STRANGE BEDFELLOWS. Nestled deep in the California hills was a hospital so strange, so unique that only a handful of people knew of its existence, let alone its mysterious mission. Through its antiseptic corridors moved the shadiest of characters ...
Karen Carlisle thought her frantic flight from the past was over when she boarded a luxurious ocean liner, to become the ship's nurse. There, among strangers -- the richest and most glamorous people in the world -- she felt safe. Nobody asked why she...
Taking a Chance on Love. Nurse Diana Carvell studied long and worked hard to plan her future, but the blueprint didn't include Ethan Sloane, who stormed into her life with the crashing impact of a wave against a rock. He affected her as no man eve...
A YOUNG NURSE FACES HER GREATEST CRISIS AT THE GLAMOROUS WORLD'S FAIR. Carol Allison, R.N. hid a dark secret out of her past from her friends at the World's Fair. But her more immediate problem was Tina, the delicate ballerina at the Fair who had ...
BUDDHA BEWITCHED Suddenly, Nancy Furnivall found herself alone in America, a country she had not seen for fourteen years. Suddenly, she found herself penniless, the priceless, jewel-encrusted Buddha which was her sole heritage having vanished like...
DEADLY STAIRCASE The steps were of stone, painstakingly carved, and seemed to climb steeply and endlessly into the gloom. There were exactly one hundred of them. The climb was difficult, but Catherine didn't mind. It was good exercise for a bal...
THE SONG OF DEATH After the accident they took Harriet back to her family's estate. They hoped that the once-familiar surroundings would help clear away the amnesia that left her without memory of the past. But no one, not her doctor, not even ...
What evil waited for Laura Montville beneath the haunting loveliness of The Lily Pond? Laura's return to Montville, her grim ancestral home, was not a joyful occasion. Her father was strange and cold and almost hostile to her. He had provided Laur...
WOULD LILY BENNETT LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO DISCOVER THE STRANGE SECRET OF THE BRIDE WHO NEVER WAS? Lily was invited to grim, gloomy Marriott Hall for the wedding of her friend, Adele Marriott. But when she got there, Adele had mysteriously disappeared...
A Search for Her Past. When pretty Amy Dalton arrived at Falcon Hill to reunite with her family, the eerie magnificence of the old plantation hung over her like a sinister shroud. How had her sister mysteriously disappeared? Why did her mother ...
WHO WAS THE NAMELESS, FACELESS MENACE OF SHADOW GLEN? Her foster mother's deathbed confession, and a strange, sudden twist of fate forced Jane Randell to return to Shadow Glen, a forbidding castle on the Hudson River, to live with strangers. So...
Creature of the Mind? The strange little girl who would not -- or could not -- speak seemed to come from nowhere, only to vanish again. Only Grace Latimer saw her. Everyone else denied her existence, and remarked pointedly on the fact that Grace L...
MANSION OF MENACE. Bluegrass Hill, with its rambling and rundown 22-room house, was a new and alien environment for Corinna. And it presented her with a double problem: the battle within herself to adapt to it, and the struggle to defend herself a...
GO AWAY. THIS IS AN EVIL FAMILY. The words were scrawled in black crayon on the wall above Jennifer's bed. Jennifer had plenty of reason to be afraid even before that ominous note appeared. At first, the Beaudin mansion had seemed warm, welcomi...
FLIGHT INTO INTRIGUE. Elaine discovered her husband's talent for elaborate deception on the day of their wedding. At first she admired it, but when she found herself on a plane bound for Europe instead of the Hawaiian honeymoon she had expected, s...
THE MARBLE LEAF. Why did Rhinebeck Castle so terrify Amy Keeler? Did it hold the key to her husband's mysterious past? THE THING ON THE PATH. The cloaked, hooded figure was there, looming in the gathering darkness. And Amy Keeler felt stark...
