Abbott, Tony |
Kringle |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Abnett, Dan |
The Real Ghostbusters: A Hard Day's Fright |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Aboff, Marcie |
Santa's Big Red Helper |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Aboff, Marcie |
Shrek the Halls |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Adair, Cherry |
Snowball's Chance |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-25-2005 |
Adams, Kylie |
The Good Girl's Guide To A Very Bad Christmas |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Adler, David A. |
Bones and the Dinosaur Mystery |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2005 |
Aidan, Pamela |
These Three Remain |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-28-2005 |
Aikman, David |
Qi |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Alers, Rochelle |
Shepherd Moon |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Alexander, Carly |
The Secret Life of Mrs. Claus // Charming Christmas |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Alexander, Tasha |
And Only to Deceive |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Oct-11-2005 |
Alexander, Victoria |
Let It Be Love |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-25-2005 |
Altom, Laura Marie |
Saving Joe // Hunted |
HAR-1086 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Amado, Jorge |
Gabriela |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-2005 |
Angelou, Maya |
Cedric of Jamaica |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Anthony, Piers |
Pet Peeve |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Armstrong, Lindsay |
The Rich Man's Virgin |
MMR-512 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Ashley, Jennifer |
The Single Girl's Guide to Christmas |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Atkins, Charles |
The Cadaver's Ball |
Thriller / T |
Oct-01-2005 |
Atkinson, Deborah Turrell |
The Green Room |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2005 |
Atwood, Margaret |
The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-11-2005 |
Austin, Lynn / Austin, Lynn N. |
All She Ever Wanted |
Christian / CH |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bagdasarian, Adam |
First French Kiss |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Baker, Madeline |
Dakota Dreams |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Baldacci, David |
The Camel Club |
Thriller / T |
Oct-25-2005 |
Banerjee, Anjali |
Imaginary Men |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Banks, Kate |
Friends of the Heart |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-07-2005 |
Banks, Leanne |
Santa Slave |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-25-2005 |
Barasch, Lynne |
Ask Albert Einstein |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-07-2005 |
Barbieri, Elaine |
Silent Awakening |
HI-873 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-11-2005 |
Barr, Suzanne |
Sight Unseen |
Mystery / M |
Oct-03-2005 |
Barron, T.A. |
Shadows on the Stars |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Oct-06-2005 |
Bartolomeo, Christina |
Snowed In |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bartoy, Mitchell |
The Devil's Own Rag Doll |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bateman, Colin |
Bring Me the Head of Oliver Plunkett |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-11-2005 |
Bateman, Tracey Victoria / Bateman, Tracey |
The Color of the Soul |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bateson, Maggie |
My Fairy Winter Wonderland |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-21-2005 |
Baxter, Mary Lynn |
Evening Hours |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Benson, Kate |
Two Harbors |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-2005 |
Benton, Jim |
What's Your Sign? |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bergen, Lara |
The Christmas Bandit |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-04-2005 |
Betts, Heidi |
When The Lights Go Down |
SD-1686 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Bevarly, Elizabeth |
You've Got Male |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Bick, Ilsa J. |
Wounds, Book 2 (e) |
Space Opera / SO |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bicos, Olga |
Deadly Impulse |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-01-2005 |
Billerbeck, Kristin |
She's All That |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-04-2005 |
Bingham, Charlotte |
Friday's Girl |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Birdsell, Donna |
Falcon's Mistress |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-04-2005 |
Birmingham, John |
Designated Targets |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bishop, Laurie |
When Horses Fly |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-04-2005 |
Bittner, Rosanne |
Follow Your Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Black, Daniel |
They Tell Me of a Home |
Literary / L |
Oct-01-2005 |
Blackford, Russell |
Kong Reborn |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Blackwood, Gary |
Second Sight |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Blaine, Chris |
Dark Whispers |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-04-2005 |
Blanc, Nero |
A Crossworder's Delight |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2005 |
Blegvad, Lenore |
Kitty and Mr. Kipling |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Bodwell, Teresa |
Loving Miranda |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bolen, Cheryl |
One Golden Ring |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bolme, Edward |
The Orb of Xoriat |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bond, Rebecca (1) |
City Christmas Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-05-2005 |
Bond, Stephanie |
In Deep Voodoo |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bondoux, Anne-Laure |
The Second Life of Linus Hoppe |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Boyle, Elizabeth |
This Rake of Mine |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-25-2005 |
Bradley, Celeste |
