Adams, William |
Afro-American Authors |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Allen, R. Earl |
Persons of the Passion |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Arbor, Jane |
Wildfire Quest |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Armstrong, Richard |
Themselves Alone |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia |
Spearpoint; Teacher in America |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Aubry, Claude |
Agouhanna |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Baylor, Byrd |
When Clay Sings |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Benardete, Jane |
American Realism |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Benchley, Nathaniel |
Only Earth and Sky Last Forever |
Romance / R |
Jan-01-1972 |
Benedict, Rex |
Good luck Arizona man |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Benteen, John |
Dakota Territory |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1972 |
Benton, Robert |
Don't Ever Wish for a 7-Foot Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Bialosky, Peggy |
Pets I've Met |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1972 |
Bodelsen, Anders |
Freezing Down |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Bosse, Malcolm |
The Incident at Naha |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Brady, Irene |
A mouse named Mus |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Branfield, John |
The Poison Factory |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Brenner, Barbara |
Is It Bigger Than a Sparrow? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Britt, Katrina |
A Spray of Edelweiss |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Brower, Millicent |
I Am Going Nowhere: Nonsense Rhymes |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1972 |
Brown, Carter |
Blonde |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Browne, Gerald A. |
Eleven Harrow House |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Burchell, Mary |
Music of the Heart |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Burgess, Anthony |
M/F |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Callado, Antonio |
Don Juan's Bar |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Campbell, John W. |
The Black Star Passes |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Carpentier, Hortense |
Doors and Mirrors |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-21-1972 |
Carr, Philippa |
The Miracle at St. Bruno's |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Carroll, Gladys |
Years Away from Home |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Carter, Angela |
Heroes & Villains |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Carter, Lin |
Flashing Swords! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Chace, Isobel |
A Pride of Lions |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Chace, Isobel |
The Wealth of the Islands |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Chace, Isobel |
Cadence of Portugal |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Christopher, Matt |
The Kid Who Only Hit Homers |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Clarke, Arthur C. |
The Lost World of 2001 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Coe, Tucker |
Don't Lie to Me |
Suspense / S |
Jan-15-1972 |
Cox, Wallace |
The tenth life of Osiris Oaks |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Craig, M. Jean |
The Sand, the Sea, and Me |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1972 |
Cunningham, Julia |
Far in the Day |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Daniels, Dorothy |
Castle Morvant |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-01-1972 |
Daniels, Norman |
Meet the Smiths |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Darcy, Clare |
Cecily |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-15-1972 |
Darlton, Clark |
Mutants vs. mutants |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
De Hartog, Jan |
The Peaceable Kingdom |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Debray, Regis |
Chilean Revolution |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Dell, Belinda |
Flowers for the Festival |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Devine, Dominic |
Three Green Bottles |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Dingwell, Joyce |
There Were Three Princes |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Dobrin, Arnold |
Voices of Joy, Voices of Freedom |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Dumas, Gerald |
An Afternoon in Waterloo Park |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Dunbar, Jean |
The Quiet Veld |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Eberle, Irmengarde |
Moose Live Here |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Eden, Dorothy |
An Afternoon Walk |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Edwards, Lee R. |
Woman: An Issue |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1972 |
Eller, Vernard |
The Mad Morality |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-02-1972 |
Ellison, Ralph |
Shadow and Act |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Evans, Doris Portwood |
Breakfast with the birds |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ferrari, Ivy |
Windy Night, Rainy Morrow |
HR-1560 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Finley, Glenna |
Love Lies North |
Romance / R |
Jan-02-1972 |
Fisher, Norman |
Rise at Dawn |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Flory, Jane |
Ramshackle Roost |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Foley, Rae |
Fatal Lady |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Foreman, Michael |
Moose |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Francis, Emile |
The Secrets of Winning Hockey |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Friedman, Leon |
The Law of War |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Fuentes, Carlos |
Triple Cross |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Fulbright, J. William |
Crippled Giant |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Fuller, John Grant |
200,000,000 Guinea Pigs |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gaskin, Stephen |
The Caravan |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gerrold, David |
With a finger in my I |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Giles, Janice Holt |
Tara's Healing |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gillen, Lucy |
The Runaway Bride |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gillen, Lucy |
Dangerous Stranger |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Glanville, Brian |
Money Is Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Godden, Jon |
Mrs. Starr Lives Alone |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Godwin, Gail |
Glass people |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Godwin, John |
Occult America |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Graham, Gene S. |
One Man, One Vote |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gray, Francine Du Plessix |
Hawaii |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gray, Genevieve S. |
The Seven Wishes of Joanna Peabody |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Greene, A.C. |
The Santa Claus Bank Robbery |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Greene, Ward |
Disney's Lady & the Tramp |
LG |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Gridley, Marion Eleanor |
The Story of the Sioux |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hale, Arlene |
A Time for Us |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hampson, Anne |
Enchanted Dawn |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hampson, Anne |
The Plantation Boss |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hampson, Anne |
Beloved Rake |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hampson, Anne |
The Fair Island |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hardy, Bert |
A Horse Grows Up |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1972 |
Harrison, Harry |
Tunnel Through the Deep |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Haviland, Virginia |
The Fairy Tale Treasury |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hegeler, Inge |
Living Is Loving |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hesse, Hermann |
Wandering |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Hesse, Hermann |
Strange News from Another Star |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1972 |
Higgins, George V. |
The Friends of Eddie Coyle |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1972 |
Hilton, Margery |
Dear Conquistador |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hoch, Edward D. |
Dear Dead Days |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Hoffenberg, Jack |
A Hero for Regis |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Hoffman, Gail |
The Land and People of Israel |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Holland, Viki |
We Are Having a Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Holt, Victoria |
