Aaron, Relentless |
Push |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Abbott, Tony |
Pirates of the Purple Dawn |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Aciman, Andre |
Call Me by Your Name |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Adams, Kendall |
Lose Yourself |
Romance / R |
Feb-06-2007 |
Admirand, C.H. |
The Rancher's Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Akamatsu, Ken |
Negima! Volume 13 |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-27-2007 |
Alarcon, Daniel |
Lost City Radio |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Alexander, David |
Action Adventure / AA |
Feb-01-2007 |
Allen, Conrad |
Murder on the Celtic |
Private Investigator / PI |
Feb-01-2007 |
Anderson, Caroline |
A Wife and Child To Cherish |
MMED-1395 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Anderson, John Aubrey |
Wedgewood Grey |
Suspense / S |
Feb-12-2007 |
Andrews, Kaare |
Spider-Man: Reign |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-07-2007 |
Apelqvist, Eva |
Swede Dreams |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-15-2007 |
Armintrout, Jennifer |
Possession |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Arslan, Antonia |
Skylark Farm |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Asher, Sandy |
What a Party! |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Ashley, Amanda |
Dead Sexy |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Athans, Philip |
The Halls of Stormweather |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Atherton, Nancy |
Aunt Dimity Goes West |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Feb-15-2007 |
Atkins, Charles |
Prodigy |
Mystery / M |
Feb-01-2007 |
Auerbach, Annie |
Me, Myself, and the Bowler Hat Guy |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Auster, Paul |
Travels in the Scriptorium |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Axler, James |
Closing The Cosmic Eye |
Action Adventure / AA |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bailey, Len |
Fantasms |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bajoria, Paul |
The God of Mischief |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Baker, Kage |
Gods and Pawns |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Baker, Susan P. |
The Sweet Scent of Murder |
Mystery / M |
Feb-01-2007 |
Baker, Virginia |
Jack Knife |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Barbieri, Elaine |
Sign of the Wolf |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-30-2007 |
Barton, Beverly |
Most Likely to Die |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bauer, Cat |
Harley's Ninth |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Baynton, Martin |
Jane and the Dragon |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-13-2007 |
Bazaldua, Barbara |
Meet the Robinsons: The Movie Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Beauman, Sally |
The Sisters Mortland |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Becker, Shari |
Horris Grows Down |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Becnel, Rexanne |
Blink Of An Eye |
HN-77 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-13-2007 |
Begley, Louis |
Matters of Honor |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bell, James Scott |
No Legal Grounds |
Suspense / S |
Feb-20-2007 |
Bennett, Christopher L. |
The Darkness Drops Again (e) |
Space Opera / SO |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bennett, Maggie |
The Tailor's Daughter |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Berger, Barbara Helen |
Thunder Bunny |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Berlinski, Claire |
Lion Eyes |
Thriller / T |
Feb-01-2007 |
Berlinski, Mischa |
Fieldwork |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Berry, Steve |
The Alexandria Link |
Thriller / T |
Feb-01-2007 |
Berthal, Mark S. |
Let's Go to the Farm and the Zoo |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Betts, Heidi |
Blackmailed Into Bed |
SD-1779 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bick, Ilsa J. |
Dragon Rising |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Biddle, Cordelia Frances |
The Conjurer |
Mystery / M |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bills, Randall N. |
Principles of Desolation |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Birney, Betty G. |
Trouble According to Humphrey |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bishop, Claudia |
Ground to a Halt |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Feb-06-2007 |
Black, Daniel |
The Sacred Place |
Literary / L |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bland, Eleanor Taylor |
Suddenly a Stranger |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Feb-01-2007 |
Block, Lawrence |
Lucky at Cards |
HCC-28 |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Block, Paul; Vaughan, Robert |
The Masada Scroll |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bock, Dennis |
The Communist's Daughter |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bonin, Liane |
Celebrity Skin |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-06-2007 |
Born, James O. |
Field of Fire |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Feb-01-2007 |
Borthwick, J.S. |
Foiled Again |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Brendan, Mary |
The Wanton Bride |
MHR-1018 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Brenna, Helen |
Treasure |
HS-1403 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Briggs, Patricia |
Blood Bound |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jan-30-2007 |
Brown, Don |
Defiance |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Feb-22-2007 |
Browne, Hester |
Little Lady, Big Apple |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Browne, N.M. |
Silverboy |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-20-2007 |
Browne, Robert Gregory |
Kiss Her Goodbye |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bruhns, Nina |
The Forbidden Enchantment |
SIM-1454 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Bryant, Ann |
Easter Egg Hunt |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Burton, Jaci |
