After destroying SkyNet, Sarah Connor and her son are convinced they have altered the future forever, but when another Terminator appears bent on killing John, they realize they have not quite finished the job yet. Original. (A novel based on the pop...
Judgment Day is coming! Following the events of Book 1 (Dark Futures), the future war between the human Resistance and the forces of Skynet takes an unusual twist as Terminators from an alternate timeline invade the world of John Connor and his mothe...
As the genocidal war between humankind and intelligent machines reaches its epic climax, John Connor and his mother Sarah become caught in the middle of a battle that rages through time and across dimensions, with the fate of two worlds at stake. Ori...
Jack Denham, grandson of moviemaker Carl Denham (who brought Kong to New York in 1933) clashes with a ruthless business magnate, Carlton Hemming, as both attempt to clone the giant ape, Kong, from blood samples discovered by a high-steel worker in 19...