Aarsen, Carolyne |
Twin Blessings |
LI-149 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Adamson, Mary Jo |
The Elusive Voice |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Sep-01-2001 |
Aiken, Ginny |
Memory to Keep |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Albee, Edward |
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-28-2001 |
Albee, Sarah |
Monsters are Red, Monsters are Blue |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-2001 |
Alexander, David |
Marine Force One |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-01-2001 |
Allen, Harper |
Sullivan's Last Stand |
HI-632 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-2001 |
Anderson, Bridget |
Reunited |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Anderson, Laurie Halse |
Fear of Falling |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Anderson, Laurie Halse |
Trapped |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Anderson, Poul |
Mother of Kings |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Andrews, V.C. |
Rose |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Ankrum, Barbara |
This Perfect Stranger |
SIM-1103 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Arenas, Reinaldo |
Mona and Other Tales |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-11-2001 |
Armstrong, Lindsay |
Wife in the Making |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-30-2001 |
Atkinson, Chryssa |
Lindsey |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia |
Shattered Mirror |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia |
Demon in My View |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-11-2001 |
Audley, Anselm |
Heresy |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Avi |
Ereth's Birthday |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-2001 |
Axler, James |
Shadow Fortress |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-01-2001 |
Baglio, Ben M. |
Bears In the Barn |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bang, Molly |
Tiger's Fall |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Barbieri, Elaine |
To Meet Again |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bardi, Abby |
The Book of Fred |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Barker, Clive |
Coldheart Canyon |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bartlett, Robert Merrill |
Story of Thanksgiving |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-2001 |
Barton, Beverly |
Every Move She Makes |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bateman, Teresa |
The Merbaby |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bauer, Marion Dane |
If You Had a Nose Like an Elephant's Trunk |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Baxter, Mary Lynn |
The Millionaire Comes Home |
SD-1387 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bell, Hilari |
A Matter of Profit |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bell, Nancy |
Biggie and Quincy Ghost |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Benjamin, Curt |
The Prince of Shadow |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bennett, Janice |
Inseparable |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-2001 |
Berberick, Nancy Varian |
Bertrem's Guide to the War of Souls, Vol. I |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Sep-2001 |
Bevarly, Elizabeth |
When Jayne Met Erik |
SD-1389 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bierhorst, John |
Is My Friend at Home?: Pueblo Fireside Tales |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-12-2001 |
Billerbeck, Kristin |
Far Above Rubies |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bird, Isobel |
Through the Veil |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-04-2001 |
Birmingham, Ruth |
Blue Plate Special |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-01-2001 |
Black, Jonah |
Girls, Girls, Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Black, Michelle |
An Uncommon Enemy |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Sep-01-2001 |
Blake, Michael |
The Holy Road |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bock, Dennis |
The Ash Garden |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Boczkowski, Tricia |
Blue's Clues Nursery Rhyme Treasury |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bonander, Jane |
The Dragon Tamer |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bone, Ian |
That Dolphin Thing (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-03-2001 |
Bowes, Richard |
Transfigured Night and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Boyle, T.C. / Boyle, T. Coraghessan |
After the Plague: and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bradshaw, Gillian |
The Wolf Hunt |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brand, Fiona |
Marrying McCabe |
SIM-1099 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brand, Irene |
Summer's Promise |
LI-148 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brandon, Paul |
Swim the Moon |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brashares, Ann |
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-11-2001 |
Brenna, Duff |
The Altar of the Body |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-08-2001 |
Brenner, Wendy |
Phone Calls From the Dead |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brett, Jan |
Jan Brett's Christmas Treasury |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-24-2001 |
Bridwell, Norman |
Clifford's Glow-in-the-Dark Halloween |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bridwell, Norman |
Clifford's Hiccups |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bridwell, Norman |
Dog Who Cried "Woof!" |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bridwell, Norman |
The Big Leaf Pile |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brindley, Louise |
Time Remembered |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brooks, Helen |
Sleeping Partners |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brooks, Terry |
Antrax |
Epic Fantasy / EF |
Sep-18-2001 |
Brown, Alan |
Hoot And Holler |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-11-2001 |
Brown, Debra Lee |