Surrender to a Wicked Spy |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-04-2005 |
Brand, Max |
Twisted Bars |
Historical / H |
Oct-03-2005 |
Brandon, Jay |
Running with the Dead |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Oct-01-2005 |
Brandt, Beverly |
Nothing But the Truth |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Braver, Gary |
Flashback |
Thriller / T |
Oct-01-2005 |
Brendan, Mary |
The Rake and the Rebel |
MHR-954 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Brennan, Caitlin |
Song of Unmaking |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-27-2005 |
Brightwell, Emily |
Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Oct-01-2005 |
Brine, Don |
The Da Vinci Cod |
Suspense / S |
Oct-18-2005 |
Britton, Pamela |
Big Bad Santa |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-25-2005 |
Broadrick, Annette |
Danger Becomes You |
SD-1682 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Brooks, Bill |
The Big Gundown |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2005 |
Brothers, Chamberlain |
The Gingerbread Lighthouse |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-04-2005 |
Brown, Josie |
True Hollywood Lies |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Browne, N.M. |
The Story of Stone |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Browning, Dixie |
First Time Home |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Buck, Gayle |
Christmas Cheer: A Novella |
Romance / R |
Oct-04-2005 |
Buckingham, Mark |
Spectacular Spider-Man, Volume 6: The Final Curtain |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Oct-19-2005 |
Buckley, Michael |
The Unusual Suspects |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Buckley, Michael |
The Fairy-Tale Detectives |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Buick, Jeff |
Lethal Dose |
Thriller / T |
Sep-30-2005 |
Burr, Daniela |
A Chick Thing |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-06-2005 |
Bush, Nancy |
Candy Apple Red |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2005 |
Bushnell, Candace |
Lipstick Jungle |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Busiek, Kurt |
Iron Man: the Iron Age Book 2 Of 2 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-2005 |
Butler, Nancy |
Christmas With Dora Davenport |
Romance / R |
Oct-04-2005 |
Butler, Octavia E. |
Fledgling |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-04-2005 |
Bynum, Janie |
Santa Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-05-2005 |
Byrd, Adrianne |
Wishing on a Starr |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Byrd, Nicole |
Gilding the Lady |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Cach, Lisa |
Return to Sender |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Calhoun, Dia |
The Phoenix Dance |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-11-2005 |
Callahan, Pete |
Engage and Destroy |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-2005 |
Capote, Truman |
Summer Crossing |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Carroll, Jonathan |
Glass Soup |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Carroll, Marisa |
Marriage By Necessity |
HS-1306 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Carter, Timothy |
Attack of the Intergalactic Soul Hunters |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-08-2005 |
Castell, Dianne |
A Fabulous Husband |
HAR-1088 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Castellani, Christopher |
The Saint of Lost Things |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-30-2005 |
Ceely, Jonatha |
Bread and Dreams |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Celmer, Michelle |
Round-The-Clock Temptation |
SD-1683 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Chapman, Janet |
Only With a Highlander |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Charles, Kate |
Evil Intent |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Oct-01-2005 |
Christenberry, Judy |
The Texan's Suite Romance |
SR-1787 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Christie, William |
Threat Level |
Thriller / T |
Oct-01-2005 |
Ciencin, Scott |
Masters of Mayhem |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-2005 |
Ciencin, Scott |
The Legend of Zorro |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-27-2005 |
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Volume 7 |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-25-2005 |
xxxHolic, Volume 6 |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-25-2005 |
Cleary, Rita |
Calling The Wind |
Historical / H |
Oct-03-2005 |
Clegg, Douglas |
The Priest of Blood |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-04-2005 |
Clevenger, Craig |
Dermaphoria |
Thriller / T |
Oct-09-2005 |
Coburn, Jake |
Lovesick |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Coetzee, J.M. |
Slow Man |
Literary / L |
Oct-01-2005 |
Coleman, Loren L. |
Fortress Republic |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Colfer, Eoin |
Legend of Captain Crow's Teet |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Connelly, Michael |
The Lincoln Lawyer |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Oct-03-2005 |
Conrad, Linda |
A Scandalous Melody |
SD-1684 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Cook, Gloria |
Never Just a Memory |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Cooney, Caroline B. |
Code Orange |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Coonts, Stephen; DeFelice, Jim |
Payback |
Thriller / T |
Oct-01-2005 |
Cornick, Nicola |
The Season for Suitors |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Cornwell, Patricia |
Predator |
Medical Thriller / MT |
Oct-25-2005 |
Cote, Lyn |
Bette |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Cote, Nancy |
It's All about Me! |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-06-2005 |
Couloumbis, Audrey |
The Misadventures of Maude March |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2005 |
Coville, Bruce |
The Weeping Werewolf |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Cox, Greg |
The Road Not Taken |
Thriller / T |
Oct-04-2005 |