Sally Dixon's trip to Kirkenes, Norway, was a pilgrimage. Her purpose was to view the grave of her father, who had been killed years before, fighting for freedom. She didn't realize she would wind up as a freedom fighter herself. The "...
THE BURIED PAST. Some history should remain unwritten; some events are better off forgotten. Lorraine Ward became aware of this almost as soon as she started her strange new job at the old Templeton mansion. Either Joel Templeton had murdered h...
THE BROODING GHOSTS Verna Ward was worried. Worried and spite of her fear. For a strange, apparently supernatural menace seemed to be hanging darkly over her best friend, Lucia, and no one seemed to want to help Lucia except Verna ...
THE MIND THIEF. Angela Wingate came to Connecticut in search of a new life...and found unspeakable horror in a small town. Hired as companion to the beautiful and mind-lost Eve van Loon, Angela knew that she must help this young girl back to sanit...
LOIS BEAUMONT, M.D., YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, TERRIFIED. She had a job to do, but she didn't know what it was. She knew only that a super-hush-hush government agency had asked her to sacrifice her friends, her reputation, her professional standing --...
LAUREL! When Laurel Vining composes her bright, off-beat application for the lead in a new television series, she never dreams that she, an unknown from a small town, would actually be considered. But soon she's flying to the glittering coa...
IF A HOUSE CAN HATE... Sevier Hall hated young Lydia Clark. Under the strange will of Matthew Sevier, she owned all of it -- the mansion and its 4000 acres of plantation in the old South. But she had to live there, among the people who resented he...
SPIES AT SPEED. Joyce Bowen followed her heart to Europe. She could not believe that Alex Linhart no longer loved her; she refused to accept his statement that his life as a racing-car driver was too dangerous to allow him to marry. Her own love w...
She was a pawn in a murderous intrigue that had begun many years ago and spanned two decades, two continents. Now all the pieces were in position for the final move. Unaware that she had stumbled into a deadly game of international espionage, only Ma...
House of Shadows. When Peggy Cameron was sent by her rich boss to bid for the old Federal Hotel, she had no idea the place was haunted -- or that she would become the victim of two attacks. Peggy discovered a handsome neighbor, a mysterious grave ...
LOVER...OR FIEND Rebecca Wyndam met Jack Stuart through a weird accident. She hardly knew him when he asked her to marry him. But she knew he had helped and protected her in mysterious she had no hesitation in saying yes. Rebecca had ...
DEATH WAITED Young Jill Conlan was almost certain that a murderer lurked in the old German castle known as the Eagle's Nest. But she had to go there... Jill knew, too, that there was some strange secret in her employer's past. Blind old Miss Ep...
IS IT GABRIELLE HERSELF OR HER SPIRIT THAT HAUNTS THE OLD MANSION? When Gabrielle is confronted by the ghost that haunts the old house she is shocked into understanding, why the Brady's first reaction to her was one of horror. For the ghost is the...
Towering Terror. The castle was a monument of love. Captain Jabez Warren had built it, an exact replica of one in her beloved Scotland, for his beautiful young bride. But she died a year later, and his own death in mysterious circumstances follow...
My Killer, My Love Beautiful stewardess Janis Lowell looked forward to Hong Kong. It was an exotic city of mixed cultures and divided loyalties, where anything was for sale -- from jade to assassins, from custom-made clothes to international secre...
WILL ADA CARSON'S TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY BE CELEBRATED WITH A PARTY -- OR MOURNED WITH A FUNERAL? Finding a warning letter -- in the handwriting of her dead mother -- strikes terror in Ada's heart. Already suspicious that her stepfather and...
The first book in Paperback Library's new series of novels based on TV's exciting gothic suspense drama STRANGE PARADISE. JEAN PAUL DESMOND is handsome and vigorous. He is one of the world's richest men and he is desperate. His beloved wife Erica ...
I WAS PETRIFIED. Can Sharon defend herself against an unseen terror that howls at her from beyond the grave? Slowly, by themselves, the lamps went out and the room was filled with flickering. ominous shadows. Even the air was hushed. It grew co...
