Laura Heaven knows how it feels to your age. Laura Heaven knows what happens when you listen to Saint Scott Walker on the bus. Laura Heaven knows about lust, etc. In the fifth of their stories set in a single club night, the critically acclaimed PHON...
Who will win the Crown of Destruction? The Skaven dominate the underworld and when their verminous horde marches, it can take all the forces of man to turn it back. When the Clan Skryre's infernal machinery faces a small, isolated Empire army, the be...
Galactus! He's devoured worlds since the dawn of the Universe. Consuming the Korbinites' home was nothing special. But for Beta Ray Bill - oathbrother to Thor and the Korbinites' defender - it was a failure of his life's duty... and has given him a c...
Ares - the God of War! His relentless brutality and his bloodthirsty drive to attain victory at any cost earned him only scorn from his fellow gods in the Greek pantheon, and exile from Olympus. After thousands of years living as a man and fighting i...
The second series of Phonogram separates itself from the frenzied mob of adoring critics just long enough to transform into this handsome collected volume. Seven individual-yet-interconnected stories set in a single night in a single club, each stari...
Collects Thor #604-606 & Sif #1. What secret weapon has Doom wrought with secrets plundered from Asgard?! And whose side is the duplicitous Loki truly on? Can Thor and Balder save their people? Also, finally restored to her own body, Sif sets out...
Collects Siege: Captain America #1, Siege: Loki #1, Siege: Secret Warriors #1, Siege: Spider-Man #1, Siege: Young Avengers #1. We all know how the Avengers are involved in Siege, now five action-packed stories reveal how Osborn's plan sends shockwave...
Collects Thor #607-610, Siege: Loki & New Mutants #11. Asgard lies under SIEGE! As the evil eye of Norman Osborn falls on Asgard, what happens to neighboring Broxton, Oklahoma? And what unlikely heroes will rise to the town's defense? The Asgard...
Collects Thor #611-614 & Thor #179-181. A crafty loophole in Loki's contract with Hela allows Mephisto, the lord of Hell and the D'sir's new master, to unleash the carnivorous killers on Asgard again. Plus: In a classic tale from the titanic tri...
When a suicide bomber strikes in downtown San Francisco, it gets the immediate attention of the X-Men. But this is not your garden variety terrorist - and he's not acting alone. Vampires from around the globe are descending en masse on the City by th...
Collects Generation Hope #1-5. When Hope Summers returned from the future, she triggered the rebirth of the mutant gene. Five lights appeared on Cerebra, and five mutants' powers came to life -- but their activations have been chaotic and dangerou...
Collects Uncanny X-Men #534.1 and #535-539. Magneto is an X-Man. This may not be news to you, but only a handful in the Marvel Universe know that the poster boy for Fearing Mutants is now living just off the coast of one of the United State's largest...
Loki has woven his intricate scheming throughout every level of Thor's existence. From Asgard to Oklahoma, from Latveria to Hell, the Trickster has involved the likes of Dr. Doom, Hela, Norman Osborn and even Mephisto to meet his sinister goals. But ...
The mutants of the future finally come to understand the real sad meaning of mutantkind's past as a day trip from Utopia takes a tragic, bloody turn. In the wake of SCHISM's first casualties, can Generation Hope even exist anymore? Plus: A new light ...
Spider-Man...for hire? With Paladin in deep trouble, Misty Knight's operation only has one agent in the streets: Spider-Man! But the wise-cracking wall-crawler is up to his neck in trouble with the all-new, all-deadly Scorpion! Who else can Misty dep...
Collects Uncanny X-Men #1-4. Earth’s mightiest mutants! In the wake of Schism, Cyclops leads a team of X-Men whose express purpose is to deal with extinction-level events. Meet the X-Men’s “Extinction Team”: Storm, Emma Frost, Magneto, Namor...
Collects Uncanny X-Men #5-10. Still learning how to handle the team he gathered after the X-Men's Schism, Cyclops must send his X-Men to investigate a new area of the Marvel Universe known as. . . TABULA RASA!....
