Abbott, Victoria |
The Christie Curse |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-05-2013 |
Abramson, Traci Hunter |
Deep Cover (e) |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-2013 |
Ackelsberg, Amy |
Fun in the Sun |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-21-2013 |
Adair, Cherry |
Relentless |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-19-2013 |
Adams, Ellery |
Peach Pies and Alibis |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-05-2013 |
Agresti, Aimee |
Infatuate |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Aguirre, Ann |
Agave Kiss |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Ain, Beth Levine |
Starring Jules (As Herself) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Alderman, Naomi |
The Liars' Gospel |
Historical / H |
Mar-12-2013 |
Alexander, William |
Ghoulish Song |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Allen, Amy Meyer |
Humble Heart |
Christian / CH |
Mar-01-2013 |
Allen, N.C. |
The Grecian Princess (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2013 |
Alward, Donna |
Little Cowgirl on His Doorstep |
HR-4368 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Amerikaner, Susan |
Goofy at Bat |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Amsterdam, Steven |
What the Family Needed |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-21-2013 |
Andrews, Amy |
Evie's Bombshell |
MMED2-99 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Angus, Jennifer |
In Search of Goliathus Hercules |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Archer, Alex |
Staff of Judea |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Arend, Vivian |
High Risk |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-05-2013 |
Armistead, Cal |
Being Henry David |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Armstrong, Martin |
Adrian Glynde (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-04-2013 |
Arnett, Mindee |
The Nightmare Affair |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Ashford, Lucy |
The Outrageous Belle Marchmain |
MHR-1413 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Ashgrove, Claire |
Immortal Protector (e) |
Thriller / T |
Mar-12-2013 |
Atkins, Dawn |
Back Where She Belongs |
HS-1841 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia |
Promises to Keep |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-12-2013 |
Author Unknown |
Look What I Can Do! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Axler, James |
Chrono Spasm |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-05-2013 |
Ayatsuji, Yukito |
Another, Vol. 1 (e) |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-19-2013 |
Azarel |
Daddy's House |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bader, Bonnie |
Play with Blue |
YR1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-21-2013 |
Bailey, Kristin |
Legacy of the Clockwork Key |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Baker, Shannon |
Tainted Mountain |
Mystery / M |
Mar-08-2013 |
Baldacci, David |
Day of Doom |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-05-2013 |
Ballantyne, Lisa |
The Guilty One |
Thriller / T |
Mar-19-2013 |
Balliett, Blue |
Hold Fast |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Bannister, Jo |
Deadly Virtues |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-19-2013 |
Baron, Jeff |
I Represent Sean Rosen |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Bartlett, Gerry |
Real Vampires Know Hips Happen |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell |
Down the Rabbit Hole: The Diary of Pringle Rose |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2013 |
Barton, Beverly |
Poisoned |
Thriller / T |
Feb-26-2013 |
Barton, Janet Lee |
Love Calling |
HSNG-1040 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Baskin, Nora Raleigh |
Surfacing |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Bass, Elizabeth |
Romeo & Juliet...And Jane |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Baucom, Ian |
Through the Skylight |
Historical / H |
Mar-19-2013 |
Bear, Elizabeth |
Shattered Pillars |
Epic Fantasy / EF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Bear, Greg |
Halo: Silentium |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Beckett, Macy |
A Shot of Sultry |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bell, Sophie |
The Ultra Violets |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bendis, Brian Michael |
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis - Volume 5 |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bennett, Jules |
Behind Palace Doors |
SD-2219 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bennett, Sophia |
The Look |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Berk, Josh |
Strike Three, You're Dead |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Berk, Sheryl; Berk, Carrie |
Winner Bakes All |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bezos, MacKenzie |
Traps |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Bill, Frank |
Donnybrook |
Literary / L |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bilyeau, Nancy |
The Chalice |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bishop, Anne |
Written In Red |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bishop, Claudia |
Fete Worse Than Death |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-05-2013 |
Black, Cara |
Murder Below Montparnasse |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Mar-05-2013 |
Blackstock, Terri |
Truth-Stained Lies |
Mystery / M |
Mar-12-2013 |
Blade, Adam |
Manak the Manta Ray |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-07-2013 |
Blade, Adam |
Kraya the Blood Shark |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-07-2013 |
Blade, Adam |
Cephalox the Cyber Squid |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-07-2013 |
Bleiman, Andrew |
Hello, Mommy ZooBorns! |
RTR1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Blundell, Judy |
A City Tossed and Broken |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2013 |
Bolden, Tonya |
12 Days of New York |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Bonilla, Amanda |
