Abbott, Tony |
The Race To Doobesh |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Adams, Anna |
Her Little Secret |
HS-1248 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-11-2005 |
Adams, Jane A. |
Heatwave |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-01-2005 |
Aiken, Joan |
The Witch of Clatteringshaws |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Aiken, Joan |
Midwinter Nightingale |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Allen, M.E. |
Gotta Get Some Bish Bash Bosh |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Anderson, Catherine |
My Sunshine |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-04-2005 |
Anderson, John Aubrey |
Black Or White // Abiding Darkness |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-2005 |
Anderson, M.T. |
Whales on Stilts! |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-2005 |
Anderson, Robert |
Little Fugue |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Anton, Shari |
At Her Service |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Arkin, Frieda |
Hedwig and Berti |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Armstrong, Christopher |
Dragons, Phantoms, and Secrets: The Best New Fantasy from Arrow Writers |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Ashford, Lindsay Jayne |
Strange Blood |
Mystery / M |
Jan-04-2005 |
Asprin, Robert; Del Carlo, Eric |
Resurrection |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Auer, Chris |
A Stranger, A Thief, and a Pack of Lies |
Christian / CH |
Jan-18-2005 |
Auer, Chris |
The Chinese Puzzle Box |
Christian / CH |
Jan-18-2005 |
Awdry, Rev. W. |
Percy's Chocolate Crunch Book & CD |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-05-2005 |
Aziz, Christine |
The Olive Readers |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Baglio, Ben M. |
Rescuing Raisin |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Baglio, Ben M. |
Searching for Sunshine |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Baglio, Ben M. |
Max is Missing! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Baglio, Ben M. |
Collie with a Card |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Baglio, Ben M. |
The Disappearing Desert Kittens |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Bailey, Jane |
Tommy Glover's Sketch of Heaven |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-2005 |
Baldry, Cherith |
Surfers Mutiny In Space |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-04-2005 |
Baldwin, Kathleen |
Mistaken Kiss |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-2005 |
Barlow, Steve; Skidmore, Steve |
Surfers Mad Myths Must Fly |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-04-2005 |
Barlow, Steve; Skidmore, Steve |
Surfers Mad Myths Stone Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-04-2005 |
Barmack, Erik S. |
The Virgin |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Barron, Chris |
Collected South African Obituaries |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Bartholomew, Nancy |
Stella, Get Your Man |
SBO-25 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell |
Nobody's Diggier Than A Dog |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-17-2005 |
Bateman, Colin |
Running with the Reservoir Pups |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bauer, Pamela |
Bachelor Father |
HS-1252 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-11-2005 |
Beall, Pamela Conn |
The Wee Sing Collection |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Beauman, Sally |
The Landscape of Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Benitez, Sandra |
Night of the Radishes |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-12-2005 |
Benton, Jim |
Love Bites |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bernhardt, William |
Dark Eye |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bernthal, Mark |
Psych Out |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bernthal, Mark |
Winning Streak |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bilbrough, Norman |
A Short History of Paradise |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bishop, Anne |
Dreams Made Flesh |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bittner, Rosanne |
Walk By Faith |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Blackman, Malorie |
Ellie, and the Cat! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-06-2005 |
Blake, Jennifer |
Challenge To Honor |
Historical Romance / HR |
Dec-28-2004 |
Bligh, Deirdre |
Perfect World: I Was Soooo Embarrassed! |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-2005 |
Blue, Lucy |
My Demon's Kiss |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bodwell, Teresa |
Loving Mercy |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bolen, Cheryl |
The Counterfeit Countess |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Books, Baen |
The World Turned Upside Down (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Bova, Ben |
Powersat |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Boyd, William |
Fascination |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Boyle, Elizabeth |
Something About Emmaline |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-25-2005 |
Brandreth, Gyles |
Slippers That Answered Back |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-04-2005 |
Brashear, Jean |
Coming Home |
HS-1251 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-11-2005 |
Brisbin, Terri |
The King's Mistress |
HH-735 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Brite, Poppy Z. |
Prime |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Brooke, Keith |
Flesh & Blood |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Brooke, Lauren |
Heartland, Volume 2 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Brooke, Lauren |
Heartland, Volume 1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Brookner, Anita |
Leaving Home |
Romance / R |
Jan-01-2005 |
Brooks, Helen |
His Marriage Ultimatum |
MMR-434 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Brown, Carolyn |
Augusta |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Brown, Rita Mae |
Cat's Eyewitness |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-25-2005 |
Browning, Dixie |
Her Passionate Plan B |