Collects Journey Into Mystery #626.1 & 627-631. Only Loki can save us! Fear has taken hold of the planet, and Earth's only hope is that Thor can fulfill an ancient prophecy and destroy the Serpent ó at the cost of his own life. It's a plan that'...
The shadow of Fear Itself looms over Asgard, and only Loki holds the key to stopping the impending war between Odin's army and the Serpent! With Thor imprisoned by the All-Father, and the rest of Asgard mistrustful of the young reincarnation of the g...
Collects Journey Into Mystery #632-636. The stage is set for a deadly new year, as the most unpopular boy in Asgard receives a certain fourpawed fire-breathing present. What will Loki do with this most unwelcome gift? Then, fallout from Fear Itself l...
Collects Uncanny X-Men #11-14. Avengers vs. X-Men! The Marvel Universe's two most powerful teams battle over the fate of Hope Summers. With the cosmically destructive Phoenix Force drawing ever closer to Earth, the planet's heroes have chosen sides, ...
Collects Journey into Mystery #639-641, The Mighty Thor Annual #1. The MANCHESTER GODS dread URBAN PANTHESISM arises in the north of Otherworld, the British Subconscious! Don't look panicked. We just mean "Civil War". A Civil War that Asgardia refuse...
Collects Uncanny X-Men (2010) #15-20. AVX tie-in! The X-Men make their stand against the forces of Sinister in the culmination of everything the mad geneticist has planned since UNCANNY #1! Then, as the Phoenix makes its fiery return, Cyclops and Emm...
Collects AVX: Consequences #1-5. One team wins. One team loses. But everybody pays! Spinning directly out of the stunning conclusion of AVX, find out what happens next! Where do the Avengers and the X-Men go from here?...
Picture this: Tony Stark. In space. In a bar. With ladies. What could go wrong? Plus: is Tony guilty of a crime he's not even aware of? Tune in NOW! for the shocking start of an all-new, all-different direction for the Armored Avenger, helmed by supe...
Collects Young Avengers #1-5, Marvel Now! Point One (Young Avengers story). Legacy isn't a dirty word… but it's an irrelevant one. It's not important what our parents did. It matters what WE do. Someone has to save the world. You're someone. Do th...
Collects Iron Man (2012) #6-11. Tony Stark. In space. In a bar. With ladies. What could go wrong? Tune in NOW! as the Armored Avenger reaps the surprising consequences of his role in AVX! Plus: The story that will shake Iron Man to his very core sta...
Collects Young Avengers (2013) #6-10. Ever wonder what the super hero equivalent of a terrible soul-sucking, talent-wasting temp job is? Wonder what Tommy (aka Speed) has been up to? Wonder why mutant David Alleyne (aka Prodigy) hasn't been even in t...
Collects Young Avengers (2013) #11-15. They say you can never go home. For the Young Avengers, that's not true. They can go home - it's just that if they do, the universe may end. Better not go home then, eh? (Wait, what are you doing, Young Avengers...
Collects Iron Man (2012) #18-22 and #20.INH. Tony Stark has returned from space with a vision of a better world. But who is his secret ally, what is his secret resource -- and who would try to stop him? It’s the grand unveiling of the core of Tro...
Collects Origin II #1-5. A new chapter in the secret origin of one of Marvel’s most mysterious characters is revealed, by superstars Kieron Gillen (THOR) and Adam Kubert (AVX)! A few years after the events of ORIGIN finds James “Logan” Howlett ...
Collects Iron Man (2012) #23-28. An all-new epic begins! Malekith the Accursed, lord of the Dark Elves, has a problem with Iron Man. Then again, Malekith the Accursed has a problem with pretty much everyone on Earth. And when Malekith the Accursed st...
Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop s...
All her life, Angela ó the finest warrior of Heven ó was raised to hate Asgard with every fiber of her being. And now Angela knows the truth about her identity: She is Thor's sister. She is an Asgardian. Cast out of her home and wanting nothing to ...
Collects Darth Vader #1-6. The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader's first on-screen appearance, he has become one of pop-culture's most popular villains. Now, follow Vader straight from the ending...
“If you can stomach it, you should be reading Crossed right now.” --
Spinning out of Crossed C-Day 2015, one of the hottest writers in all of comics makes his mark on Garth Ennis' world of ...
