Aberg, Rebecca |
Map Keys |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Aberg, Rebecca |
Latitude and Longitude |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Abraham, Ken; Hart, Daniel |
Numbers |
Thriller / T |
Sep-30-2003 |
Adams, Anna |
The Secret Father |
HS-1154 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Adler, Elizabeth |
The Hotel Riviera |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Agell, Charlotte |
Welcome Home or Someplace Like It |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Agran, Rick |
Pumpkin Shivaree |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-2003 |
Aigner-Clark, Julie |
Baby Santa's Very Merry Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2003 |
Aitken, Judie |
Distant Echoes |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-02-2003 |
Albert, Michele |
Off Limits |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-26-2003 |
Albom, Mitch |
The Five People You Meet in Heaven |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-23-2003 |
Andrews, V.C. |
Midnight Flight |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Applegate, K.A. |
Begin Again |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Ardagh, Philip |
Terrible Times |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Arthur, Randall |
Brotherhood of Betrayal |
Romance / R |
Sep-20-2003 |
Ashman, Linda |
The Essential Worldwide Monster Guide |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Austen, Chuck |
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 3: Holy War |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-15-2003 |
Avi |
The Mayor of Central Park |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Axler, James |
Devil Riders |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-2003 |
Baggott, Julianna |
The Madam |
Historical / H |
Sep-16-2003 |
Bailey, Mary Bryant |
Jeoffry's Halloween |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-03-2003 |
Baker, Kage |
The Empress of Mars |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Baldacci, David |
Split Second |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bandele, Asha |
Daughter |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-16-2003 |
Banker, Ashok K. |
Prince of Ayodhya |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Banks, Leslie Esdaile |
No Mountain High Enough |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Banks, Steven |
The Big Halloween Scare |
RTR1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Banks, Steven |
Special Delivery! |
RTR1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Barbour, Anne |
Miss Prestwick's Crusade |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-02-2003 |
Barrett, Jean |
Cowboy PI |
HI-728 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell |
Nobody's Nosier than a Cat |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Barton, Janet Lee |
Family Ties |
HSNG-562 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Baxter, Charles |
Saul and Patsy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bell, James Scott |
Higher Justice |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2003 |
Benjamin, Curt |
The Gates of Heaven |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-02-2003 |
Benjamin, Peter |
High Ride |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Benton, Jim |
Lunch Walks Among Us |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Berenson, Laurien |
Best in Show |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-2003 |
Betancourt, John Gregory |
Chaos and Amber |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-02-2003 |
Billingsley, ReShonda Tate |
My Brother's Keeper |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Black, Michael A. |
A Killing Frost |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2003 |
Black, Michelle |
The Second Glass of Absinthe |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Sep-01-2003 |
Blackford, Russell |
Times of Trouble |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-26-2003 |
Blayne, Sara |
Stranger in the Night |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Blevins, Meredith |
The Hummingbird Wizard |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2003 |
Blevins, Wiley |
Can You See It? |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Blevins, Win |
So Wild a Dream |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bly, Stephen A. |
Reason & Riots |
Historical / H |
Sep-25-2003 |
Bly, Stephen A. |
Mysterious Robbery on the Utah Plains |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bly, Stephen A. |
Daring Rescue at Sonora Pass |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bly, Stephen A. |
Dangerous Ride Across Humboldt Flats |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bochco, Steven |
Death by Hollywood |
Suspense / S |
Sep-09-2003 |
Boczkowski, Tricia |
SpongeBob SquarePants: Fish Happens! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bond, Felicia |
Poinsettia and the Firefighters |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-16-2003 |
Boniface, William |
Five Little Christmas Trees |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-22-2003 |
Boniface, William |
Five Little Christmas Angels |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-22-2003 |
Boylan, Clare |
Emma Brown |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer |
The Fall of Atlantis |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Bradshaw, Gillian |
Render Unto Caesar |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Braybrooks, Ann |
Funny Hunny Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-09-2003 |
Brenchley, Chaz |
Hand of the King's Evil |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-30-2003 |
Brenchley, Chaz |
Feast of the King's Shadow |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-26-2003 |
Britton, Pamela |
Cowboy Lessons |
HAR-985 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Brockmann, Suzanne |
Night Watch // Wild, Wild Wes |
SIM-1243 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Brockton, Quinn |
