The volumes of The Black Book take us inside the mind of outwardly unassuming Jonah Black: Faithfully reproduced in the manner of the original diary, they comprise a no-holds-barred, darkly comic tale of one teenager's inner life. Jonah chronicle...
"Not since American Pie has there been a more honest portrayal of the American teenage boy and his desires."-- Honor Elspeth "Honey" Black"Fantasy and reality are all the same to Jonah Black. Freud would have had a field day."-- Dr. Leonard Larue, Ph...
"Jonah Black broke my heart"-- Cecily Lachoy"Dude's got integrity, and he dives like a king. He's my idol."-- Woodrow "Wailer" Contrad"Jonah Black cracked his skull open over a girl. You gotta admire a kid who does a thing like that." -- Herman "Pops...
"Jonah still doesn't know who I am, and it's driving me crazy."-- Northgirl999"Watch it, Jonah Black. You're a good diver, but you're not that good."-- Lamar Jameson"My son's diary is a testament to the fact that young people today need to be nicer t...
Volume IV continues what began with the first three installments of Jonah Black's diary: the no-holds-barred, darkly comic tale of one teenager's inner life. Teens will find a new kind of hero in Jonah: one whose acute observations mirror their own. ...