Collects Darth Vader (2015) #7-12. Bounty Hunters on the attack--against the Empire! Vader has a new mission to do for the Empire. Unfortunately, it's completely at odds with his own mission. What's a Dark Lord to do? Plus: Who is Tagge's mysterious ...
Ananke is dead. What do the gods do? Whatever they want. What can go wrong? Everything. Literally, everything. The bestselling, critically acclaimed comic by KIERON GILLEN, JAMIE McKELVIE, and MATTHEW WILSON reaches its Imperial Phase, with copious ...
Kieron Gillen blasts into an all new epic sci-fi series, Mercury Heat! Over the last few years, Gillen's work has gained a massive following from titles like Uber, The Wicked and the Divine, and Iron Man. Now he takes you to Mercury, a slow turning p...
The creators of the award-winning THE WICKED + THE DIVINE return to their founding critical smash-hit, PHONOGRAM: THE IMMATERIAL GIRL. In a world where music is magic, phonomancer Emily Aster sold half her personality for power. Now, after a decade o...
They can't ever win. They can't afford to lose. Together they stand on the Shield - the wall that stretches around Battleworld, protecting the more civilized domains from the dead lands filled with zombies, Ultrons and the Annihilation Wave. Anyone w...
KIERON GILLEN, JAMIE McKELVIE, and MATTHEW WILSON return with an Eisner Award-nominated modern fantasy where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. Revel in the opulence of this oversized hardback! Revel in it! Collects ...
The unstoppable march of the Dark Lord of the Sith continues! The natives of the planet Shu-Torin are revolting. And there's no way the Empire will stand for that. Darth Vader is tasked with leading a military assault against Shu-Torin! Could it be t...
Darth Vader meets with Jabba the Hutt to hire bounty hunters Boba Fett and Black Krrsantan to help him pursue a personal vengeance against the rebels and investigate the Emperor's secret machinations....
Following the Emperor''s instructions, Darth Vader reports to Grand General Tagge, who sends him on a mission to explore a pirated ship. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO.
Darth Vader enlists Aphra, a weapons scavenger, Triple Zero, a droid that enjoys torturing people a little too much, and BT-1, a homicidal assassin droid, to help him build an army. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standard...
On Geonosis, Darth Vader, Aphra, Triple Zero, and BT-1 explore a droid factory, and a bounty hunter returns with news for Vader? the Emperor plans on replacing him! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a...
After breaking into a secret base, Darth Vader comes face-to-face with his replacements who have mysterious Force-like abilities. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO.
Darth Vader battles his replacements under the close eye of the Emperor, and later learns the identity of a certain Rebel pilot that blew up the Death Star. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a divisio...
Can disgraced Greatsword Frohlich stop the verminous hordes of the Skaven?Whenever the Chaos-vermin skaven rise from their endless burrows, they always have a vile purpose in mind, so when a vast skaven horde equipped with unfathomable weaponry swe...
6,000 years of secrets, finally revealed. It’s going to be okay. For a certain value of “okay.” The final volume of the commercial pop sensation is so momentous, it can’t be held in one volume. Join us for this oversized two-book package that...
Darth Vader has been secretly pursuing his own agenda, but now it is time for the End of Games. As Inspector Thanoth returns with some startling information, it seems that Vader may have passed his master's tests. But even after finding favor in the ...
Aphra teams up with some bounty hunters to steal from an Imperial shuttle, and Vader is tasked with finding the thieves. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO....
While Vader covers up his tracks that connect him to Aphra, she hunts down more information about the Rebel pilot. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO....
When Aphra's meeting with The Ante to learn more about Luke Skywalker is interrupted by Imperial troops, Vader tries to help her escape. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO....
Vader abandons his mission to deal with a greater threat, and later confronts Aphra for keeping information about Luke Skywalker from him. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO....
With Vader and Luke stranded amongst Vrogas Vas's ruins, Leia orders the troops to destroy Vader, while Han searches for Luke, who is exploring a Jedi Temple. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division...
Black Krrsantan attacks Han and Chewbacca, Luke rushes to save Leia, and Commander Karbin arrives to destroy Vader. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO....
