A tour of a rain forest reveals the diverse animals and plants that live in the ecosystem, explores various rain forests throughout the world, and discusses the threat to the delicate balance of life in such environments...
"A Reading Rainbow Book! This zany alligator with a love for footwear is guaranteed to make you laugh—no ifs, and, or boots about it.
Alvin the alligator loves to watch people—more specifically, their shoes. But his inte...
A look at different dwellings from around the world takes young readers on a tour of houses from such faraway places as China, Egypt, Israel, Japan, and other countries and teaches readers to say "house" in fifteen languages....
Showing how elephants live not only in herds, but also in close families, a colorfully illustrated exploration of elephant life explains details of their lives, including the matriarchal structure of their family system....
Diego and his family are migrant farmers who move from state to state picking fruits and vegetables. Each day brings a new experience--a different place, a different crop, and different people to meet. But no matter where Diego goes, his radio goe...
Here's the band--they play and play.1 osprey dances ballet....
That twirling osprey joins a host of other swinging animals in this counting jamboree. By the time ten flamingos go tango, the dance floor expands in a special foldout with 55 a...
FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Explains how the wind works--whether it is pushing the clouds along, blowing through hair, rustling the curtains, or roaring during a hurricane--and shows how to make a simple weather vane....
Having always been eccentric, it is expected by the customers at Don Carlos's restaurant to get huge platters of interesting food, but when he introduces snails to the menu, things go awry and soon the whole town is in an uproar....
Henry is so confused. She thinks a cow looks like this ... She thinks a horse looks like this ... But when Henry, the city chicken, flies the coop, she finds out that country life is not all it's cracked up to be.
...Julio and his friend, master carver Iluminado, find their ideas in the forest, where dragons, lizards, and angels hide in the wood of every twisted branch.
At home, Julio can't wait to make sculptures for the annual wood-carving contest. Bu...
Let the Scholastic Bookshelf be your guide through the whole range of your child's experiences--laugh with them, learn with them, read with them!
Category: Humor
The kids told their teacher Mr. Harrison that their fungus experiment was gett...
Part My Side of the Mountain and part The Red Badge of Courage, a gripping journey of survival across a country at warFrom Arthur Dorros, author of many highly-acclaimed picture books, comes this thrilling first novel. Thirteen-year-old Ehmet, separa...
In Papá and Me, a young boy and his papa may speak both Spanish and English, but the most important language they speak is the language of love. In this beautiful bilingual picture book, Arthur Dorros portrays the close bond between father and so...
"Vámanos," Mamá says. "Let's go!" Together we garden and bake. We bike and paint a mural, colorful and bright. I do some things sola, all by myself. Mamá says, "¡Perfecto!" -- just perfect! With Mamá, I feel like a girasol, a sun...