Handeland, Lori |
Moon Cursed |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hanna, Janice |
Kate and the Wyoming Fossil Fiasco |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hanna, Janice |
The Perfect Match |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hannah, Kristin |
Night Road |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Hansen, Valerie |
Face of Danger |
LIS-236 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-08-2011 |
Hargreaves, Roger |
Little Miss Princess |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-03-2011 |
Harrington, Kim |
Clarity |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-2011 |
Harrington, Nina |
The Last Summer of Being Single |
HR-4230 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Harris, C.S. |
Where Shadows Dance |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hayes, Gwen |
Falling Under |
Fantasy Romance / FR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Heley, Veronica |
False Money |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Henderson, Jason |
Shadowland: Street Heroes |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-09-2011 |
Herbert, Brian; Anderson, Kevin J. |
Hellhole |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Herron, Rachael |
How to Knit a Heart Back Home // Lucy's Kiss |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hewson, Sherrie |
Behind the Laughter (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-04-2011 |
Higgs, Liz Curtis |
Mine Is the Night |
Historical / H |
Mar-15-2011 |
Hills, Tad |
Duck and Goose, How Are You Feeling? |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-2011 |
Hinger, Charlotte |
Lethal Lineage |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hogan, Tamara |
Taste Me |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Holabird, Katharine |
Angelina, Prima Ballerina |
AAR1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-03-2011 |
Holder, Nancy |
The Screaming Season |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-17-2011 |
Hollick, Helen |
I Am the Chosen King |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Holz, Cynthia |
Benevolence |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Homzie, Hillary |
The Hot List |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Horowitz, Anthony |
Scorpia Rising |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-22-2011 |
Hosp, David |
Next Of Kin |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Mar-01-2011 |
Hubbard, Kirsten |
Like Mandarin |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Humphreys, C.C. |
The Hunt of the Unicorn |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-08-2011 |
Hunter, C.C. |
Turned at Dark (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-15-2011 |
Hunter, Kelly |
Her Singapore Fling |
HPE-143 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Huseby, Victoria |
Oak Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Ignatow, Amy |
The Long-distance Dispatch Between Lydia Goldblatt and Julie Graham-Chang |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Jackson, Lisa |
The Life and Death of Lauren Conway (e) |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-2011 |
Jackson, Neta |
Who Is My Shelter? |
Christian / CH |
Mar-01-2011 |
Jacobson, Jennifer Richard |
Small as an Elephant |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
James, Julie |
A Lot Like Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Jayne, Hannah |
Under Wraps |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Johnson, Graham |
Druglord (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-04-2011 |
Johnson, Graham |
The Devil |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-04-2011 |
Johnson, Graham |
Powder Wars |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-04-2011 |
Johnson, Janice Kay |
Bone Deep |
HS-1692 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Johnson, Liz |
Code of Justice |
LIS-237 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-08-2011 |
Johnson, Mat |
Pym |
Literary / L |
Mar-01-2011 |
Johnston, Linda O. |
Beaglemania |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-2011 |
Johnston, Paul |
The Nameless Dead |
Thriller / T |
Mar-29-2011 |
Johnstone, William W. |
Dead Before Sundown |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Jones, Allan |
Trundle's Quest |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-22-2011 |
Joyce, Graham |
The Silent Land |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Juby, Susan |
Home to Woefield |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Jurgens, Dan |
Tomorrow Memory |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Just, Ward |
Rodin's Debutante |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Karp, Jesse |
Those That Wake |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Mar-21-2011 |
Kasischke, Laura |
Sweet Things |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Kaye, Marguerite |
Claimed by the Wolf Prince (e) |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Kelly, Joe |
Spider-Man: Grim Hunt |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-16-2011 |
Kemp, Paul S. |
Deceived |
Space Opera / SO |
Mar-22-2011 |
Kennedy, Douglas |
State of the Union |
Literary / L |
Mar-15-2011 |
Kenyon, Sherrilyn |
Invincible |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Kenyon, Sherrilyn |
The Dark-Hunters, Volume 4 |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Mar-01-2011 |
Kilby, Joan |
Two Against the Odds |
HS-1693 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Kingsbury, Karen |
Leaving |
Christian / CH |
Mar-22-2011 |
Kreisberg, Andrew |
Dead to Rights |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lackey, Mercedes |
Invasion |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lancaster, Mike |
Human.4 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lane, Kathleen; Harris, Cabell |
Nana Takes the Reins! |
Mystery / M |
Mar-09-2011 |
Lang, Maureen |
Springtime of the Spirit |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Langridge, Roger |
Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Volume 2 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-23-2011 |
Lansdale, Joe R. |
Devil Red |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Lasky, Kathryn |
May |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lavene, Joyce; Lavene, Jim |
A Touch of Gold |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lawrence, Lucy |
Sealed With a Kill |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-2011 |
Layton, Bernice |
Lies in Disguise |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Leavitt, Lindsey |
Sean Griswold's Head |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lee, Jade |
Wicked Seduction |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lee, Linda Francis |
Emily and Einstein |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lee, Stan |
Thor: Tales of Asgard |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-16-2011 |
Lee, Stan |
Fantastic Four: Extended Family |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-09-2011 |
Lee, Stan |
Essential Thor, Volume 3 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-02-2011 |
Lepore, Jacqueline |
Immortal with a Kiss |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Lester, Helen |
Hooway for Wodney Wat |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2011 |
Lim, Dall-Young |
Black God, Volume 12 |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-29-2011 |
Lippman, Laura |
Don't Look Back |
Thriller / T |
Mar-01-2011 |
Locke, M.J. |
Up Against It |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Louise, Kara |
Only Mr. Darcy Will Do |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lychack, William |
The Architect of Flowers |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-2011 |
Lyon, Jennifer |
Night Magic |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-22-2011 |
Lyons, C.J. |
Blind Faith |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-2011 |
Lyons, Mathew |
The Favourite: Sir Walter and His Queen (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-24-2011 |
Maberry, Jonathan |
Countdown (e) |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-2011 |
MacDonald, Malcolm |
Abigail |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
MacLean, Julianne |
Captured by the Highlander |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Maguire, Eden |
Summer |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
Mandanna, Sarita |
Tiger Hills |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-09-2011 |
Manfredo, Lou |
Rizzo's Fire |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-2011 |
Manham, Allan |
Giant Carrot |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Mann, Catherine |
His Heir, Her Honor |
SD-2071 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
March, Emily |
Hummingbird Lake |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-22-2011 |
Marchetta, Melina |
The Piper's Son |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Mariani, Scott |
The Mozart Conspiracy |
Thriller / T |
Mar-22-2011 |
Markle, Sandra |
How Many Baby Pandas? |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Marrone, Amanda |
Master of Mirrors |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-08-2011 |
Matheson, Richard |
Other Kingdoms |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
May, Peter |
Blowback |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Mar-01-2011 |
Mayer, Mercer |
A Green, Green Garden |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
McCoy, Judi |
Begging for Trouble |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-2011 |
McDavid, Cathy |
The Comeback Cowboy |
HAR-1345 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
McDonald, Abby |
The Liberation of Alice Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
McDonald, Megan |
Stink and the Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
McDonald, Megan |
Cloudy With a Chance of Boys |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
McEuen, Paul |
Spiral |
Literary / L |
Mar-22-2011 |
McGuire, Seanan |
Late Eclipses |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-01-2011 |
McLane, LuAnn |
Playing for Keeps |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
McMahon, Barbara |
Angel of Smoky Hollow |
HR-4227 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
McQueen, Holly |
Confetti Confidential |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Meadows, Daisy |
A Fairy Ballet |
SR2 |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
Michalak, Jamie |
Joe and Sparky, Superstars! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Michaud, Jon |
When Tito Loved Clara |
Literary / L |
Mar-08-2011 |
Miller, Judith |
A Bond Never Broken |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Miller, Julie |
Protecting Plain Jane |
HI-1266 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-08-2011 |
Mitchell, Saundra |
The Vespertine |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2011 |
Mitchell, Siri |
A Heart Most Worthy |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Modesitt, L.E., Jr. |
Lady-Protector |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-15-2011 |
Mofina, Rick |
In Desperation |
Thriller / T |
Mar-22-2011 |
Monk, Bathsheba |
Nude Walker |
Literary / L |
Mar-01-2011 |
Montanari, Richard |
The Echo Man |
Thriller / T |
Mar-01-2011 |
Moon, Elizabeth |
Kings of the North |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-22-2011 |
Mooney, Melissa Duke |
The ABCs of Rock |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-2011 |
Moran, Katy |
Bloodline Rising |
Historical / H |
Mar-22-2011 |
Morren, Ruth Axtell |
A Gentleman's Homecoming |
LIH-79 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Morris, Susan |
The Faerie Locket |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-08-2011 |
Mortimer, Carole |
Taming the Last St. Claire |
MMR-1060 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-04-2011 |
Mosley, Walter |