Never Tear Us Apart |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Brooke, Lauren |
Darkest Hour |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Brouwer, Sigmund |
The Lies of Saints |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2003 |
Brouwer, Sigmund |
Strunk Soup |
Christian / CH |
Sep-01-2003 |
Brouwer, Sigmund |
Mystery Pennies |
Christian / CH |
Sep-01-2003 |
Browne, Anthony |
The Shape Game |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2003 |
Bujold, Lois McMaster |
Paladin of Souls |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-23-2003 |
Bunting, Eve |
The Presence |
Thriller / T |
Sep-22-2003 |
Bunting, Eve |
My Big Boy Bed |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-22-2003 |
Burke, Betsy |
Lucy's Launderette |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Burke, James Lee |
Last Car to Elysian Fields |
Police Procedural / PP |
Sep-23-2003 |
Burningham, John |
Magic Bed |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-09-2003 |
Burrows, Geraldine |
Stranger in Paradise |
Romance / R |
Sep-02-2003 |
Busbee, Shirlee |
Coming Home |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Butler, John |
Who Says Woof? |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-2003 |
Butterworth, Nick |
Albert the Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-16-2003 |
Byers, Richard Lee |
The Black Bouquet |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Byrd, Nicole |
Widow in Scarlet |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-02-2003 |
Cabrera, Jane |
The Lonesome Polar Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-23-2003 |
Carl, Lillian Stewart |
Lucifer's Crown |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Carleton, Susannah |
A Twist of Fate |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-02-2003 |
Carlson, Melody |
Finding Alice |
Romance / R |
Sep-16-2003 |
Carmichael, C.J. |
Trade Secrets |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Carr, Josephine |
The Dewey Decimal System of Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-02-2003 |
Cash, Megan Montague |
What Makes the Seasons? |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-2003 |
Chall, Marsha Wilson |
Prairie Train |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Chapman, Cindy |
On a Farm |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cherrington, Janelle |
Trick-Or-Treat! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cherryh, C.J. |
At The Edge Of Space (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-02-2003 |
Child, Lauren |
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book? |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Child, Maureen |
Sleeping With The Boss |
SD-1534 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Chittenden, Meg |
More Than You Know |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-02-2003 |
Choi, Susan |
American Woman |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2003 |
Christenberry, Judy |
Hush |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2003 |
Chronicle Books |
Homemade Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cian, David |
Annihilation |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Ciencin, Scott; Ciencin, Denise |
Mortal Fear |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cipriano, Jeri S. |
Harvest Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cipriano, Jeri S. |
Celebrations |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Clark, Carol Higgins |
Popped |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-23-2003 |
Clark, Lucy |
Englishman at Dingo Creek |
MMED-1151 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cleage, Pearl |
Some Things I Never Thought I'd Do |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Clement, Hal |
Noise |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Clement, Peter |
Mortal Remains |
Medical Thriller / MT |
Sep-01-2003 |
Coble, Colleen |
Gold Rush Christmas |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2003 |
Coburn, Walt |
Border Wolves |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-2003 |
Coel, Margaret |
Killing Raven |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-02-2003 |
Cole, David |
Dragonfly Bones |
Suspense / S |
Aug-26-2003 |
Cole, Tobias |
Gold Fever |
Historical / H |
Aug-26-2003 |
Coleman, Jane Candia |
Lost River |
Historical / H |
Sep-02-2003 |
Collins, Colleen |
Let It Bree |
HD-107 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Collins, Colleen |
Can't Buy Me Louie |
HD-107 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Collins, Max Allan |
Quarry's Greatest Hits |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2003 |
Collins, Suzanne |
Gregor the Overlander |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Collins, Terry |
Canine Catastrophe! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Collum, Lynn |
The Bewitched Baron |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-2003 |
Colter, Cara |
What A Woman Should Know |
SR-1685 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Compestine, Ying Chang |
The Story of Paper |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Conway, Madeleine |
Seducing Sybilla |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cooper, Natasha |
A Place of Safety |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Sep-18-2003 |
Cooper, Susan |
Green Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cornelius, Kay |
Toni's Vow |
HSNG-561 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cote, Lyn |
The Preacher's Daughter |
LI-221 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cousins, Lucy |
Maisy's Rainbow Dream |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-2003 |
Coville, Bruce |
The Monsters of Morley Manor |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cowell, Alan S. |
A Walking Guide |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-26-2003 |
Cox, Greg |
Underworld |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-26-2003 |
Coyle, Cleo |
On What Grounds |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Sep-02-2003 |
