When Serial Killers Terrorize a California Beach Community, One Woman Stands in Their Way
Emily Stone doesn’t have a badge. But that hasn’t stopped her from tracking down some of the West’s most dangerous child-killers. Armed wit...
One Cop, One Serial Killer, One Witness Who Will Survive? California's elite Police K9 Units arrive at an abandoned warehouse after a high-speed chase and apprehend two killers after they have fled a grisly murder scene. This barely scratches the sur...
He looked down at the little girl, sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around a teddy bear. He knew he was the only one who could save her. He could let her sleep forever. An eight-year-old girl, Chelsea Compton, is missing in Pine Valley, Cali...
Katie focuses her mind, trying to keep another anxiety attack at bay. The victim’s long brown hair is slick and wet, her body rigid in the grass. She looks more like a mannequin than the woman Katie had spoken with only yesterday, the woman she ...
On the floor, amongst the piles of freshly pressed laundry, lay the woman's lifeless body, her pale yellow nightdress soaked in blood. I didn't do it... came a whisper from the corner of the room. Detective Katie Scott has never seen two people more ...
Half-buried in the muddy earth and surrounded by puddles of water lies the naked body of a beautiful young girl. Her pale skin looks like porcelain in the early morning light. Her fragile arms bent and crooked like a broken doll. When Detective Kati...
Please Mommy, can Tessa and I go play on the swing by the creek? the little girl begs, pushing a blonde curl from her eyes. We'll stay together, and we promise to be safe. Hours later, their mother waits anxiously for her darling girls to arrive home...
In the thin light of the moon, the woman’s limp body hangs from the iron fence amongst the redwoods. Looped over the railings is the little gold locket her mother gave her when she turned sixteen. The picture of the girl inside smiles out at a futu...
The water ripples as the girl's body escapes the reeds and floats silently upwards. Her beautiful face-blue eyes frozen open, skin as white as snow-breaks the surface. But it's too late, this innocent soul has taken her final breath... When camp coun...
Smoke curls from what's left of the beautiful family home on the edge of the woods. The heat is unbearable as she descends the stairs to the basement, past a set of bicycles--two big, one small. That's when she sees three little white bones in the cr...
Like a precious doll, the girl leans against the towering pine tree with her long bare legs stretched out and her hands folded neatly in her lap. Her head tilts towards the sky, but this innocent child will never feel the warm glow of morning sun aga...
She wakes to the dawn light streaming through the window and rolls over to whisper good morning to her fiancé. But panic floods her veins. His side of the bed is empty and cold. Blood trails towards the open door. All trace of him is gone... It'...
The cold night breeze slams the barn door shut with a sickening crash. The girl curled in the corner wakes with a start. Her gold butterfly necklace catches the pale moonlight as she clutches it tight, thinking of her family. Will she ever escape? Or...
A wind chime sways a sweet melody above several pairs of shoes neatly laid out on the welcome the mat: two large pairs, and three small. On the door frame, a perfect crimson handprint, the color of blood... Out on her morning run, Detective Katie Sco...
She hears footsteps approaching, the creak of the uneven planks, then the clunk of a heavy lock. Her body is numb and she's shivering in her pale silk gown, but she stands, ready to fight as the doorway cracks open. A blinding light overpowers her, a...