Fever-Hot Dreams |
Romance / R |
Feb-06-2007 |
Butcher, Shannon K. |
No Regrets |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Byrd, Adrianne |
When Valentines Collide |
HKR-30 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Byrd, Nicole |
A Lady of Scandal |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cain, Bill |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-11-2007 |
Calvert, Candy |
Aye Do or Die |
Mystery / M |
Feb-2007 |
Campbell, Jack |
Fearless |
Space Opera / SO |
Feb-01-2007 |
Campbell, Ramsey |
The Grin of the Dark |
Horror / HORR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cardillo, Linda |
Dancing on Sunday Afternoons |
HE-1 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Carlson, Melody |
Notes from a Spinning Planet -- Papua, New Guinea |
Christian / CH |
Feb-20-2007 |
Carmichael, C.J. |
Love And The Single Mom |
HS-1398 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Carobini, Julie |
Chocolate Beach |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Carwyn, Giles; Fahnestock, Todd |
Mistress of Winter |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cary, Kate |
Reckoning |
Horror / HORR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Chaconas, Dori |
Good Sports |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-15-2007 |
Chaikin, Linda / Chaikin, Linda Lee |
Written on Silk |
Suspense / S |
Feb-22-2007 |
Cherry, Rowena |
Insufficient Mating Material |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cherryh, C.J. |
Deliverer |
Space Opera / SO |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cheshire, Simon |
The Prince and the Snowgirl |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Chesterfield, Sadie |
Meet the Robinsons: A Family for Lewis |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Christenberry, Judy |
Rancher And Protector |
HR-3931 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Christopher, Ann |
Risk |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Clark, Beverly |
A Perfect Frame |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Clark, Bridie |
Because She Can |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Clinch, Jon |
Finn |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Clopton, Debra |
Dream A Little Dream |
LI-386 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Coburn, Jennifer |
The Queen Gene |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Coe, David B. |
Weavers of War |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cohen, Julie |
Driving Him Wild // His For The Taking |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cohn, Rachel |
Cupcake |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Coll, Susan |
Karlmarx.com |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Conde, Maryse |
The Story of the Cannibal Woman |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Connealy, Mary |
Petticoat Ranch |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Connor, Beverly |
Dead Past |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Feb-01-2007 |
Conway, Gerry |
Essential Ghost Rider - Volume 2 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-14-2007 |
Conway, Gerry |
Essential Ms. Marvel - Volume 1 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-21-2007 |
Cook, Eileen |
Unpredictable |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cook, Glen |
Lord of the Silent Kingdom |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cornwell, Bernard |
Lords of the North |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Couloumbis, Audrey |
Maude March on the Run! |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cowell, Cressida |
That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Coyle, Harold; Tillman, Barrett |
Pandora's Legion |
Thriller / T |
Feb-01-2007 |
Cramer, W. Dale |
Summer of Light |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Crombie, Deborah |
Water Like a Stone |
Police Procedural / PP |
Feb-01-2007 |
Culliford, Penny |
Art of Standing Still |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Czerneda, Julie E. |
Under Cover of Darkness |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-06-2007 |
Daniels, B.J. |
Big Sky Standoff |
HI-969 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-13-2007 |
Darty, Peggy |
When Bobbie Sang the Blues |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-20-2007 |
David, Peter |
X-Factor Visionaries: Peter David - Volume 2 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-21-2007 |
Davidson, Maryjanice |
Doing It Right |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Davies, Peter Ho |
The Welsh Girl |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Davis, Alan |
Excalibur Classic - Volume 3: Cross-Time Caper - Book 1 |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Feb-28-2007 |
Davis, Genie |
Five O'Clock Shadow |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Davis, Jill A. |
Ask Again Later |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Davis, Justine |
Dark Reunion |
SIM-1452 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Davis, Susan Page |
The Castaway's Bride |
HSNG-739 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dean, Margaret Lazarus |
The Time It Takes to Fall |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Del Franco, Mark |
Unshapely Things |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Delinsky, Barbara |
Family Tree |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
DePaola, Tomie |
Mr. Satie and the Great Art Contest |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-15-2007 |
DePaola, Tomie |
Why?: The War Years |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
DeStefano, Anna |
The Perfect Daughter |
HS-1399 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Devon, Georgina |
The Rake's Redemption |
HHS-206 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Diamond, Jacqueline |
The Doctor's Little Secret |
HAR-1149 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dick, Philip K. |
Voices from the Street |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dietrich, William |
Napoleon's Pyramids |
Suspense / S |