SD-1628 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-11-2005 |
Buehner, Caralyn |
A Box of Snowmen |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Burke, Jan |
Bloodlines |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-2005 |
Byers, Richard Lee |
The Rite |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Byrd, Adrianne |
Measure of a Man |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Byrne, John |
Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne - Volume 3 |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Jan-12-2005 |
Cabot, Meg |
Every Boy's Got One |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cabot, Meg |
Twilight |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cadwalladr, Carole |
The Family Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Dec-29-2004 |
Caine, Rachel |
Chill Factor |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jan-04-2005 |
Calasso, Roberto |
K. |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Card, Orson Scott |
Robota |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-2005 |
Carmody, Isobelle |
Night Gate |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Carr, Susanna |
"Wicked" Women 101 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Carroll & Graf Publishers |
The Uncollected Henry James |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-03-2005 |
Carroll, Leslie |
Play Dates |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-18-2005 |
Carroll, Susan |
The Dark Queen |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cartwright, Justin |
The Promise of Happiness |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Casey, Ethan |
Alive Well in Pakistan |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Cash, Steve |
The Meq |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-25-2005 |
Caskie, Kathryn |
Lady in Waiting |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cassidy, Carla |
Deceived |
SBO-26 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Castro, Adam-Troy |
Just A Couple of Idiots Reupholstering Space and Time |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cates, Kimberly |
Picket Fence |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Dec-28-2004 |
Cattopadhyaya, Saratcandra |
The Saratchandra Omnibus |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cazet, Denys |
The Attack of the Easter Bunnies |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-18-2005 |
Celmer, Michelle |
Running On Empty |
SIM-1343 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Charles, Nora |
Who Killed Swami Schwartz? |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cheetham, Simon |
Well up for It! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-11-2005 |
Cheshire, Marc |
Eloise Dresses Up |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Child, Maureen |
A Crazy Kind of Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Christie, William |
The Blood We Shed |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-2005 |
Clair, Daphne |
The Brunellesci Baby |
MMR-439 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Volume 4 |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-25-2005 |
Clark, Clare |
The Great Stink |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-2005 |
Clayton, Debra |
Rap Superstar |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Coburn, Jennifer |
Reinventing Mona |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann |
Mr. Tanen's Ties Rule! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Coleman, Carter |
Cage's Bend |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-2005 |
Coleman, Reed Farrel |
The James Deans |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jan-25-2005 |
Coll, Susan |
Rockville Pike |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Colleen, Hugh Gantzer |
The Year Before Sunset |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Collins, Lowery, Pat |
Come Out, Come Out! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-03-2005 |
Collins, Max Allan |
Serial |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-25-2005 |
Conway, Madeleine |
Rosamund's Revenge |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cook, Lorna J. |
Home Away from Home |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Copeland, Lori |
The Peacemaker |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Corris, Peter |
The Journal of Fletcher Christian |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Coupland, Douglas |
Eleanor Rigby |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Courtenay, Bryce |
Whitethorn |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Coville, Bruce |
The Dragon Of Doom |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-25-2005 |
Cowan, Debra |
Whirlwind Groom |
HH-738 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Cox, Greg |
To Reign in Hell |
Space Opera / SO |
Jan-01-2005 |
Craven, Sara |
The Marchese's Love-Child |
MMR-436 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Crebbin, June |
Snap Happy Annie |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-04-2005 |
Creighton, Kathleen |
Undercover Mistress |
SIM-1340 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Curry, Kelli |
Strawberry Shortcake and the Butterfly Garden: All Aboard Reading Station Stop 1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-13-2005 |
da Cunha, Nisha |
Quiet of the Birds: Collected Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Daley, Margaret |
A Mother For Cindy |
LI-283 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dalton, Kit |
Silver City Carbine |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-2005 |
Danielewski, Cynthia |
After Dark |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dann, John R. |
Song of the Earth |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Darcy, Emma |
His Bought Mistress |
HP-2439 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
David, Peter |
Hulk Visionaries: Peter David - Volume 1 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-19-2005 |
Davidson, Carolyn |
Texas Lawman |
HH-736 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Davidson, Maryjanice |
Biting in Plain Sight |
Fantasy / F |
Dec-28-2004 |
Davidson, Maryjanice |
Derik's Bane |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jan-04-2005 |