Coyle, Harold |
Cat and Mouse |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-2005 |
Crane, Megan |
Everyone Else's Girl |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-21-2005 |
Crawford, Isis |
A Catered Christmas |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Oct-01-2005 |
Curtis, Christopher Paul |
Mr. Chickee's Funny Money |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2005 |
Daley, Margaret |
The Cinderella Plan |
LI-320 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Daniels, B.J. |
When Twilight Comes |
HI-876 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-01-2005 |
Darty, Peggy |
When the Sandpiper Calls |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-18-2005 |
David, Kay |
Not Without Her Son |
HS-1303 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Davies, Freda |
Flawed Scales |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Davis, Edith Kunhardt |
Pat The Christmas Bunny |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Davis, Lexi |
Pretty Evil |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Oct-11-2005 |
Davis, Mary Eileen |
The Island |
HSNG-669 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Davis, Stephie |
Smart Boys & Fast Girls |
Romance / R |
Sep-30-2005 |
de Teliga, Louise |
Fashion Slaves |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
De Vita, Sharon |
About The Boy |
SSE-1715 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Dean, Zoey |
The A-List Collection |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-05-2005 |
Defoe, Gideon |
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Ahab |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Dermansky, Marcy |
Twins |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Despres, Loraine |
The Bad Behavior of Belle Cantrell |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2005 |
Deveraux, Jude |
First Impressions |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
DeVito, Joe; Strickland, Brad |
Merian C. Cooper's King Kong |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Diehl, A.J. |
The Mind Box |
Mystery / M |
Oct-08-2005 |
Dietz, William C. |
Runner |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Diggs, Anita Doreen |
The Other Side of the Game |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Dodd, Christina |
My Fair Temptress |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Doherty, Robert |
Section 8 |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-2005 |
Dokey, Cameron |
Picture Perfect |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-27-2005 |
Doss, James D. |
Shadow Man |
Police Procedural / PP |
Oct-01-2005 |
Dowswell, Paul |
Powder Monkey |
Historical / H |
Oct-14-2005 |
Driggs, Scout |
Edmund and the White Witch |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Druett, Joan |
Shark Island |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2005 |
Duane, Diane |
Wizards at War |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Dunkle, Clare B. |
In the Coils of the Snake |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2005 |
Eachus, Jennifer |
Angel: A Tale of Wonder |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-11-2005 |
Egan, Kate |
Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe: The Movie Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Eggers, Dave |
How We Are Hungry |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-11-2005 |
Elliott, Sarah |
Reforming the Rake |
HH-774 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Elwood, Roger |
Wolf's Lair |
Thriller / T |
Oct-01-2005 |
English, Karen |
The Baby on the Way |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-06-2005 |
Ennis, Garth |
Punisher MAX, Vol. 1 |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Erlick, Nelson |
The Xeno Solution |
Thriller / T |
Oct-01-2005 |
Estay, Heather |
It's Never Too Late to Get a Life |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-27-2005 |
Evans, Jonathan |
The Blood Price |
Suspense / S |
Oct-11-2005 |
Evans, Nicholas |
The Divide |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Evans, Richard Paul |
The Sunflower |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and Kilgore's Revenge |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2005 |
Farago, Gina |
Ivy Cole And the Moon |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Federici, Debbie Tanner |
Sign of the Crescent |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-08-2005 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
She's Having A Baby |
SSE-1713 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Fetzer, Amy J. |
Secret Nights At Nine Oaks |
SD-1685 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Field, Sandra |
His One-Night Mistress |
HP-2494 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Fields, Alicia |
Fatal Attraction: Aphrodite's Tale |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Fleisher, Donna |
Warrior's Heart |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-09-2005 |
Fletcher, Jessica; Bain, Donald |
Margaritas and Murder |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Oct-01-2005 |
Flinn, Elaine |
Deadly Collection |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2005 |
Flynn, Vince |
Consent to Kill |
Political Thriller / PT |
Oct-11-2005 |
Ford, Clyde W. |
The Long Mile |
Mystery / M |
Oct-08-2005 |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Running from the Deity |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Foster, Lori |
White Knight Christmas |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2005 |
Fox, Roz Denny |
The Secret Wedding Dress |
HAR-1087 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2005 |
Frampton, Megan |
A Singular Lady |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-04-2005 |
Francome, John |
Dead Weight |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2005 |
Frank, E.R. |
Wrecked |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2005 |
Franken, Al |
The Truth |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |
Frantz, Jennifer |
Welcome to Narnia |
ICR2 |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-25-2005 |