THE SINISTER MANSION HAD ALREADY CLAIMED TWO LIVES -- WOULD JANET'S BE THE THIRD? Convinced that her uncle was murdered as he was about to unravel the mystery of her father's death, Janet is determined to remain in the huge, bleak mansion and solv...
Dark Anniversary. The old house in Maine was more than just miles away from New York City. Nicolette Atwell felt that she was entering another world, another time. The house -- empty except for one week each year -- seemed dark and foreboding, eve...
For generations Mallory Hall was one of the proudest of the great Virginia estates. Now it is a place spoken of in whispers...a house of secrets and shadows. Janel, youngest of the four Mallory granddaughters, unaware that the sudden, untimely de...
The theater held a clue to her father's death...but finding it could cost Louise Charton her life! When Louise was still a child, her father committed suicide in his dressing room after being accused of killing another actor. Although he was i...
Was the menace trying to kill Nicole Fanchon human or ghost? Cara Palmer was a disturbed child. That was why Nicole Fanchon had come to Emerald Hill to care for her. On Nicole's first night in the house, Cara had crept close to her bed, holding a ...
The second book in Paperback Library's new series of novels based on TV's exciting gothic suspense drama STRANGE PARADISE. Jean Paul Desmond is under the spell of an evil ancestor who has the powers of the devil. The island stands lonely, dark ...
"Don't go back to Rose House, Miss Sybil. The young man--" "Gibbs," I said as the housekeeper paused. "What about the young man?" "He died under the rock slide when he was four. His ghost continued to grow as if he was alive. he haunts that house 'ca...
IN THE HAUNTING TRADITION OF REBECCA -- A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'S DEADLY LEGACY. What was the dread secret of David Arnold's past? Betsy had heard the rumors about his wife's disappearance, his young daughter's strange behavior, his mother's domineering...
The third book in Paperback Library's new series of novels based on TV's exciting gothic suspense drama STRANGE PARADISE. Will Jean Paul Desmond be able to control his unleashed powers of witchcraft -- or will they destroy him? Jean Paul Desmon...
DEAD HAND Hope Owen came home after her mother's death ... home to find a house of strangers rather than the family she thought she knew. The people were the same ... but their reaction to her presence was totally unexpected. And before Hope would...
"As The Willow Weeps, so shall the House of Hayward weep. As the willow dies, so shall a Hayward die. And if the willow burns, so shall the House of Hayward burn..." Doom hung heavy over the Hayward mansion. The master of the house lay de...
OUT OF THE DARKNESS I HEARD SOMEONE CALLING MY NAME. I couldn't answer. I couldn't form any words; my hands seemed to hang limply at my sides. How had I gotten here in this vast, black limbo? Why wasn't I in bed? The voice came again. "Joyce! ...
DIABLO MANOR -- DEVIL'S HOUSE. Avis comes to Diablo Manor to find her father, reported missing among the Florida Keys. The manor, filled with priceless art objects, is exquisitely beautiful -- except for its chamber of horrors. There, among...
To die by fire -- that was the Barclay destiny. Carina's mother had died in a fire of mysterious origin, and her grandfather lived in fear of the same fate. He had built his house with many doors so that he could escape the fire he knew would fla...
HAUNTING MEMORY Lovely Bella Chase had fled from the ashes of her childhood home to the alien sanctuary of Washington D.C. Here, among high-placed relatives whom the Yankees had come to trust, she might work in secrecy to aid the Southern cause. ...
"What is it like to be the daughter of a witch?" The childhood taunt comes back to haunt Cassie Taylor when she returns, after a long absence, to the ancestral mansion she has inherited following her mother's death. There she learns of the strange...
As soon as Gale arrives at Witch's Castle, her car is destroyed by a fiery explosion. That night she hears a spectral voice echoing through the house -- "Come to me, Belial. I am your daughter. Come to me!" A hundred years ago Sarah Dexter, accu...