The MacKintosh Bride |
HH-576 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Brown, John Gregory |
Audubon's Watch |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-14-2001 |
Brown, Marc |
Arthur's Hiccups |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-25-2001 |
Brownley, Margaret |
Spittin' Image |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Bryant, Bonnie |
Stray Horse |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-11-2001 |
Butcher, Jim |
Grave Peril |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Butler, Nancy |
Reclaiming Lord Rockleigh |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cabrera, Jane |
Old Mother Hubbard |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Calmenson, Stephanie |
Good for You! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-18-2001 |
Cameron, Stella |
Tell Me Why |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Campbell, Glynnis |
The Siege |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Carey, Craig Robert |
Shred It Up |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Carmody, Isobelle |
Ashling |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-13-2001 |
Carr, Jan |
Dappled Apples |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Carroll, Jenny |
Code Name Cassandra |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Castillo, Linda |
A Hero to Hold |
SIM-1102 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cavanaugh, Jack |
While Mortals Sleep |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Chaikin, Linda / Chaikin, Linda Lee |
Friday's Child |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Chambers, Christopher |
Sympathy for the Devil |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Sep-01-2001 |
Chern, Vivian |
Homicidal Intent |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2001 |
Child, Maureen |
Shotgun Grooms: Jackson's Mail Order Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Chopra, Deepak |
Soulmate |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-10-2001 |
Christenberry, Judy |
The Doctor Delivers |
COLT-4 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Christopher, Matt |
Football Nightmare |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Civil-Brown, Sue |
Next Stop, Paradise |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Clark, Mary Jane |
Close to You |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2001 |
Clarke, Brock |
The Ordinary White Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Clements, Bruce |
I Tell a Lie Every So Often |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-12-2001 |
Clifton, Lucille |
One of the Problems of Everett Anderson |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-2001 |
Coble, Colleen |
Heart Full of Love |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Coel, Margaret |
The Thunder Keeper |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cohen, Caron Lee |
Happy to You! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Cohen, Gabriel |
Red Hook |
Police Procedural / PP |
Sep-01-2001 |
Coleman, Loren L. |
Patriots and Tyrants |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Coleman, Lynn A. |
Southern Treasures |
HSNG-451 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-29-2001 |
Collins, Terry |
Spongebob Naturepants |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Colter, Cara |
Wed by a Will |
SR-1544 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Conley, Robert J. |
Spanish Jack |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cooney, Caroline B. |
Fatality |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2001 |
Coonts, Stephen |
America |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cox, Carol |
Ride by the Clouds |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cox, Carol |
Season of Hope |
HSNG-452 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Crabtree, Sally |
My Sister's Hair |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-25-2001 |
Craft, Francine |
Forever Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cree, Ann Elizabeth |
My Lady's Prisoner |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-07-2001 |
Cresswell, Jasmine |
His Brother's Fiancee |
HTT-2 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cresswell, Jasmine |
The Conspiracy |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Crews, Nina |
Ghost Story |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Crilley, Mark |
Akiko in the Castle Of Alia Rellapor |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Crooks, Pam |
Lady Gypsy |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cullen, Catherine Ann |
Magical, Mystical, Marvelous Coat |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Cullen, Lynn |
Godiva |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Curtis, Barbara Sutton |
Beside the Still Waters |
Romance / R |
Sep-18-2001 |
Cusset, Catherine |
The Story of Jane |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Daniels, Jill |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: A Deluxe Pop-Up Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Darcy, Lilian |
Cinderella After Midnight |
SR-1542 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Davis, Joyce E. |
One Hand in My Pocket |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-24-2001 |
Deady, Kathleen W. |
Dragsters |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Deady, Kathleen W. |
BMX Bikes |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Deaver, Jeffery |
A Maiden's Grave |
Suspense / S |
Sep-04-2001 |
Decandido, Keith R.A. |
Demons of Air and Darkness |
Space Opera / SO |
Sep-01-2001 |
Decker, Marjorie Ainsborough |
Rock-a-Bye Christmas |
Christian / CH |
Sep-24-2001 |
Decure, John |
Reef Dance |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2001 |
Denton, Jamie |
The Biological Bond |
HAR-892 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dew, Robb Forman |
The Evidence Against Her |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Diamond, Jacqueline |
Surprise, Doc! You're a Daddy |
HAR-889 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dietz, William C. |
