In "The Chase," Clive Cussler introduced an electrifying new hero, the tall, lean, no-nonsense detective Isaac Bell, who, driven by his sense of justice, travels early-twentieth-century America pursuing thieves and killers . . . and sometimes crimina...
Detective Isaac Bell returns in the remarkable new adventure in the #1 New York Times-bestselling series. It is 1902, and a bright, inexperienced young man named Isaac Bell, only two years out of his apprenticeship at the Van Dorn Detective Agency...
Detective Isaac Bell returns in the extraordinary new adventure in the #1 New York Times-bestselling series. It is 1920, and both Prohibition and bootlegging are in full swing. When Isaac Bell's boss and lifelong friend Joseph Van Dorn is shot an...
As Van Dorn private detective Isaac Bell strives to land a government contract to investigate John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil monopoly, the case takes a deadly turn. A sniper begins murdering opponents of Standard Oil, and soon the assassin -- s...
Turn-of-the-century Detective Isaac Bell takes on the upstart leader of a vicious crime organization in this #1 New York Times-bestselling series. It is 1906, and in New York City, the Italian crime group known as the Black Hand is on a spree: ki...
Isaac Bell may be on the hunt for the greatest monster of all time in the newest action-adventure novel from #1 New York Times-bestselling author Clive Cussler. The year is 1911. Chief Investigator Isaac Bell of the Van Dorn Detective Agency has ...