This sweeping saga weaves a riveting tale about a young girl's battle with one of hell's minions determined to destroy her and those closest to her. This is the first volume in the Black or White Chronicles series relating stories of life in the Deep...
John Aubrey Anderson continues the compelling story of the conflict between the physical and spirit worlds played out in the lives of Missy Parker and Mose Washington. When Mose Washington comes to the aid of a brutally attacked black woman in th...
Mose Washington and his "grandson," Bill, are still on the lam in 1968 after fleeing Cat Lake where Bill's mom was brutally slayed years earlier. Hiding out under assumed names, Bill is enrolled at North Texas State University and learning to ...
In 1971, Bill Mann, a pilot who sought to make aerial combat his guiding star, is already lost whether he knows it or not. Although he’s at the top of his Air Force class and married to a beautiful woman, his life is centered on drinking and partyi...