Crave the Darkness |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bonner, Brynn |
Paging the Dead |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-12-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Armageddons (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-15-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Unicorns II (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Dinosaurs II (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Magicats I (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Immortals (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-15-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Magicats II (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Future Crimes (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-15-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Beyond Flesh (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-15-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Demons! (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-15-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Nanotech (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Invaders! (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Sea Serpents! (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-25-2013 |
Books, Baen |
Unicorns I (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-25-2013 |
Boudreau, Helene |
I Dare You Not to Yawn |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Bowen, Rhys |
The Family Way |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-05-2013 |
Box, C.J. |
Breaking Point |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Mar-12-2013 |
Boyce, Frank Cottrell |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Race Against Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Boyd, Lizi |
Inside Outside Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Boykin, Kim |
The Wisdom of Hair |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Bradford, Laura |
Assaulted Pretzel |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brand, Christianna |
The Honey Harlot |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brand, Christianna |
Buffet for Unwelcome Guests (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brand, Christianna |
Brand X (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brand, Christianna |
What Dread Hand? (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brand, Max |
Red Hawk's Trail |
Western / W |
Mar-18-2013 |
Brennan, Allison |
Reckless (e) |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-12-2013 |
Briggs, Patricia |
Frost Burned |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brody, Jessica |
Unremembered |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brooks, Terry |
Bloodfire Quest |
Epic Fantasy / EF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Brown, Anne Greenwood |
Deep Betrayal |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-12-2013 |
Brown, Carolyn |
Blue-Ribbon Jalapeno Society Jubilee // What Happens in Texas // The Sisters Cafe |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brown, Monica |
Tito Puente, Mambo King |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brown, T.J. |
A Bloom in Winter |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Brown, Tameka Fryer |
My Cold Plum Lemon Pie Bluesy Mood |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2013 |
Brunstetter, Wanda E. |
The Silence of Winter |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Bukiet, Melvin |
Undertown |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Calas, Roberto |
The Scourge |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-12-2013 |
Cantrell, Kat |
The Things She Says |
SD-2218 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Card, Orson Scott |
The Gate Thief |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2013 |
Caroll, Robin |
Strand of Deception |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2013 |
Carroll, Lee |
The Shape Stealer |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Carter, Mary |
A Kiss Before Midnight |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Carter, Maureen |
Dying Bad |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-2013 |
Cass, Kiera |
The Prince |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Castaneda, Carlos |
Power of Silence (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2013 |
Castle, Kendra Leigh |
The Wolf's Surrender |
NOCT-156 |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Castro, Nachie |
Venom! |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-12-2013 |
Champa, Paula |
The Afterlife of Emerson Tang |
Literary / L |
Mar-12-2013 |
Chandler, Elizabeth |
Everafter |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-19-2013 |
Chapman, Janet |
The Heart of a Hero |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Charlton-Trujillo, E.E. |
Fat Angie |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Cheshire, Simon |
Deadline |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-14-2013 |
Childs, Laura |
Sweet Tea Revenge |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-05-2013 |
Childs, Lisa |
The Princess Predicament |
HI-1410 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-05-2013 |
Christopher, Matt |
Play Ball! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Clare, Cassandra |
Clockwork Princess |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2013 |
Clarke, Lucy |
Swimming at Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Cleary, Beverly |
Just for Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Coates, Deborah |
Deep Down |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Coben, Harlan |
Six Years |
Thriller / T |
Mar-19-2013 |
Coffelt, Nancy |
Uh-oh, Baby! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Coley, Liz |
Pretty Girl-13 |
Psychological Suspense / PS |
Mar-11-2013 |
Collins, Colleen |
The Next Right Thing |
HS-1840 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Conaway, James |
Nose |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Connealy, Mary |
Swept Away |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Conwell, Kent |
Death In The Dilstillery |
Mystery / M |
Mar-12-2013 |
Cooper, Karina |