Feb-06-2007 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney's the Little Mermaid Storybook and CD |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-13-2007 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney's the Lion King Storybook and CD |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-13-2007 |
Divine, L. |
Jayd's Legacy |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dixon, Keith |
The Art of Losing |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dodd, Christina |
Tongue In Chic |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-06-2007 |
Dodd, Lynley |
Nickle Nackle Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Dorsey, Tim |
Hurricane Punch |
Mystery / M |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dow, Candice |
A Hire Love |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dozois, Gardner |
The Best of the Best, Volume 2 (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-06-2007 |
Druitt, Tobias |
Corydon and the Fall of Atlantis |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dufosse, Christophe |
School's Out |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Dugoni, Robert |
Damage Control |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Feb-14-2007 |
Duval, Alex |
Ritual |
Horror / HORR |
Feb-06-2007 |
Early, Margot |
Because Of Our Child |
HS-1401 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Eding, June |
Easter Showers |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Edwards-Jones, Imogen |
Fashion Babylon |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Edwards, Cassie |
Savage Quest |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-30-2007 |
Egleton, Clive |
The Presidential Affair |
Thriller / T |
Feb-01-2007 |
Eichler, Selma |
Murder Can Depress Your Dachshund |
Private Investigator / PI |
Feb-01-2007 |
Elliott, Patricia |
Ambergate |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-07-2007 |
Ellis, Warren |
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. Volume 1 - This is What They Want |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-28-2007 |
Elyot, Amanda |
Too Great A Lady: The Notorious, Glorious Life of Emma, Lady Hamilton |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Emmons, Katherine |
Keep Moving Forward |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Erickson, John R. |
The Case of the Booby-Trapped Pickup |
Mystery / M |
Feb-15-2007 |
Espinoza, Alex |
Still Water Saints |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Eubanks, Steve |
Hot Laps |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the Tascosa Two-Step |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Fan, Nancy Yi |
Swordbird |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |
Farah, Nuruddin |
Knots |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Faust, Minister |
From the Notebooks of Doctor Brain |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
Her Lawman On Call |
SIM-1451 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Fielding, Liz |
The Valentine Bride |
HR-3932 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-13-2007 |
Finney, Rena A. |
Halfway To Tomorrow |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Ford, Linda |
Darcy's Inheritance |
HSNG-737 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Fossen, Delores |
Trace Evidence In Tarrant County // For Justice and Love |
HI-971 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Feb-13-2007 |
Foster, Lori |
Causing Havoc |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-06-2007 |
Fox, Lauren |
Still Life with Husband |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Francis, Patry |
The Liar's Diary |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Fraser, Anthea |
Family Concern |
Mystery / M |
Feb-01-2007 |
Frost, James Bernard |
World Leader Pretend |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-20-2007 |
Gallagher, Nora |
Changing Light |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Galloway, Marcus |
The Accomplice |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Galloway, Shelley |
Suddenly, You |
Historical / H |
Feb-14-2007 |
Gardner, Lisa |
Hide |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jan-30-2007 |
Garrison, Terie |
Wintermaejic |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-08-2007 |
Giff, Patricia Reilly |
Willow Run |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-13-2007 |
Glenn, Roy |
Outlaw |
Suspense / S |
Feb-01-2007 |
Gold, Robin |
The Perfectly True Tales of a Perfect Size 12 |
Literary / L |
Feb-01-2007 |
Gordon, Lucy |
One Summer In Italy... |
HR-3933 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-13-2007 |
Gosline, Andrea Alban |
Ten Little Wishes |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-20-2007 |
Goss, Shelia M. |
Roses Are Thorns, Violets Are True |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Graham, Lynne |
The Italian's Inexperienced Mistress |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-02-2007 |
Grant, Steven |
Ghost Rider Team-Up |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-21-2007 |
Greeley, Andrew M. |
Irish Linen |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Feb-01-2007 |
Green, Chris Marie |
Night Rising |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Feb-06-2007 |
Grindley, Sally |
Saving Finnegan |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-05-2007 |
Habila, Helon |
Measuring Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Hagberg, David |
Allah's Scorpion |
Thriller / T |
Feb-01-2007 |
Haines, Carolyn |
Fever Moon |
Mystery / M |
Feb-06-2007 |
Hake, Cathy Marie |
Golden Dawn |
HSNG-740 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Hambly, Barbara |
Patriot Hearts |
Historical / H |
Feb-01-2007 |
Hamilton, Diana |
The Kouvaris Marriage |
MMR-638 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Harlen, Brenda |
The Marriage Solution |
SSE-1811 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Feb-01-2007 |
Harmel, Kristin |
The Blonde Theory |
Romance / R |
Feb-01-2007 |
Harper, Harper |
Little Lamb |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-01-2007 |
Harris, Narrelle M. |
Witch Faith |
Fantasy / F |
Feb-01-2007 |