Greer Gordon lives in Italy with Mischa Svoboda, a driven Czech-born painter with a booming international reputation. Their explosive love affair caused Greer to abandon her husband and job, to sever all contact with home, and to embark upon a...
A hilarious and heartwrenching novel on pushing the boundaries between relationships and those certain friends with whom you don't have to pretend Lou, a freelance journalist, leaves New York after the breakup of a long relationship. Taking refuge...
Thea Farmer, a reclusive and difficult retired school principal, lives in isolation with her dog in the Blue Mountains. Her distinguished career ended under a cloud over a decade earlier, following a scandal involving a much younger male teacher. Aft...
When the sex in Vivien Quarry’s thirty-two-year marriage dwindles to nothing, her husband Geoff finally gives her a reason: ‘Men are hardwired to not find older women attractive’. This unforgivable statement, uttered by a man long past his Ado...