Karma (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-03-2011 |
Mosley, Walter |
When the Thrill Is Gone |
Mystery / M |
Mar-08-2011 |
Moss, Alice |
Mortal Kiss |
Romance / R |
Mar-15-2011 |
Moss, Marissa |
Amelia's BFF |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Mull, Brandon |
A World Without Heroes |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-15-2011 |
Murphy, C.E. |
Spirit Dances |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Myers, Bill |
Stink Bug Saves the Day! (e) |
Christian / CH |
Mar-01-2011 |
Neiderman, Andrew |
Garden of the Dead |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Nelson, Blake |
Recovery Road |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Nelson, James L. |
With Fire and Sword |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Nichols, Lee |
Betrayal |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Nicieza, Fabian |
Angel in the Dark |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
Nixon, James |
Trucks |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Noble, Elizabeth |
When You Were Mine |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Noel, Alyson |
Shimmer |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Norman-Bellamy, Kendra |
Upon This Rock |
Christian / CH |
Mar-01-2011 |
O'Nan, Stewart |
Emily, Alone |
Literary / L |
Mar-17-2011 |
O'Ryan, Ellie |
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure Jr. Novel |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Obreht, Tea |
The Tiger's Wife |
Literary / L |
Mar-08-2011 |
Orgain, Diana |
Formula for Murder |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-01-2011 |
Overstreet, Jeffrey |
The Ale Boy's Feast |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-15-2011 |
Padian, Maria |
Jersey Tomatoes Are the Best |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Palatini, Margie |
Hogg, Hogg, & Hog |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Palmatier, Joshua |
After Hours |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
Parry, Rosanne |
Second Fiddle |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Partridge, Elizabeth |
Dogtag Summer |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-15-2011 |
Parv, Valerie |
With a Little Help |
HS-1697 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Patterson, James; McMahon, Neil |
Toys |
Thriller / T |
Mar-14-2011 |
Paulsen, Gary |
Liar, Liar |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Pendleton, Don |
Infiltration |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-08-2011 |
Pendleton, Don |
Final Coup |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-08-2011 |
Perry, Marta |
Sarah's Gift |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Peterson, Tracie |
Hearts Aglow |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Phelps, M. William |
Love Her To Death (e) |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-2011 |
Picknett, Lynn; Prince, Clive |
The Forbidden Universe (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-24-2011 |
Picoult, Jodi |
Sing You Home |
Literary / L |
Mar-01-2011 |
Price, Katie |
Star Ponies |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Putney, M.J. |
Fallen from Grace (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-15-2011 |
Putney, M.J. |
Dark Mirror |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
Rankin, Ian |
The Complaints |
Suspense / S |
Mar-07-2011 |
Reasoner, James |
Redemption, Kansas |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-2011 |
Reed, Scott |
Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force: Dark Son |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-09-2011 |
Reid, Thomas M. |
The Empyrean Odyssey |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-22-2011 |
Reisfeld, Randi |
This Is the Sound |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Reiss, Kathryn |
A Bundle of Trouble |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Reiss, Kathryn |
The Silver Guitar |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Resau, Laura |
The Queen of Water |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Restrepo, Bettina |
Illegal |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Richard, T. Dawn |
Par for the Corpse |
Mystery / M |
Mar-16-2011 |
Ripken, Cal, Jr. |
Hothead |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Robbins, Trina |
Girl Comics |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-23-2011 |
Robertson, Michael |
The Brothers of Baker Street |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Robinson, James Dale |
Last Stand of New Krypton Volume 2. |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Robinson, Ruthie |
Steady |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-2011 |
Robinson, Suzanne |
Lord of the Dragon |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-22-2011 |
Roe, Paula |
Promoted to Wife? |
SD-2076 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-08-2011 |
Roecker, Laura; Roecker, Lisa |
The Liar Society |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2011 |
Rowe, Christopher |
Sandstorm |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-2011 |
Roy, Ron |
June Jam |
Mystery / M |
Mar-22-2011 |
Roy, Ron |
May Magic |
Mystery / M |
Mar-22-2011 |
Runholt, Susan |
The Adventure at Simba Hill |
Mystery / M |
Mar-03-2011 |
Russinovich, Mark |
Zero Day |
Thriller / T |
Mar-15-2011 |
Ryals, Lexi |
Teeny Tiny Animals |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Ryan, Carrie |
The Dark and Hollow Places |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Ryan, Patrick |
Gemini Bites |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2011 |
Saknussemm, Kris |
The Enigmatic Pilot |
Historical / H |
Mar-22-2011 |
Salisbury, Graham |
Hero of Hawaii |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-08-2011 |
Sandall, Ellie |
Birdsong |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-22-2011 |
Schlozman, Steven C. |
The Zombie Autopsies |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-25-2011 |