DANCE OF DOOM. From the moment the troupe gathers in the remote mountain resort to rehearse their new ballet, the BALLAD OF LORRAINE, things go wrong. At the first practice a falling sandbag nearly crushes the prima ballerina, Nicolette Artaude. L...
Judith wanted nothing from Conover's Folly -- except to be free of one searing memory. The last time she had seen the house called Conover's Folly, she had been a frightened child, watching from the darkened stairway as her father killed her mothe...
FOR JANET THAYER, NO PART OF HAITI IS SAFE -- BUT RANCHO MARIA HAS ITS SPECIAL DANGERS. Janet comes to the island illegally to find her missing brother; her only clue leads her to a mansion called Rancho Maria and its strangely hostile master, Ben...
"LEAVE THIS PLACE, OR YOU WILL BECOME JUST ANOTHER IMAGE IN THE TOWER ROOM. GO AWAY! YOU WILL DIE HERE IF YOU DO NOT!" The strange warning had come over the loudspeakers the moment I arrived at the Gibbons' chalet. Although they were visibly upset...
At my lively circus party, someone had arranged for me to die. When I reached the little terrier, the star of the circus's dog act, he was dead. He had snatched food from the plate someone dressed as a clown had handed to me. Someone had tried to ...
DID DEATH HOLD THE ANSWER TO THE LANIER RIDDLE? When Polly Lanier was 16, her testimony sent Stacy Bryant, a handsome young neighbor, to prison for the fatal shooting of her foster sister, Tania. Now Polly is 19, and Stacy Bryant is free again....
A young woman wakes up in a hospital after being struck by a car to find that she has lost her memory -- and with it, her identity. When the police recover her handbag, it is empty except for three keys. Finally she is identified as Sandra Larrabe...
WHOM THE GODS WOULD DESTROY... When Gay Quillan flies to the Guatemalan jungle to search for her missing father, she finds herself in an eerily different world, still ruled by the ancient Mayan gods. Her father's housekeeper warns her, 'The lake g...
Did yesterday's secrets mean no tomorrows for Alison? To Alison's new employers, philanthropists Beth and Rodney Sutton, she seems the ideal social secretary -- skilled, attractive, eager to help. They can't know that she is waiting for the most d...
LEGEND OF DEATH Donna Moreno was an American girl who went to Spain to claim the centuries-old home of her ancestors. It was a gloomy, fortress-like dwelling menaced by events from the past. Over everything hung the shadow of the Spanish Chapel, ...
"My daughter has not uttered a word for four years. Someone, somehow, has to break whatever spell possesses her." Mr. Caldwell looked thin and drawn as he confided his desperation to Janelle Farrington, R.N. The beautiful young psychiatric nurse w...
CAPTIVE ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLANTATION IN THE SOUTH. A Mississippi riverboat explodes en route to New Orleans. A victim of the tragedy, Jana Stewart is suddenly alone, without family, friends or possessions. Jana contacts Claude Duncan, a distan...
NO ONE BID HER WELCOME. No one was at the station to meet Judy Lange. Alone and unguided, she began her climb to the mountain top estate her father had bequeathed her. Suddenly, shots rand out, and her borrowed horse bolted and threw her. Bruis...
" There -- in Paris Match -- were photographs of THE GHOST OF MY MOTHER!" Karen had never believed in ghosts but when her mother's troubled spirit called, she had to listen. The first photograph showed a swirling mass halfway down a staircase. ...
They were trapped by the snowstorm, and in the glacier trembling overhead a buried secret threatened their lives. Cara was alone ... except for the old man who tended the furnace. She would be in charge of this huge mountain resort until the winte...
All The Guests Weren't Invited... A group of classmates are invited to a reunion in a deserted ghost town. The highlight of the gathering is to be a seance, conducted by a medium, in the house where, many years before, two men were murdered. Du...