Darth Vader duels with Commander Karbin, while Aphra and her droids race to kidnap Luke before the Rebels can reach him. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO....
The adventures of Luke Skywalker and friends continue! The Rebel crew is en route to a prison base with a very important captive. But unluckily for them, they aren't the only ones with their eyes on this prize! Then, take a walk on the Dark Side with...
The gods are free to do whatever they want. Inevitably, they do. Collects issues 23-28 of the series, including the critically lauded Kevin Wada magazine issue.
Collects Doctor Aphra #1-6. Following her time in the clutches of Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra has barely escaped with her life. If the Dark Lord of the Sith ever learns of her survival, he’ll hunt her to the ends of the galaxy. But for now, it’s ti...
Kieron Gillen's complete epic! The god of lies has been reborn, but will young Loki be Asgard's savior? For when Earth is gripped by Fear Itself, ancient prophecy says only Thor can stop the monstrous threat of the Serpent - but the plan is doomed to...
Kieron Gillen continues to deliver one of the most original sci-fi horror stories in all of comics. Luiza is a borderline psychopath who uses her unique psych profile to engage in over-the-top cybernetic bounty hunting. After saving the Mercury colon...
One of the greatest antagonists in all of fi ction rises again! Fresh from a stinging defeat at the hands of the Rebel Alliance, Darth Vader must reassert the Empire's iron grip on the galaxy. But will his personal desire for vengeance against the yo...
A rebel pilot and a rogue archaeologist delve into the darkest shadows of the galaxy side by side, as Luke Skywalker reluctantly teams up with Doctor Aphra! The not-so-good Doctor will make Luke an offer he can't afford to pass that leads hi...
When you're at the peak of your powers, there's only one way to go. The question becomes " how many people are you willing to drag down with you?
The bestselling, critically-...
Collects Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #913, Annual #1. Aphra's back with a brandnew plan that's guaranteed to pay! There's just one teensy problem... it involves surrounding herself with some of the galaxy's biggest baddies. And they don't like the notsog...
Kieron Gillen's reimagining of superpowers and history is back with America under attack! In the waning days of World War II, the Germans discovered a way to enhance soldiers into unstoppable monsters. With these weapons Hitler conquered all of Europ...
Collects Star Wars (2015) #38-43. The possibility of the Death Star changed everything. But its destruction proved that the Empire is not irresistible. The specter of the devastating weapon brought together a patchwork cloth of people, united in hope...
Contains Four exhilarating stand alone Bond stories from superstar creators.
SERVICE: In contemporary politics, where Britain's world standing is often more zero than 007, an assassin plans to exterminate the "special relationship," and lea...
Collecting Star Wars (2015) #44-49. The Rebel Alliance sets its sights on strengthening its forces by growing its numbers. But with a greater number of recruits comes discord and dissidence. Can Princess Leia, with help from Han and Luke, forge one t...
In the past: awful stuff. In the present: awful stuff. But, increasingly: answers.
Collects THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #34-39
In the past: awful stuff. In the present: awful stuff. But, increasingly: answers. Collects THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #34-39...
Ananke is dead. What do the gods do? Whatever they want. What can go wrong? Everything. Literally, everything.
The bestselling, critically...
Modernist poets, Godly Romantics, what really happened during the fall of Rome, and the Lucifer who was a medieval nun… Also includes the delights of the WicDiv Christmas Annual and the Comedy Special. Collects all six of THE WICKED + THE DIVINE’...
Collecting S.W.O.R.D. #1-5, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #534.1 And #535-544, X-Men: Regenesis And Uncanny X-Men (2011) #1-3. Kieron Gillen steers the X-Men through FEAR ITSELF, SCHISM and REGENESIS! Beast and Abigail Brand must save the alien-monitoring S.W...
Collects Thor (2007) #604-614, Siege: Loki And New Mutants (2009) #11. Loki has woven his intricate scheming throughout every level of Thor’s existence. From Asgard to Oklahoma, from Latveria to Hell, the Trickster has involved the likes of Doctor ...
Collects Star Wars (2015) #56-61. You can escape the horror of the galaxy -- but only for a while. In the wake of disaster, our heroes are on the run from a resurgent Galactic Empire. Unable to escape the patrols, they find themselves trapped on a ...