Coyle, Daniel |
Waking Samuel |
Thriller / T |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cozzens, Tracy |
A 5th Avenue Affair |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Craft, Francine |
Born to Love You |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Craig, Amanda |
Love in Idleness |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Crilley, Mark |
Akiko and the Journey to Toog |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Crombie, Deborah |
Now May You Weep |
Police Procedural / PP |
Sep-01-2003 |
Crook, Jeff |
Dark Thane |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Crouch, Blake |
Desert Places |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cullen, Lynn |
Little Scraggly Hair |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Cusick, Richie Tankersley |
The Unseen |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Czuchlewski, David |
Empire of Light |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dale, Jenny |
Lost and Found |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dale, Jenny |
Hattie and Henry |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Daniel, A.B. |
The Light of Machu Picchu |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Daniels, B.J. |
Guarded Secrets: Hijacked Bride |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-2003 |
Daniels, Rebecca |
Night Talk |
SIM-1247 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Danko, Dan |
Sidekicks |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dann, Patty |
Sweet & Crazy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
DaRif, Andrea |
The Tiger's Mistress |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Darwin, Charles |
On the Origin of Species |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2003 |
David, Peter |
Captain Marvel, Volume 2: Coven |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-29-2003 |
Davis-Goff, Annabel |
The Fox's Walk |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Davis, Lindsey |
The Jupiter Myth |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dawson, Geralyn |
My Big Old Texas Heartache |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
de Brunhoff, Laurent |
Babar Goes to School |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
de Brunhoff, Laurent |
Babar and the Christmas House |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
de Lint, Charles |
Tapping the Dream Tree |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dean, Zoey |
The A-List |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Deans, Sis |
Every Day and All the Time (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Demas, Corinne |
Perfect Pony |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-23-2003 |
Dennis, Patrick |
Around the World With Auntie Mame |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-16-2003 |
Denslow, Sharon Phillips |
All Their Names Were Courage |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2003 |
Dent, Grace |
LBD: It's a Girl Thing |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Denton, Jamie |
Slow Burn |
HT-942 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
DeSoto, Lewis |
A Blade of Grass |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Devane, Terry |
A Stain Upon the Robe |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Sep-01-2003 |
Deveraux, Jude |
Forever and Always |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Devins, Susan |
Christmas Cookies |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-2003 |
Dierbeck, Lisa |
One Pill Makes You Smaller |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Disney Book Group |
Don't Even Go There! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-17-2003 |
Disney Book Group |
Art of the Haunted Mansion |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Disney Book Group |
Brother Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-23-2003 |
Dixon, Collen |
Simon Says |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Doolittle, Sean |
Burn |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dooly, Paige Winship |
Seeking Shade |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Doss, James D. |
Dead Soul |
Police Procedural / PP |
Sep-01-2003 |
Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Femme Fatale |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Sep-01-2003 |
Douglass, Sara |
Threshold |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Doyle, Roddy |
Rory & Ita (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-30-2003 |
Drake, David |
Goddess of the Ice Realm |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-2003 |
Driscoll, Laura |
Think Big, Vote Little! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-16-2003 |
Drummond, Allan |
The Flyers |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-06-2003 |
Duarte, Judy |
Big Sky Baby |
SSE-1563 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dubowski, Mark |
Horse Named Seabiscuit |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-2003 |
Due, Tananarive |
The Good House |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Dunn, Mark |
Welcome to Higby |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Durand, Delphine |
Peter Claus and the Naughty List |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-09-2003 |
Dykes, Kristy |
The Tender Heart |
HSNG-564 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-2003 |
Earls, Nick |
Two to Go |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Eberstadt, Fernanda |
The Furies |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-09-2003 |
Eccles, Marjorie |
Echoes of Silence |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Sep-01-2003 |
Edens, Cooper |
'Tis the Season |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Edwards, Julie Andrews |
Dumpy and the Firefighters |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-2003 |
Egan, Kate |
Good Boy!: Dog's Best Friend |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-02-2003 |
Eige, Lillian |
Dangling |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-2003 |