Cassie Anders is a college student, whose major interest is telepathy and psychic research. A sensitive, she is adept at card and mind reading. A friend begs her to come to his parents' country home, which is haunted by an elderly couple who were ...
Will The Eerie Silence Of Evil Ever End? The gossip was ugly. It implied that Charles Cameron, headmaster of the Ashendon School, was a practicing demon worshipper. When three young students committed suicide, Cameron was held responsible for thei...
WILL THE SILENT STONES SPEAK? Shy and beautiful Arielle Vance lives in an isolated mansion with her intellectual father and hostile grandparents. She is terrorized by rumors which imply that her mother Fern was an elfin and mercurial woodland spr...
Had she inherited her mother's power to predict-but not prevent-disaster? Was this a dream, delirium -- or a dire forecast of death? She saw herself dressed as a shepherdess, her flaxen hair piled high, waiting to meet a secret admirer. She ...
A sense of uneasiness gripped Amber Spence as she returned to her gloomy Hudson manor birthplace -- and the father she hardly knew. What had happened between her parents so long ago? What had compelled her mother to leave? Amber needed to know the...
Was it madness -- or the devil's own black curse? Lovely young Jenny Slade had come to the forbidding castle on a mission of mercy, leaving behind the man she loved. Jenny knew she would wait for Ted, but the wealthy and handsome Lew Warren and he...
Dark Bondage. Lovely, dark-haired Mavis longed for an opera career -- in vain, she thought. But then one night she dreamed of Ernestine Hillary, the fabled soprano whose life had ended tragically and mysteriously sixteen years before. When Mavis a...
Would she be a helpless victim of history's relentless repetition? In the secret compartment of an old desk, Aldis discovered her Aunt Evangeline's diary written long before. How curiously her aunt's story paralleled her own broken romance with a...
A forsaken mansion... A lost love... And a chilling call from the past... Wrapped in mink and love, Peggy Scott had everything in this world. The visit to her newly inherited estate promised to be fun. But within its walls, happiness quickly...
Terror at Twining Manor. I often wondered why I was so susceptible to Dr. Darwin's strange request, for the dangers in accepting it seemed clear from the first. Perhaps it was the certain tender look he gave me. He said he wanted me as more tha...
House of living hate. The bleak old mansion had once known laughter and gaiety and love. What dread influence had now invaded its walls, turning it into a place of hatred and grotesque death? Nineteen-year-old Carrie was determined to solve the...
SPECTRE OF DOOM. When world-famous spiritualist Sigmund Foster went to his death, he left behind a fabulous estate -- and legacy of towering evil that would draw Gail Canby to the brink of madness. For no sooner had Gail come to his fabled mano...
Edge of Madness. They said Naida was insane, that she had murdered Sophie and Reuben Mayes. They had locked her away at The Shelters asylum, but at last she was free to seek the truth of the terrifying night. Only handsome Dr. Duncan -- Roy, wh...
A RING OF FIRE For two months she lived in a world of black unconsciousness. Then three strangers came to claim her as Trudy Avery and to take her back to a village she couldn't remember and friends she didn't know. But others knew the truth ab...
Terror in Maine. A dour and cheerless mansion overlooking the rocky coast of Maine...a tall granite monument draped with a hangman's rope... The ghost of a man hanged for murder and arson takes evil possession of a beautiful young woman... An eer...
She woke to terror from a dream of love. Beverly Gillian was still in a state of shock from the mystifying death of her parents when she wed handsome planter Alex Shelton. This commanding man offered Beverly the love, strength and safety she despe...
A strange old mansion enveloped in fog... A twisted maniac bent on murder... And a lover deaf to the scream for help... Kate Cameron discovers herself the target of grasping hands and demented minds as she struggles under the weight of an in...
WERE THEY FATED TO BE THE LAST OF THE BLAKELY'S...? When handsome, wealthy Greg Blakely asked her to be his wife, Amy was thrilled. But Greg had not told his beautiful young bride about the terrifying family secret which could destroy all their ha...
