Recounts the tragic story of Francine Hughes, a battered wife who in desperation murdered her abusive husband, detailing their marriage, the deterioration of their relationship, the murder, and the trial that followed...
An easy-to-read beginner's story combines beautiful watercolor illustrations with consciousness-raising information, in an introduction to such endangered animals as pandas, gorillas, and blue whales. Original....
A young girl listens to the mysterious and wonderful song of a whale and wonders what it might be saying, in a story that discusses endangered species and preserving the environment. By the author of
While visiting her sister who is studying dolphins in Florida, a young girl has an exciting day swimming in the dolphin pool, watching a pregnant dolphin give birth, and finally, having her life saved by one of the animals....
A girl describes how she spent a summer observing the bats around and inside her house and what she discovered about their characteristics and behavior. By the creators of
High-interest stories make reading fun! This story has been tested for vocabulary and sentence length to help you make the right choice! A letter from an education specialist gives you valuable advice on how to read to your child and how to listen to...
Faith McNulty, a prolific children's book author, has written many science books for children. In this easy reader, she invites children to imagine a pooch-patrolled world!If dogs ruled the world, they would keep people as pets.The dogs are taking us...
Two artists at the height of their powers have created a beautiful book with an unforgettable message about the moon and an even more important message about the earth. A publishing event!"If you decide to go to the moon," writes Faith McNulty, "read...