An overweight, bumbling ex-actor named Shakespeare and a boy named Silk are occasionally helped by an assortment of mountain people and Indians as they attempt to rescue a maiden and become knights in buckskin...
An adventurer's story told as never before. The Los Angeles Times. Imagine ... Exploration and the grace to surrender to the dark, delicious grasp of a river. Native Americans, the first few white people who dared to explore the West, and the settler...
RIVERS WEST Native Americans, hunters and trappers, pioneer families--all who braved the American West drew their very lives and fortunes from the great rivers. From the earliest days of the untamed frontier to the dawn of the twentieth century, her...
Those who followed the treacherous, sidewinding course of the Snake were carried to some of the most beautiful country on earth: the untouched Pacific Northwest. Flare O'Flaherty--son of Ireland, mountain trapper, and gambler--agrees to lead a group ...
RIVERS WEST is one of the most exciting frontier series of our time...tales of mountain men and intrepid women, pioneer families and Native American warriors. Here is the story of North America in all its awesome splendor. THE HIGH MISSOURI They...
"The life of Crazy Horse, the greatest war chief of the Sioux Indian nation, is the subject of this MOVING AND AUTHENTICALLY DETAILED novel....Crazy Horse eagerly embraced the traditional warrior's skills, honor and purpose....Adorned with his distin...
Asie Taylor is a half-blood Indian raised by Mormons, a gifted musician and a sharp-tongued philosopher; Sun Moon is a Tibetan nun who has been kidnapped and sold into prostitution in California. Each is on the run--Asie toward his heritage and the s...
In following the white man's road, Joseph Blue Crow has lost his Lakota heritage and is haunted by the loss. After the inexplicable suicide of the woman he loves, and as he sinks into alcoholism and despair and stands on the precipice of suicide, his...
Pennsylvania farmboy Sam Morgan learns the mountain man's perilous trade when, in 1822, he joins a fur brigade headed by keelboat to the trackless country of the Upper Missouri River. Sam is youthful and inexperienced but also strong, daring, and a q...
Young Sam Morgan, serving his apprenticeship as a mountain man in the Rocky Mountains in the early 1820s, searches for Meadowlark, the Crow Indian girl he loves. At the Wind River village of Meadowlark's people, Sam finds her being courted by a Crow ...
Young Sam Morgan, the Pennsylvania runaway and now a seasoned Rocky Mountain trapper, joins a brigade led by Jedediah Smith, greatest mountain man of them all, heading west for the Mexican province of Alta California.
With Sam on this dangerou...
FOLLOWING THE DEATH IN CHILDBIRTH of his Crow Indian wife, Meadowlark, Sam Morgan flees Mexican-controlled California. But Sam, a young Pennsylvanian who is rising from teenage runaway to redoubtable mountain man, is haunted by Meadowlark's death and...
A decade has passed since Sam Morgan of Pennsylvania ran away from disappointments at home and joined the rough-and-tumble life of a mountain man in the Far West. In those ten years, Sam has made his mark as a trapper, fighter, and survivor. Sam has...
Eighteen years have passed since Sam Morgan came West from Pennsylvania and learned the perilous business of trapping in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. Now, in 1840, he seems to face a bleak future. The fur trade has played out and he must...
High jinks, close calls, and adventures worthy of Don Quixote abound in this light-hearted romp through the West from Win Blevins, winner of the Owen Wister Award for Lifetime Contributions to Western Literature
Shakespeare, a form...
As the son of the fur trapper and the Shoshone woman, Sacajawea, who were guides for the Lewis and Clark expedition, Charbonneau was a man divided between worlds. As a result, his life took a series of astonishing turns and left him painfully torn...
The epic story of Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau, son of Sacajawea, and his quest to unite the two worlds in which he was raised: posh European society and the mystic American wilderness
The son of two of Lewis and Clark’s guides -- S...
Winner of the Spur Award and a nominee for the Pulitzer Prize: This classic tale of the West has been heralded by the Dallas Morning News as “a deeply spiritual story about the soul journey of a great and mysterious American hero”
For more than thirty years, the mountain men explored the Great American West, opening the gates of the mountains for the wagon trains of pioneers who followed them. Win Blevins' GIVE YOUR HEART TO THE HAWKS is a poetic tribute to their incredible ad...