A munificent inheritance from an unknown benefactor...a fabulous Victorian mansion in San Francisco, the only one on Juniper Hill to escape destruction in the great earthquake...a ghostly pianist who plays a locked grand piano in the depths of the ni...
Alison, a lovely, young clinical psychologist, was called to investigate the possible suicide of a corporate giant, Clifford Dalton. She knew of the dead man's harsh reputation, his last bitter words, and his recorded threat to return and ruin all hi...
When Felicia discovered the Portrait of a Witch her life began to twist and turn as she confronted a shadowy past, a terrifying present, and a tormented future. As she looked at the old portrait, she saw her own face! The likeness was exact, and ever...
CONCERTO FOR PIANO AND VIOLENCE. Amy Cooper had come home to Beckford to perform at the opening of the Concert Hall. She would be the soloist, playing the piano in the tradition of her world-famous parents. It promised to be a gala occasion. Ex...
By 1925 June Standish is too much a part of the changing times to believe in astrological predestination. Though she has recognized her own Gemini traits -- her mercurial moods, her capacity for dramatic unpredictability -- she it too entrenched in t...
IMAGES OF FEAR. When she first saw the beautiful, silent lady in the garden, lovely young nurse Jane Tracy thought she must be dreaming. Then she discovered the old tintype in her patient Phillip Corbin's desk drawer. It was a picture of the s...
Carmen DeSantos was certain that she had seen her father go into the family chapel. But when she and the rest of the family went in later for vespers, he wasn't there! He had been due back in California a week ago, and Carmen felt that he was some...
"I'm falling in love with you." With those astonishing and unexpected words, Jeff strode away. Carolyn wanted to call him back, wanted to give way to the love that flooded her heart. But this wasn't the time. Before she could think of her own f...
When beautiful Eve Bennett married charismatic Barney Anders, dark-haired scion of a wealthy San Francisco family, her devoted younger sister Judith knew that only love could have prompted Eve to sacrifice her promising singing career. But there was ...
It was a dark mirror...ancient. The images it revealed were visions of the future that only women descended from the Irish Queen Maeve were able to discern. Beautiful Maeve O'Hanlon cherished the mirror, for in its pale luster she saw the fine f...
HAPPINESS TURNS TO TERROR! The fabulous mansion on the hill, an inheritance beyond her wildest dreams...and no doubt left that she is the girl to whom it all belongs. It's too good to be true--until the House of Mirrors turns into a sinister Hous...
LIQUOR OF LOVE, ASHES OF DECEIT. It begins in the California of frontier days, and stretches across the ocean to the lush French wine-country -- the surging epic of the Cyprien family and their 50-year struggle to build the most prestigious vineyards...
ISLAND OF DOOM It was sorrow that brought young Cora Taylor home from Europe -- sorrow and her promise to see Aunt Maggie buried in the little cemetery on their family's island. But in spite of all her troubles, the loss of her aunt so soon af...
The deserted inn once belonged to her father and now belonged to her. As she wandered through the halls of Hermitage Hill, beautiful Laura Ashton couldn't help recalling how he had died. No one ever found the body, but Laura herself heard the explosi...
GARDEN OF DOOM. Celeste Abbott had always longed to visit her aunt's luxurious country estate. Yet when the invitation finally came, Celeste found herself wishing she had never heard of Linden Gardens. For as she soon learned, the mansion was over...
"GO AWAY FROM HERE AND LEAVE ME IN PEACE!" The terrifying words echoed throughout the deserted mansion, warning lovely Lorene Foster not to tarry in her ancestral home. But Lorene and her handsome tenant Alex Kinney did not believe in ghosts and r...
In the palm of her hand Angela Gambrell held THE MAGIC RING. It was a gift from across the seas from the parents she had not seen since their return to Italy ten years before she had been only eight. The ring was a symbol of the love her father...