De Botton, Alain |
Status Anxiety |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-13-2005 |
Dean, Louise |
This Human Season |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
deGroat, Diane |
Lola Hides the Eggs |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-18-2005 |
Delacorte, Shawna |
In Forbidden Territory |
SD-1631 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Delacroix, Claire |
The Beauty Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
deMontravel, Jacqueline |
Escape From Bridezilla |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Derby, Sally |
The Wacky Substitute |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-07-2005 |
Derico, Laura |
Jesus Lives! The Easter Story |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-03-2005 |
Deutsch, Stacia; Cohon, Rhody |
Lincoln's Legacy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
di Michele, Mary |
Tenor of Love |
Historical / H |
Jan-11-2005 |
Disney Book Group |
Friends |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-03-2005 |
Disney Book Group |
Princess Teatime |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dobson, Danae |
Parables for Kids |
Christian / CH |
Jan-24-2005 |
Dodshon, Mark |
Beds Are Burning: Midnight Oil - The Journey |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-2005 |
Donatich, John |
Ambivalence, a Love Story |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Donovan, Gerard |
Doctor Salt |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Donovan, Stacey |
Strip Poker |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dorros, Arthur |
Julio's Magic |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dorsey, Tim |
Torpedo Juice |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-2005 |
Douglas, Charlotte |
One Good Man |
HAR-1049 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Douglass, Sara |
The Wounded Hawk |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Drake, Dianne |
Playing Games |
HFL-32 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Drake, Shannon |
Dead by Dusk |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Druse, Eleanor |
The Journals of Eleanor Druse |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Druten, Rachel |
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not |
HSNG-627 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Duarte, Judy |
Hailey's Hero |
SSE-1659 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dunlop, Barbara |
Flying High |
HT-1006 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Durham, David Anthony |
Pride of Carthage |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Durham, Laura |
Better Off Wed |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Jan-25-2005 |
Durrant, Sabine |
The Great Indoors |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Dyer, Jane |
Little Brown Bear and the Bundle of Joy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Edwards, Denis |
Miramar Morning |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Elmer, Robert |
The Celebrity |
Romance / R |
Jan-11-2005 |
Ephron, G.H. |
Guilt |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-01-2005 |
Epstein, Robin |
The Great Outdoors: Take a Hike |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Evanovich, Janet |
Eleven on Top |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-15-2005 |
Fairstein, Linda |
Entombed |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jan-01-2005 |
Farrell, S.L. |
Heir of Stone |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Farrington, Tim |
Lizzie's War |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Faulkner, Keith |
Flip-Flap Math |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Feher-Elston, Catherine |
Ravensong |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-13-2005 |
Ferguson, Jo Ann |
Belling the Kitten |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-2005 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
Dangerous Disguise |
SIM-1339 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fforde, Jasper |
The Big Over Easy |
Suspense / S |
Jan-15-2005 |
Fielding, Joy |
Puppet |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Finder, Joseph |
Paranoia |
Thriller / T |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fletcher, Dirk |
Colorado Cutie |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-2005 |
Flood, Pansie Hart |
Tiger Turcotte Takes On the Know-It-All |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fobes, Tracy |
Portrait of a Bride |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Forbes, Mary J. |
A Father, Again |
SSE-1661 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fowler, Connie May |
The Problem with Murmur Lee |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-2005 |
Francis, Dorothy Brenner / Francis, Dorothy |
Pier Pressure |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-2005 |
Francis, Suzanne |
The Berry Best Party Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-2005 |
Frazer, Margaret |
The Widow's Tale |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fredd, Carla |
A Valentine Kiss |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Dec-28-2004 |
French, Wendy |
Going Coastal |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fuller, Kathleen |
Santa Fe Sunrise |
Romance / R |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fulmer, David |
Jass |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jan-01-2005 |
Funke, Cornelia |
Inkspell |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-2005 |
Furman, Simon |
The Second Generation |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-2005 |
Fyfield, Frances |
Safer Than Houses |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-01-2005 |
Galenorn, Yasmine |
Murder Under A Mystic Moon |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-04-2005 |
Gallagher, Diana G. |
Mystic Knoll |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |
Galland, Nicole |
The Fool's Tale |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-2005 |
Garcia-Roza, Luiz Alfredo |
A Window in Copacabana |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jan-01-2005 |
Gardner, Craig Shaw |
An Embarrassment of Elves |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-2005 |