In this brilliant crime-fiction debut, Geraldine Evans introduces an offbeat police duo in Inspector Rafferty and Sergeant Llewellyn. Inspector Joseph Rafferty is under pressure. The naked body of a teenage girl has been found on the grounds of Elmhu...
A FAMILY AFFAIR When rich and beautiful Barbara Longman is found dead among the meadow flowers, Inspector Rafferty doesn't believe it's the latest grisly offering by the Suffolk serial killer - though he believes her killer would like him to think s...
#3 iof 18 n the Rafferty & Llewellyn Mystery SeriesJasper Moon, internationally renowned 'seer to the stars', had signally failed to foresee his own future. He is found dead on his consulting-room floor, his skull crushed with a crystal ball and,...
'A WONDERFULLY ENTERTAINING READ'.'The old crossroads used to run by here,' Sam told Rafferty. 'Legend has it that this was the original Hanging Tree.'Who was the hanged man…and why had he disappeared?The murder mystery of 'The Hanging Man' has Bri...
'Well, this was a real find. Geraldine Evans knows how to make a character leap off the pages at you.'For Readers who like cozy mysteries and humorous mysteries.Superstitious British Detective Joseph Rafferty is having a bad week - not an unusual occ...
When Chandra Bansi and her baby are burnt to death, the police are anxious to get their race relations right. DCI Casey and his less than politically correct sergeant rapidly come under pressure from their superintendent to put a couple of skinhead t...
Rafferty becomes chief suspect -in his own double murder inquiry
Detective Inspector Rafferty signs up with the Made in Heaven dating agency, discreetly using an alias. He's very much charmed by the first two women he meets, but love is fickle. Bo...
A beautiful suspect causes Detective Inspector Rafferty to do a double takeWhen the blood-spattered Felicity Raine stumbles into the police station reception and confesses that she has just murdered her husband, Rafferty thinks he has never seen a mo...
Rafferty and Llewellyn are faced with an unholy puzzle of a case Lapsed Catholic DI Joe Rafferty isn?t best pleased when he learns their latest case is at the local Roman Catholic Convent, where a body was discovered in a shallow grave in the grounds...
The new Rafferty and Llewellyn caseReturning to Elmhurst many years after his involuntary departure, Sir Rufus Seward doesnt get the chance to make amends for the past: hes promptly murdered with a wood chisel. Rafferty and Llewellyn are on the case,...
A Casey and Catt mystery - DCI Will Casey is asked by his parents to investigate a double murder at the Fenland commune where they live strictly unofficially. As if thats not enough, Casey also has to solve a very unpleasant murder on his own patch: ...
A Rafferty and Llewelyn Mystery - When local loan shark John Jaws Harrison is found with his skull caved in in an alleyway backing on to rundown Primrose Avenue, DCI Joe Rafferty, and dour sidekick Dafyd Llewellyn, imagine the case will be easily sol...
The brand-new Rafferty and Llewellyn Mystery - When Detective Inspector Joseph Rafferty visits his local for a quick drink or three, he’s looking to forget his troubles, not add to them. His personal life is in a state of great confusion. But...
Detective Inspector Joseph Rafferty has just left his wedding rehearsal when Sergeant Dafyd Llewellyn calls to say that a local man has come home to find his wife dead - strangled - on the kitchen floor. Adrienne Staveley is soon revealed to be a wom...
Loves, labours, losses and not to mention a spattering of the occult are all part of an education at the prestigious Griffin School, but when a reunion culminates in the death of a high profile former student, DI Joseph Rafferty and his ever erudite ...
#15 IN THE RAFFERTY & LLEWELLYN COZY MYSTERY SERIES 'Wonderful series. Fantastic books. I highly recommend them. They have terrific characters and interesting plots.’ GAIL FARRELLY, AUTHOR If you enjoy some humour with your murders, you'll likely l...
THE EGG FACTORY A younger sister who has died in mysterious circumstances. An infertility clinic whose ruthless owners are out for money and medical fame of the unethical variety. And Chinese gangsters with their own age...
Geraldine Evans has put together an eclectic mix of stories; some humorous, some not. Some mysteries, some spooky. They range between one about her popular DI Joe Rafferty, to a satirical Christmas tale, via mucky schoolboys and another about an othe...
Being shipwrecked on a desert island should have been romantic. But not when you couldn't remember your name. Or why your companion seemed to hate you. Far from Paradise, Sharah, when she discovered that Jake believed her to be the reason his yach...
'Darn good read.' 'Thoroughly enjoyed the whole series. Great characters and storyline.'Sergeant Llewellyn's remark that, perhaps, 'Someone else' had made them a gift of Professor Babbington as the murder...