THE WICKED + THE DIVINE writer KIERON GILLEN teams up with artist supernova STEPHANIE HANS (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, Journey Into Mystery) for her first ongoing comic! DIE is a pitch-black fantasy where a group of forty-something adults have to...
"''s Best Comics of2018
THE WICKED + THE DIVINE writerKIERON GILLEN teams up with artist supernova STEPHANIE HANS (WicDiv, JourneyInto Mystery) for her first ongoing comic. DIE is a p...
Collects Star Wars (2015) #62-67. Kieron Gillen's run reaches its cataclysmic end! With her planet under threat, a brave royal battles to save it! No, not Princess Leia - this time it's Queen Trios of Shu-Torun, ally to Darth Vader and the Empire! An...
When a group of Nationalists use an ancient artifact to bring a villain from Arthurian myth back from the dead to gain power, ex-monster hunter Bridgette McGuire escapes her retirement home and pulls her unsuspecting grandson Duncan, a museum curator...
The McGuire family has held back supernatural threats for generations, but this time they messed up. As an ancient evil arises from the grave, Bridgette and Duncan find themselves up against forces bigger than they could have expected, and faces new ...
FINAL STORY ARC! After five years, we reach the final volume. We do not go gentle into that good night, but go driving a converted tank, covered in glitter and spangles, with a sound system audible from Mars blaring nothing but bangers. Gods, pop sta...
Gran and Duncan are in a race against time to get back to the Otherworld. The sword in the stone awaits, and he who pulls the sword from the stone becomes King....
Gran’s monster hunting wasn’t the only thing she kept from Duncan. He’s about to discover more of the family secrets, and the sacrifices one must make to reach the Holy Grail....
With Gran’s life hanging in the balance, Duncan comes face to face with another knight in search of the Grail, and only one will emerge victorious......
His level of genius is matched only by his heroics, and in humanity's darkest hour, he's the hero they need the most-alas, poor humanity. Peter Cannon-the man known as Thunderbolt-is only too happy to leave civilization to face its end. Kieron Gillen...
His level of genius is matched only by his heroics, and in humanity's darkest hour, he's the hero they need the most-alas, poor humanity. Peter Cannon-the man known as Thunderbolt-is only too happy to leave civilization to face its end. Kieron Gillen...
With the fate of the world in the balance, Duncan must finally accept his role in the larger story. But has Gran trained him well enough to defeat the undead King of the Britons by himself?...
No one can escape DIE until everyone agrees to go home. Or rather, no one can escape DIE until everyone who is alive agrees to go home. The commercial and critical hit second arc of the bleakly romantic fantasy fiction series starts to reveal the sec...
TRIM SIZE: 7.25" x 10.875"
Ananke is dead. What do the gods do? Whatever they want. What can go wrong? Everything. Literally, everything.
Although Bridgette and Duncan were able to escape the Otherworld, their adventure is only just beginning! As the chaos of Arthur's return reaches London, an artifact at the British Museum is stolen. But is it Arthur who's interested in the relic... o...
The civil war continues to rage in Otherworld as both Arthurs face off against one another! Meanwhile, Bridgitte and Duncan seek out a secret weapon against their royal foes -- a true man of the people by the name of… Robin Hood....
With Merlin -- and the magic he wields -- back at his side, King Arthur is stronger than ever. Brigette and Duncan continue to fight against Camelot’s dark forces, but when Merlin calls to life another story entirely, will the two heroes save the d...
Revenge is the greatest motivator and Gran and Duncan have awakened the ire of the mother of all monsters…...
Bad news comes in threes and so do the creatures haunting England -- and if they’re going to survive this legendary fight, Gran and Duncan will need to revive a connection with an old enemy. After all, you’re always better with the devil you know...
The veil between the Otherworld and the human world is thin, and as the story changes around Duncan and Gran, each foe becomes harder to defeat...and predict. They may be holding the line, but enemies both new and old are closing in fast, and even Gr...
