This first novel in a magnificent new fantasy series draws upon the rich legends, cultures, and traditions of the East to create an epic tale of kingdoms invaded, nobles enslaved, and a young man's desperate quest to find his family and to face the c...
THE ROAD TO FREEDOM... When Llesho was seven, the Harn invaded his family's mountain kingdom of Thebin. His guards slaughtered, he was carried off and sold into slavery, as far as he knew, the sole survivor of his royal family. At fifteen, he l...
THE PRINCES' QUEST.... Prince Llesho was seven when the Ham invaded his family's mountain kingdom of Thebin. In one devastating attack, these barbarian conquerors stole the lives of his family, his kingdom, and his freedom, selling him into slaver...
As Prince Tayy prepares to assume the leadership of the Qubal clans, treacherous enemies threaten his ascension with dark magic-and only the apprentice shaman destined to be Tayy's bride can save him....