In Stefan Merrill Block's extraordinary debut, three narratives intertwine to create a story that is by turns funny, smart, introspective, and revelatory. Abel Haggard is an elderly hunchback who haunts the remnants of his family's farm in the en...
The past is not past for Katharine Merrill. Even after two decades of volatile marriage, Katharine still believes she can have the life that she felt promised to her by those first exhilarating days with her husband, Frederick. For two months, just b...
From a celebrated literary talent comes a brilliant, propulsive novel about family, the traumas and secrets that test our deepest bonds, and the stories that hold us together. One warm, West Texas November night, a shy boy named Oliver Loving joi...
From the critically acclaimed author of Oliver Loving and The Story of Forgetting is a short story about friendship, loss and growing up.______________________
Life lesson: the most soothing salve available to the man who has recently torche...