In a novel based on the popular science fiction role-playing game, a female black-market courier journeys to the Verge to enter the virtual reality world of the Grid to deliver a pair of data crystals to her mysterious contact, The Fool, but when the...
A sinister force, long thought destroyed, stirs in the land. As a she-demon bent on wreaking worldwide havoc struggles to escape her prison and a foul demigod plots to bend her to his will, a band of desperate heroes must infiltrate the very heart of...
A hand-picked team of the most capable drow adventurers begin a perilous journey through the treacherous Underdark, all the while surrounded by the chaos of war. Their path will take them through the very heart of darkness, and the Underdark will be ...
A mercenary order sworn to defend a god, but bent to the will of mortals. When family turns on family, it's buisness as usual in Arrabar, but when a family turns on itself, an entire nation may be torn asunder....
A forbidden alliance solidifies, an army marches, and an ancient society begins to crumble. Vambran and Emriana have survived assassination attempts, family feuds, arranged marriages, and monster-guarded secrets. But now things are starting to get...
Raging dragons threaten to destroy civilization on Faerim, but that hasn't always been the case. There have even been times when humans and dragons have worked together to preserve life and combat evil. Of course, that doesn't happen very often. M...
First in a series of four study guides on the major works of St. John of the Cross. Great as a group study guide in the formation of a Carmelite community or for the individual to increase one's understanding of the writings of St. John of the Cross....
From out of the deepest forests comes the most unlikely ally in a war for a city's heart. Sides have been chosen, traitors have been revealed, and masks have come off the most secretive of Arrabar's elite -- friends and foes alike. All that's left...
Khaniel Devlin, weapons master and mercenary, encounters a troupe of Paladins seeking the hidden refuge of a long-lost member of their order. Led by a devout and charismatic woman named Zethamy Demarro, the group is attacked by a horde of giant cyclo...
Ever wonder what could bring a demon to the gates of heaven? Aliisza and Kaanyr Vhok have returned from their attempted invasion of Menzoberranzan and turned their sights on Sundabar. But before she can complete a mission in that beseiged city, Al...
What brings a demon to the gates of heaven? The half-fiend Kaanyr Vhok finally arrives at the destination he has sacrificed so much to achieve--he is in the heart of Celestia with his lover and consort, the succubus Aliisza. Only to find that the ...
What could bring heaven to the depths of hell? Aliisza betrayed her lover, her mentor, and her son in order to try to stop the dark plot to kill the goddess Mystra. She failed. Now the goddess is dead, magic is malfunctioning, and Aliisza and her ...
Storm the Gates of Heaven! Aliisza and Kaanyr Vhok have returned from their attempted invasion of Menzoberranzan and set their sights on Sundabar. But before she can complete a mission in that besieged city, Aliisza finds herself in the one place ...