Deathday |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney's Winnie the Pooh Balloon Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney Classic Treasury Slipcase Set |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Book of Pooh: Picture Poems |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney Treasury of Children's Classics |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Book of Pooh: Beginning Sounds: Match the Flaps |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-24-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney's Christmas Crafts |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-03-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Book of Pooh: Pooh's Perfect Picnic |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Book of Pooh: Rhyme Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Book of Pooh: Upper and Lower Case Letters: Match the Flap |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-24-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Things to Do |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-30-2001 |
Disney Book Group |
Book of Pooh: Pooh's Magic Wishes: Read Along Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Dodds, Dayle Ann |
Pet Wash |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Donahue, John |
Till Tomorrow |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-21-2001 |
Donnelly, Shannon |
Cat's Cradle |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-2001 |
Douglass, Sara |
The Wayfarer Redemption // BattleAxe |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-17-2001 |
Downey, Roma |
Love Is a Family |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-2001 |
Downs, Susan K. |
Forces of Love |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dozois, Gardner |
Issac Asimov's Halloween |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Drake, David |
Mistress of the Catacombs |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Drake, Shannon |
Deep Midnight |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Drew, Jennifer |
One Groom To Go |
HD-59 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Drew, Jennifer |
One Bride Too Many |
HD-59 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Du Brul, Jack |
Pandora's Curse |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-04-2001 |
Duane, Diane |
Runaways |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-01-2001 |
DuBois, Muriel L. |
Pro Stock Cars |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
DuBois, Muriel L. |
Snowmobiles |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dubowski, Cathy East |
Sabrina 2 in 1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-03-2001 |
Duffy, Susan |
Mortal Wounds |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dumas, Alexandre |
The Musteteer |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Duncan, Alice |
The Miner's Daughter |
ZB |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dunlop, Barbara |
Forever Jake |
HT-848 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Dymond, Andrew |
Dark Side of the Sun |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Earls, Nick |
Perfect Skin |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Edelman, Gwen |
War Story |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Ehrlich, Gretel |
A Blizzard Year |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-10-2001 |
Elmer, Robert |
Cosmic Camp Caper |
Christian / CH |
Sep-01-2001 |
Ephron, G.H. |
Addiction |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Sep-01-2001 |
Esdaile, Leslie |
Love Lessons |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Esquivel, Laura |
Swift as Desire |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Everett, Corinne |
Fair Rose |
ZB |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Ewing, Lynne |
The Sacrifice |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fairstein, Linda |
The Deadhouse |
Police Procedural / PP |
Sep-25-2001 |
Farrier, Nancy J. |
An Ostrich a Day |
HSNG-449 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-29-2001 |
Faulkner, Keith |
Deck the Halls |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-24-2001 |
Feehan, Christine |
Dark Dream |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-10-2001 |
Ferguson, Jo Ann |
His Lady Midnight |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-2001 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
An Abundance of Babies |
SSE-1422 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Ferris, Jean |
Of Sound Mind |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fiffer, Sharon |
Killer Stuff |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-2001 |
Flynn, Christine |
Another Man's Children |
SSE-1420 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Forsyth, Frederick |
The Veteran |
Thriller / T |
Sep-01-2001 |
Foster, Lori |
Caught in the Act |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fowler, Terry |
Don't Look Back |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fox, Diane; Fox, Christyan |
Bathtime PiggyWiggy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fox, Holly |
This Way Up |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fox, Paula |
The Western Coast |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Fox, Roz Denny |
Lost but Not Forgotten |
HS-1013 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Franzen, Jonathan |
The Corrections |
Literary / L |
Sep-15-2001 |
Freemantle, Brian |
Hell's Paradise |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Freethy, Barbara |
Some Kind of Wonderful |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |
Friedman, Dawn |
Dance, Annie |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Friedman, Kinky |
Steppin' on a Rainbow |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-01-2001 |
Fusilli, Jim |
Closing Time |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2001 |
Galdone, Paul |
Nursery Classics |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2001 |
Gardiner, Lindsey |
When Poppy and Max Grow Up |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2001 |
Garner, Tracee Lydia |
Family Affairs |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2001 |