaigns, it is up to the Wa...

  • Marvel's Tales of Asgard trilogy tells the stories of Asgard's greatest heroes -- Thor, God of Thunder; Sif, the Unstoppable; and the Warriors Three, Volstagg the Voluminous, Fandral the Dashing, and Hogun the Grim.

    Book One -- Marvel Thor: ...

  • An Ancient Evil Threatens to Awaken in the BronxBram Gold is a Courser-a hunter-for-hire paid to deal with supernatural creatures, mystical happenings, and things that go booga-booga in the night. His typical day is dealing with crazed unicorns, loca...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matt...

  • The action-packed official adaptation of Alien: Isolation and a revealing look into the lives of Ellen Ripley and her daughter, Amanda Ripley.THE OFFICIAL VIDEO GAME ADAPTATION--AND MUCH MORE!From birth, Amanda Ripley's life is riddled with hardship....

  • The action-packed official adaptation of Alien: Isolation and a revealing look into the lives of Ellen Ripley and her daughter, Amanda Ripley.


    From birth, Amanda Ripley's life is riddled...

  • After facing the Borg menace, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is looking forward to a little exploration when the enigmatic Q informs them that the universe is at stake if they don’t unravel the mystery of a strange planet in this Star Trek: ...

  • Elite Soldiers known as ghosts are trained to use their special psychic powers for military operations, and one Ghost Academy cadet, Nova, must handle both her teammates and her own demons.Ghost Academy chronicles the early years of six StarCraft cha...

  • There are creatures lurking in our world. Obscure creatures long relegated to myth and legend. They have been sighted by a lucky-or unlucky-few, some have even been photographed, but their existence remains unproven and unrecognized by the scientific...

  • Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matt...

  • We all know about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence riding on pale horses and all that Book-of-Revelation stuff. But why does it have to be four guys on horses? Why not the Four Cheerleaders of the Apocalypse? Th...

  • No One Wields Guilt like a Jewish Mother... Unless it's a Jewish Aunt...Bram Gold became a Courser-a supernatural hunter-for-hire-after his parents were killed twelve years ago by a golem run amuck. Now the person responsible wants to hire Bram.It's ...

  • From USA Today bestselling author Keith R. A. DeCandido comes a paranormal mystery of epic proportions.When Detective Domenica Kiernan solved the murder of a mayor’s aide—killed by a vampire—she never imagined she’d find herse...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Keith R.A. Decandido has published 99 books.

The next book by Keith R.A. Decandido, The Thin Blue Ley-Line, will be published in November 2025.

The first book by Keith R.A. Decandido, A Bone to Pick, was published in February 1998.

Yes. Keith R.A. Decandido has 4 series.