An idealistic Quaker ambulance driver stationed in Europe marries a young Dutch girl recently liberated from a Nazi concentration camp and returns with her to America, where they take up the cause of the American Indians...
A disturbing portrayal of a group of Jewish exiles from Nazi Germany. Bound for South America on an ageing Dutch freighter in 1939, two hundred and fifty innocent believers find their future resting in the hands of an idealistic captain, their only ...
Martinus Harinxma is now retired from the sea, but the story he narrates here is as exciting as the bestselling The Captain and The Commodore (in which he featured as protagonist), and certainly more wondrous. Prodded by his wife and inspired by T. S...
As the Quakers struggle to maintain their nonviolent way of life on the eve of the Civil War, preacher Mordecai Monk and Lydia Best share the exile of the Shawnee, who are being evicted from their ancient lands...
The sea captain is now retired, but adventure is still in his blood. The taste for excitement and the lure of the unknown have led Harinxma to crisscross the face of the earth many times, and they now draw him toward the only frontier left to him. Wi...