KATE MORAN KNEW WHAT SHE RISKED WHEN SHE ENTERED THE CASTLE. AND ALL HER FEARS CAME TRUE. Ireland was swept by famine, the villagers were on the brink of death, and lovely young Kate Moran knew there was but one way to save them and herself. Sh...
THE WOMAN IN BLACK. Who was she and what strange power did she hold over lovely young actress Meg Lambert? From the moment Meg heard the strange voice calling in her mind her life began to change. Her promising career crumbled as scandal and danger t...
A TOWN OF GHOSTLY MEMORIES. When an innocent man was lynched by the angry people of Arnetville, the local minister called down a devastating curse on his sinful parishioner's. And from that moment the town began slowly, frighteningly, mysteriousl...
THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE. That's what the townspeople had called Nancy Keith's father when they lynched him many years ago. Now the beautiful schoolteacher had returned to the town of Sycamore to seek vengeance for her father's death. She would prove ...
Vienna -- 1912 The most glittering capital of Europe, where an aging Emperor ruled an empire riddled with intrigue and violence, while his court pursued an endless round of public pageantry and private pleasures. This was the city of grandeur a...
DARK DESTINY Beautiful Amy Wilton had always considered herself to be a levelheaded young woman, a quality she had desperately needed when both her her parents died, leaving her totally alone in the world. But then handsome horse-breeder Alex Paig...
THE POWERS OF DARKNESS seemed to have marked lovely orphan Nila Parris for their own from the moment of her mother's unexpected death. Penniless, with nowhere to turn, Nila was relieved when Evelyn Dunbar, her mother's sister, offered her a home. ...
VIRGINIA HAMMOND WAS THE BELLE OF VALCOUR ISLAND The spoiled, beautiful daughter of her cotton-raising father -- enchanting with her beaux, harsh with her slaves and aflame with the rebel cause. But she was not the only daughter James Hammond had ...
THE RICH AND THE RECKLESS. In this, her latest novel, best-selling author Dorothy Daniels weaves a dazzling story of romance and danger set in the golden era of Monte Carlo in the 1890s. A city sizzling in sin and teeming with royalty and high-rol...
In the aftermath of Civil War Virginia Hammond made a vow... She would drive the Yankee settlers from her father's plantation and restore Valcour Island to its old glory. Beautiful strong-willed, Virginia Hammond would let no man or woman stand in...
The war between the states is over -- but Virginia Hammond's most heartbreaking battle has just begun. She was the most ravishing bride in the county and she had married the love of her life, Elias Birch. But when Virginia bore him another man's c...
Homecoming... Rachel returned home with a heavy heart. Once Cypress Hall had been the grandest of plantations, her parents happy and wealthy and very much alive. Now a gruesome tragedy had taken her parents' lives, and Rachel was the new mistr...
This heartfelt story follows a lonely child's journey to find the love and companionship that isn't always so easy to recognize, even when it's right in front of them. Sometimes it takes floating to the stars and sailing through the clouds to truly g...
COME HOME TO TRAGEDY. One house stood alone on Nob Hill, where a short while before many stately mansions had towered. And young Jessica Taylor's homecoming was a bewildering shock when she discovered that her parents and sister had perished i...
THE LAIR OF THE ANGEL. Betty Bowen was confined to a wheelchair, victim of an explosion at the Bowen family quarry two years ago -- an explosion that killed her parents...and that people blamed on Betty herself! Were they right? Betty could not...
THEY CALLED HER THE ANGEL OF DEATH... The townspeople swore that lovely Angel Hanway's father had been a friend of Death. And how could she deny it when she'd never known her father, her mother, or the one called Death. The villagers cursed her, t...
SLOW POISON... Clarice Gilmore took a job as private nurse to a wealthy matron, Mrs. Flora Avery, and found herself fighting a losing battle against creeping, insidious death. She was sure someone was poisoning her patient -- and Clarice hersel...