Although Bridgette and Duncan stopped Arthur from retrieving the grail, their actions have accidently thrown the Otherworld into shambles, allowing for new legends and characters to make their appearance -- and bring a world of trouble along with the...
In the world of DIE, the players are now real players. Countries are their pieces, and the board threatens to run red with blood. Who is the Queen, and who are pawns? Who's playing to win? Who's forgotten what they're playing for? And what will they ...
"In the world of DIE, the players are now real players.Countries are their pieces and the board threatens to run red with blood. Who isthe Queen and who are pawns? Who''s playing to win? Who''s forgotten what they''replaying fo...
The Ludocrats! The aristocrats of ludicrous! Defending reality from the encroaching forces of boredom while having a nice time. KIERON GILLEN (DIE, THE WICKED + THE DIVINE) and JIM ROSSIGNOL (Sir, You Are Being Hunted) write! JEFF STOKELY (The ...
Beowulf’s arrival was an unexpected one and now that the smoke has cleared, Gran and Duncan are beginning to wonder what other surprises lurk around the corner. Meanwhile in the Otherworld, Merlin is up to his old tricks and crossing over with anot...
When a strange newcomer arrives at the dark court of Camelot, his presence disrupts The Otherworld. Sometimes winning the battle risks losing the Duncan and Bridgette will soon find out....
Gran, Duncan and Rose are on a new quest to learn more about Merlin’s plan when they come face-to-face with another mysterious knight of legend. But if they want to track down the powerful Nimue and stay one step ahead of their enemy, it seems the ...
Bridgette and Duncan return to a familiar place to pick up Lancelot’s trail, while Rose comes face to face with another member of the McGuire family she was not expecting to see......
Surrounded by British government forces, Nimue calls for backup - but will Merlin and Galahad help stop the opposition...or expose Britain to the truth? Meanwhile, Bridgette and Duncan are trapped in the Otherworld and blocking their exit is Arthur...
A standoff between Duncan, Galahad, and Lancelot is all that’s preventing the Otherworld and our world from colliding...but only one of them can be the greatest knight and Duncan better hope it’s him. And, of course, there’s a DRAGON....
Collects Warhammer 40,000: Marneus Calgar (2020) #1-5. The saga of WARHAMMER 40,000 comes to Marvel Comics! In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Marneus Calgar, the legendary Chapter Master of the Ultramarines, leads his elite S...
The truth shall be revealed...and our world is hardly ready for the consequences to come. * But don't worry, Duncan and Bridgette are here to save Britain from being pulled into the Otherworld. * Unless, of course, they fail....
Is it possible that King Arthur and Merlin can save England from...King Arthur(s) and Merlin(s)?!?! A very strange war is a brewin' indeed. The Otherworld and our world have collided and England is ground zero for the chaos! Bridgette has spent her...
* As the tether between our world and the Otherworld grows dangerously thin, Bridgette and Duncan are determined to stay one step ahead of Arthur and Merlin's plans...though this time it may not be enough. * To prevent more chaos, Bridgette, Duncan, ...
Collects Eternals (2021) #1-6. Never die…never win. What's the point of an eternal battle? For millions of years, one hundred Eternals have roamed the Earth, secret protectors of humanity. Without them, mankind would be smears between the teeth...
Collects Eternals (2021) #1-6. Never die…never win. What's the point of an eternal battle? For millions of years, one hundred Eternals have roamed the Earth, secret protectors of humanity. Without them, mankind would be smears between the teeth of ...
ARTHUR VS. ARTHUR!Knowing that Grail Castle may be their best chance at survival, Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose hunker down and prepare for the worst.Elsewhere, the resurrected King Arthur challenges an arriving usurper to his rightful throne, another ...
We’ve had dragons. The award-winning bleak deconstruction couldn’t end without turning its unblinking eye upon a dungeon. There’s no escape. There’s only down. Collects DIE #16-20 ...
What ancient and mythical danger awaits Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose as they seek Rose’s parents in the city of Bath? To complicate matters, an Arthurian knight pursues them with an offer for Rose and Duncan " join the Round Table or face death. I...
Will a shocking turn of events be enough to turn the tide of the entire world? The war continues to rage across Britain as both Arthurs prepare to face one another for ultimate rule of the land. As Duncan, Bridgette, and Rose arm themselves for what...
