Once upon a time, the plane of Alara was shattered into five planes, each distinctly populated with relative mono-magical culture that reflects each of the five colors. Now, the planes are beginning to realign and merge once more. As nefarious for...
Magic: The Gathering®’s entire planeswalker web comic series in one volume, now with never-before-seen material!
Written by Magic:The Gathering’s creative team, and brought to life in lavish four-color illustration by some of the industry...
This three-part, action-packed story opens up the beloved Magic: The Gathering set, Shards of Alara Once upon a time, the plane of Alara was shattered into five planes, each distinctly populated with relative mono-magical culture that reflects e...
Following the success of Path of the Planeswalker, the latest collection of Magic: The Gathering's® immensely popular Web comic series tops the original in style and concept.
United by their ability to bridge the chaotic gap between worlds, a...
Jace Beleren has the power to travel between planes of the Multiverse, but with this gift comes isolation. He is one in a million. He is a planeswalker. And he is on the edge of a mystery that could alter the face of his adopted home--a vast, world-w...
Ravnica’s 10 guilds are poised to run the Implicit Maze and unlock the power at its heart. Stitched into the fabric of Ravnica’s vast metropolis, the maze is the legacy of an ancient guildmaster, and the dragon Niv-Mizzet craves the advantage...