A debut novel full of heart, in which love, friendship, and charity teach a young woman to live a bigger life. When Madeline Stone walks away from Chicago and moves five hundred miles north to the coast of Lake Superior, in Michigan's Upper Penins...
A sweet, spirited ten-year-old embarks upon the adventure of first friendship in this sparkling debut Prairie Evers is finding that socialization isn't all it's cracked up to be. She's been homeschooled by her granny and has learned the most from ...
In this uplifting companion to Prairie Evers, shy, introverted Ivy must find her footing when her reckless mom turns her world upside down. Ivy has loved living with her best friend, Prairie, and being part of Prairie’s lively, happy family. Bu...
Chosen as the Library of Congress's "Great Reads from Great Places" Michigan selection for 2023"Moving and brave." -- People Set against the wide open beauty of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, a wise, big hearted novel in which a young single mothe...