WHAT IF ALL THE LEGENDS ARE TRUE? Retired monster hunter Bridgette McGuire knows that they are. And when a group of Nationalists uncover the fabled scabbard of Excalibur in order to bring King Arthur back from the dead to reclaim England, she will ...
What must Nimue do to save her son? Strike up a deal with the last person she’d ever team up with… Bridgette, her mother. Meanwhile, Duncan must find another living legend. But are they an ally...or another monster to defeat?...
Collects Young Avengers (2013) #3; America (2017) #1-2, 11-12; material from Marvel Now! Point One (2012) #1. In all the Marvel-Verse, there's no one quite like America Chavez - and she should know, as she can smash her way between realities! Now, jo...
WAR OF THE KINGS! Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose, " along with the entirety of Britain " are dragged into the Otherworld. It's a land of predatory monsters and things seem like they can't get any worse. Of course they can. A rival king rises to co...
Britannia is ten years dead. Phonomancer David Kohl hadn't spared his old patron a thought for almost as long-- at which point his mind starts to unravel. Can he discover what's happened to the Mod-Goddess of Britpop while there's still something of ...
Britannia is ten years dead. Phonomancer David Kohl hadn't spared his old patron a thought for almost as long... at which point his mind starts to unravel. Can he discover what's happened to the Mod-Goddess of Britpop while there's still something of...
It’s the day before Christmas and the sword in the stone has appeared outside London. As the myths foretold, whoever draws it will be the true king! But as all of the Kings converge on the sword, events unfold that could bring even more chaos to ...
It’s the day after Christmas, and as the kings converge on the mythical sword, Bridgette McGuire’s true plan comes to light! Everything hinges on her ritual and who it could release! A storm is brewing… Who will make it through the end of the...
The definitive collection of the first three story arcs of the Eisner Award-nominated series collected for the first time in a single deluxe hardcover.WHAT IF ALL THE LEGENDS ARE TRUE? Retired monster hunter Bridgette McGuire knows that they are. And...
What happens when the fabled sword appears, but no one is able to pull it out? Is this peace finally the result of so many hard-fought battles? Perhaps, but an unexpected claim to the throne is lurking, closer than Bridgette and Duncan can imagine....
Collects Eternals (2021) #7-12. The Eternals have learned the truth of their existence. Their society is in shambles. Who can lead them? Who is the visionary that can raise them up from the ashes? Hail Thanos…the Mad Titan…Eternal Prime?! After w...
Vengeance on the Arthurs proves to be exactly what it takes to bring Mary and Bridgette together, despite years of strife. Will their reunion survive the battles to come? Or is this merely another ploy to split the women apart once more?...
Kieron Gillen and Dan Mora’s bestselling fantasy epic is nearly complete, and it’s all been building to this! In the penultimate issue, Mary and Bridgette will need all of the help they can get to defeat Arthur’s greatest weapon… And with a...
The war of crowns is at an end and Bridgette and Duncan must face the future of England together. Will their family’s legacy finally come to a happy end? Or is the final page of this story still yet to be seen? Kieron Gillen and Dan Mora’s epic...
In the nineties, six teenagers disappeared into a fantasy role-playing game. Only five returned. Nearly thirty years later, these broken adults are dragged back to discover the game isn’t finished with them yet. Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + the ...
Collects Immortal X-Men #1-5. Kieron Gillen returns to the world of X! The Quiet Council are the rulers of the Krakoan age, for better or worse. But now, shaken by Inferno, they strive to hold their nation together - no matter how much they want to t...
It’s the day before Christmas and the Kings all converge on Excalibur, each determined to be the true ruler. Chaos arises! What if no one has the strength to take the sword? Will there finally be peace after so much conflict, or will an unexpected...
Collects A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #1-6, A.X.E.: Avengers (2022) #1, A.X.E.: X-Men (2022) #1, A.X.E.: Eternals (2022) #1, Free Comic Book Day 2022: Avengers/X-Men 1 (A.X.E. story). The battle for the planet is here! The X-Men claim they're Earth's ...