The Shadow of the Lynx |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Howatch, Susan |
The Devil on Lammas Night |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-01-1972 |
Hoy, Elizabeth |
Immortal Flower |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ingram, Hunter |
Border war |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Jensen, Virginia Allen |
The Nisse from Timsgaard |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Johns, Jasper |
Jasper Johns |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Joyce, James |
Chamber Music |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1972 |
Kanghu, Jiang |
The Jade Mountain: A Chinese Anthology, Being Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty, 618-906 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Keene, Carolyn |
The Secret of the Silver Dolphin |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1972 |
Kennedy, Eugene C. |
In the Spirit, in the Flesh |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Kent, Alexander |
The Flag Captain |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1972 |
Kent, Pamela |
Nile Dusk |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Kerns, Frances Casey |
The Stinsons |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Kimbrough, Katheryn |
Olivia, the Tormented |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-1972 |
Kotker, Norman |
Herzl, the king |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Kurten, Bjorn |
Not from the Apes |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Lathen, Emma |
The Longer the Thread |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1972 |
Laumer, Keith |
Timetracks |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Lavin, Mary |
The Becker Wives |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Lee, Elsie |
The Passions of Medora Graeme |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Linington, Elizabeth |
Murder With Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Little, Jean |
From Anna |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Lodi, Maria |
Charlotte Morel |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mandry, Kathy |
The Cat and the Mouse and the Mouse and the Cat, |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Mann, Peggy |
The Lost Doll |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Marsh, Ngaio |
Vintage Murder |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-15-1972 |
Marshall, James |
George and Martha |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Martin, Jay |
Plugged in |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mason, Francis Van Wyck |
Roads to Liberty |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mather, Anne |
Living With Adam |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Mather, Anne |
A Distant Sound of Thunder |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mather, Anne |
Autumn of the Witch |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mather, Anne |
Prelude to Enchantment |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mayers, Marvin K. |
Love Goes on Forever |
Christian / CH |
Jan-15-1972 |
McIntosh, J.T. |
Flight from Rebirth |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Jan-01-1972 |
McNulty, Faith |
Prairie Dog Summer |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mehta, Ved |
Daddyji |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Merrick, Gordon |
One for the Gods |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Merrill, Jean |
The Toothpaste Millionaire |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Miklowitz, Gloria D. |
Turning Off |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Miller, Edna |
Mousekin's ABCs |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Millhiser, Marlys |
Michael's Wife |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Mitgang, Herbert |
Get These Men out of the Hot Sun |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Myrdal, Jan |
Report from a Chinese Village |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds |
Making It Happen |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Necker, Claire |
Supernatural cats |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Neels, Betty |
Tabitha in Moonlight |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Neiderman, Andrew |
Sisters |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Nelson, Valerie K. |
The Girl from Over the Sea |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Newton, Huey P. |
To Die for the People |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1972 |
O'Connor, Patrick |
The black tiger |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Oates, Joyce Carol |
Upon the Sweeping Flood and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Olsen, Austin |
Corcho Bliss |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Peake, Lilian |
Mist Across the Moors |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Pendleton, Don |
Vegas Vendetta |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-15-1972 |
Peterson, John |
The Littles To the Rescue |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Peterson, John |
The Littles Give a Party |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Piper, Watty |
Mother Goose |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Pizer, Donald |
American Thought and Writing: The 1890's |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Polland, Madeline A. |
Daughter of the Sea |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Pollock, Rosemary |
Song Above the Clouds |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ranum, Orest |
The Century of Louis Fourteenth |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1972 |
Reeman, Douglas |
The Pride and the Anguish |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Reeve, F.D. |
The Blue Cat |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Richards, Jane |
A Horse Grows up |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ringold, Clay |
Night Hells Corners Died |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Rivera, Geraldo |
Willowbrook: A Report on How It Is and Why It Doesn't Have to Be That Way |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Roberts, Thomas A. |
Heart of the Dog |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1972 |
Robinson, Derek |
Goshawk Squadron |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Rome, Margaret |
Bride of the Rif |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1972 |
Rose, Mark |
Golding's Tale |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Ross, Marilyn |
The Sinister Garden |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ross, Wilda S. |
What Did the Dinosaurs Eat? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Ryden, Hope |
Wild Colt |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Sabatier, Robert |
The safety matches; |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Sargant, William |
Battle for the Mind |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
SchmOgner, Walter. |
The Children's Dream Book. |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Schuchart, Max |
The Netherlands |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Sears, Ruth McCarthy |
In the Shadow of the Tower |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1972 |
Seitz, William Chapin |
Segal |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Sela, Owen |
The Bearer Plot |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Selsam, Millicent |
A First Look at Leaves |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1972 |
Selsam, Millicent |
A First Look at Fish |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1972 |
Servadio, Gaia |
A Siberian Encounter |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Sharfman, Amalie. |
Papa's Secret Chocolate Dessert. |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Shears, Sarah |
A Village Girl |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Shepherd, Elizabeth |
Tracks Between the Tides |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Sherred, T.L. |
First person, peculiar |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Shulevitz, Uri |
Soldier and Tsar in the Forest: A Russian Tale |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Sjowall, Maj; Wahloo, Per |
The Abominable Man |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-15-1972 |
Snow, Edgar |
Journey to the Beginning |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Sommer, Joellen |
Sew Your Own Accessories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
St. John, Wylly Folk |
The Ghost Next Door |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Stableford, Brian |
To Challenge Chaos |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1972 |
Stegner, Wallace |
Angle of Repose |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Stevenson, D.E. |
Music in the Hills |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1972 |
Stewart, J.I.M. |
A palace of art |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |
Stone, Irving |
Lust for Life |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1972 |