A badger who turns himself into a teakettle, a brave young man who is only one inch tall, a young hero whose parents find him growing inside a peach-these are just some of the magical characters who appear in this collection of traditional Japanes...
With a simple narrative and rhythmic verse, Virginia Haviland retells the folktale of how a rambunctious pot helps a poor family triumph over the village miser. There is a recipe at the end for old-fashioned Danish pudding....
One of a landmark series back in print for a new generation of readers to collect and cherish. Each book includes exciting tales accompanied by more than twenty brand-new black-and-white illustrations. Readers will immediately recognize their favorit...
Six fairy tales feature an enchanted hedgehog, a tailor who sews up the clouds, a flamebird who steals a golden apple, a jester who fools the king, a rivalry between a fox and wolf, and a wicked goblin...
A beautiful snow maiden comes to life -- but what will happen when winter ends? Poor Vasilisa has to work like a slave for the evil Baba Yaga -- will her magic doll be able to save her? Only a flying ship will win the hand of the Tsar's daughter -...
A fairy queen takes a handsome shepard over snow-covered mountains to an enchanted garden; a princess proves her love to the father who impetuously banished her; a clever boy outwi...