Wicked Lies |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Coven, Wanda |
Heidi Heckelbeck Is Ready to Dance! |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Cox, Connie |
His Hidden American Beauty |
MMED-1660 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Crosby, Tanya Anne |
Speak No Evil |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-07-2013 |
Cummins, Jeanine |
The Crooked Branch |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Cussler, Clive; Scott, Justin |
The Striker |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-05-2013 |
Czerneda, Julie E. |
A Turn of Light |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dahl, Victoria |
Strong Enough to Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Dare, Lila |
Wave Goodbye |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-05-2013 |
Datlow, Ellen |
Queen Victoria's Book of Spells |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2013 |
David, Peter |
X-Factor - Volume 18: Breaking Points |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Davidson, Hilary |
Evil in All Its Disguises |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2013 |
Davidson, Maryjanice |
You and I, Me and You |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-19-2013 |
Davidson, Maryjanice |
Undead and Underwater |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Davis, Jim |
Garfield Minus Garfield (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2013 |
Davis, Kyra |
Exposed (e) |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-18-2013 |
de Lint, Charles |
The Cats of Tanglewood Forest |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-05-2013 |
Decandido, Keith R.A. |
The Zoo Job |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Deconnick, Kelly Sue |
Avenging Spider-Man: The Good, the Green and the Ugly |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dee, Jonathan |
A Thousand Pardons |
Literary / L |
Mar-12-2013 |
DeFelice, Cynthia |
Nelly May Has Her Say |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2013 |
Delaney, Roxann |
A Nanny for the Cowboy |
HAR-1444 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dempsey, Kristy |
Me with You |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-21-2013 |
Denton, Shannon Eric |
The Boxcar Children |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
DePaola, Tomie |
Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2013 |
Devine, Frances |
Patterns of Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Dewdney, Anna |
Llama Llama Birthday Party! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-21-2013 |
Diamond, Jacqueline |
The Baby Jackpot |
HAR-1443 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dickens, Monica |
The Fancy |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-04-2013 |
Dillon, Lucy |
The Secret of Happy Ever After |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dimon, Helenkay |
No Turning Back (e) |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-19-2013 |
Dineley, E A |
The Death of Lyndon Wilder and the Consequences Thereof (e) |
Historical / H |
Mar-07-2013 |
Disney Book Group |
Bambi's Hide and Seek (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Disney Book Group |
Venom! (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Disney Book Group |
Iron Man: Greatest Battles |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Disney Book Group |
Bambi's Hide and Seek: A Disney Reader (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee |
Grandma and the Great Gourd |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee |
Oleander Girl |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Doctorow, Cory |
Lawful Interception (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2013 |
Doherty, P.C. / Doherty, Paul |
The Straw Men |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-01-2013 |
Domingue, Ronlyn |
The Mapmaker's War |
Literary / L |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dominguez, Angela |
Let's Go, Hugo! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2013 |
Donald, Angus |
The Rise of Robin Hood (e) |
Historical / H |
Mar-21-2013 |
Donofrio, Beverly |
Astonished (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2013 |
dos Santos, Steven |
The Culling |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-08-2013 |
Doyle, Bill |
The Zombie at the Finish Line |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Doyle, Stephanie |
An Act of Persuasion |
HS-1838 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2013 |
Dr. Roach |
Night of the Zombie Goldfish |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Dr. Roach |
Attack of the Giant Hamster |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-2013 |
Draper, Sharon M. |
Panic |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Driza, Debra |
Mila 2.0 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Duddle, Jonny |
King of Space |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Dunn, Sharon |
Guard Duty |
LIS-331 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-05-2013 |
Duval, Kathy |
Take Me to Your BBQ |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2013 |
Edwardson, Ake |
Room No. 10 |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-05-2013 |
Engle, Margarita |
The Lightning Dreamer (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2013 |
Epstein, Jennifer Cody |
The Gods of Heavenly Punishment |
Historical / H |
Mar-11-2013 |
Ericson, Carol |
Run, Hide |
HI-1409 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-05-2013 |
Espinoza, Alex |
The Five Acts of Diego Leon |
Literary / L |
Mar-19-2013 |
Estleman, Loren D. |
Book Club (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-12-2013 |
Eulberg, Elizabeth |
Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2013 |
Evans, Stephanie Jaye |
Safe From Harm |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2013 |
Ewart, Franzeska G. |
Bryony Bell's Star Turn (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-14-2013 |
Ewart, Franzeska G. |
Under the Spell of Bryony Bell (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-14-2013 |
Fahy, Warren |
Pandemonium |
Thriller / T |
Mar-19-2013 |