Collects A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment (2022) #1, A.X.E.: Judgment Day Omega (2022) #1, A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants (2022) #1-3, A.X.E.: Starfox (2022) #1, A.X.E.: Iron Fist (2022) #1, Fantastic Four (2018) #47-48. The Avengers, X-Men and Eternals go to w...
Collects Eternals: Thanos Rises, Eternals: Celestia, Eternals: The Heretic and material from WHAT IF? (1977) #24-28. As Thanos rises to threaten the future, learn lessons in history from the Eternals' mythic past! Eternals are created, not born. Some...
Judgment comes, courtesy of the Eternals…and the Quiet Council grows suspiciously quiet. With one notable exception: Do you think a man devoted to Hellfire cares one jot? Let's find out! Plus, even if you're the heart of the X-Men, there are days y...
Collects Siege: Loki (2010) #1; Journey into Mystery (2011) #622-636, 626.1. Loki changes his story! In the wake of the siege of Asgard, Loki is reborn - as a child! With this new life comes a fresh purpose, but can the other Asgardian gods possi...
Collects Journey into Mystery (2011) #637-645, Exiled (2012) #1, New Mutants (2009) #42-43, Mighty Thor (2011) #18-21, material from A+X (2012) #5. A forgotten hero returns - but will the truth behind his exile consume the world? Only the New Mutants...
Collects Sins of Sinister (2023) #1, Immoral X-Men (2023) #1-3, Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants (2023) #1-3, Nightcrawlers (2023) #1-3, Sins of Sinister Dominion (2023) #1. For decades, Mister Sinister has plotted and schemed, intent on creati...
Collects Immortal X-Men (2022) #11-13, X-Men: Before the Fall - Sinister Four (2023) #1. SINS OF SINISTER is over, but the fallout of those sins remains. Storm can't believe what everyone has done. But when the fate of two worlds rests in her hands, ...
Collects Eternals (2021) #1-12, Eternals: Thanos Rises, Eternals: Celestia And Eternals: The Heretic. Never die…never win. What's the point of an endless battle? For millions of years, one hundred Eternals have roamed the Earth, secret protectors o...
In the fourth arc, MONARCHIES IN THE UK, Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose, – along with the entirety of Britain – are dragged into the Otherworld. It's a land of predatory monsters and things seem like they can't get any worse. But of course t...
The highly anticipated conclusion to the Eisner and Hugo Award-nominated epic fantasy series, collected in a deluxe hardcover!In the fourth arc, MONARCHIES IN THE UK, Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose, – along with the entirety of Britain – are...
Experience the very first issue of Once & Future, the political and supernatural thriller filled with monsters, mysticism, and magic, in this special Pen & Ink format for the first time. Relive the adventures of ex-monster hunter Bridgette McGuire a...
2024 Foreword Indies Book Of The Year Finalist A gripping tale of survival and resilience, We Called Them Giants masterfully captures the enduring power of kindness and friendship in a shattered world.” —Marjorie Liu (Monstress, The Night...
Dare you enter the haunted house of X? Veteran X-writer Kieron Gillen brings his acclaimed IMMORTAL X-MEN run to a close, as the Krakoan era collapses around mutantkind!How can you kill a digital god? What do you do when the Phoenix is bleeding out i...
Collects X-Men: Forever (2024) #1-4. Kieron Gillen answers the questions that have been haunting you since the start of IMMORTAL X-MEN! An essential chapter of the FALL OF X ushers in the end of the Krakoan Age! How can you kill a digital god? What d...
A rich and rewarding story about existential questions when super-powered gods walk amongst us. —AIPT It’s 1999. Six indescribably powerful people each have the destructive capability of America’s nuclear arsenal. If they come int...
“The Wicked + The Divine is about art, creativity and living to the fullest, but mainly about death.” —USA Today The critically acclaimed, compulsively page-turning, urban fantasy series returns in its definitive edition, collecting...
IGN, Best Comics of 2024 NEWSARAMA, Best Comics of 2024 REDDIT r/comics, Best Ongoing Series of 2024 THE BEAT, Best 50 Comics of 2024 The epic and thrilling new superheroes series continues in the second volume!Imagine six people of such power that ...