For centuries mystical creatures of all description were gathered into a hidden refuge called Fablehaven to prevent their extinction. The sanctuary survives today as one of the last strongholds of true magic. Enchanting? Absolutely. Exciting? You bet...
At the end of the school year, Kendra and her brother, Seth, find themselves racing back to Fablehaven, a refuge for mythical and magical creatures. Grandpa Sorenson, the caretaker, invites three specialists- a potion master, a magical relics collect...
Magical candies that give kids superpowers. SWEET! Welcome to the Sweet Tooth Ice Cream & Candy Shoppe, where the confections are a bit on the . . . unusual side. Rock candy that makes you weightless. Jawbreakers that make you unbreakable. Chocolat...
Very strange things are afoot at Fablehaven. Someone or something has released a plague that transforms beings of light into creatures of darkness. Seth discovers the problem early, but as the infectious disease spreads, it becomes clear that the pre...
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A SHOCKING SECRET Two hidden artifacts have been found. More preserves face destruction as the Society of the Evening Star relentlessly pursues new talismans. Desperate to stop them, Kendra discovers the location of theAcey to a v...
HOURS OF CRISIS OFTEN CALL FOR SACRIFICE After many centuries of plotting, the Sphinx -- leader of the Society of the Evening Star -- is after the final artifacts needed to open the great demon prison, Zzyxx. If the legendary prison is opened, a tid...
Jason Walker has often wished his life could be a bit less predictable--until a routine day at the zoo ends with Jason suddenly transporting from the hippo tank to a place unlike anything he's ever seen. In the past, the people of Lyrian welcmoed vis...
After the cliffhanger ending of A World Without Heroes, Jason is back in the world he's always known -- yet for all his efforts to get home, he finds himself itching to return to Lyrian. Jason knows that the shocking truth he learned from Maldor is p...
It will take more than magical candy to win this war! Something fishy is going on at the new •amusement center in Walnut Hills. The trouble seems linked to the mysterious disappearance of Mozag and John Dart, who have spent their lives policing ...
In first grade, Chad and his imaginary friend, Pingo, meet other kids and their imaginary friends: Gary protects the galaxy with Sparky the robot; Tiffany helps save the day with Awesome Girl; and Dustin can hide Mr. Bob in his pocket. One recess, af...
WHEN JASON AND Rachel first arrived in Lyrian, all they wanted was to find their way hOme. Now they know that the roles they must play are essential to the final effort in the crusade against the evil emperor, Maldor -- though the cost could be their...
Adventure awaits in the Five Kingdoms -- come and claim it in this start to a new series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fablehaven and Beyonders series. Cole Randolph was just trying to have a fun time with his friends on Hal...
Dive, run, and soar through this exhilarating special edition in the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series, with a story by WILD BORN author, Brandon Mull. Briggan the Wolf, Uraza the Leopard, Jhi the Panda, and Essix the Falcon -- the Four Fallen. L...
Cole Randolph never meant to come to The Outskirts, but when his friends were kidnapped on Halloween he had to try and save them. Now he’s trapped in a world that lies between wakefulness and dreaming, reality and imagination, life and death. Co...
Trapped in a world where magic is powerful and dreams are real, Cole continues his quest in book three of a “fanciful, action-packed adventure” series (Publishers Weekly, starred review), from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fable...
The 3.5 million fans who bought Fablehaven know the series has many imaginative mythical creatures -- especially dragons. Every one of the dragons has a name and a special power and they all look different and are described in words, but they existed...
"Wild Born" Enter the world of Erdas, where every child who comes of age must discover if they have a spirit animal, a rare bond between human and beast that bestows great powers to both. A dark force has risen from long-forgotten lands, and has beg...
Trapped in a world where magic is powerful and dreams are real, Cole’s epic adventure continues in book four of the New York Times bestselling series, from the author of the Fablehaven and Beyonders series. Cole is about to face his biggest peri...
Learn how to make Wizard Slime, create fairy fashions, and solve the Dreamstone maze in this first-ever interactive book of Fablehaven awesomeness. And that's just the beginning: *Make your own origami model of Raxtus the dragon *Draw a map of ...
In the long-awaited sequel to Fablehaven, the dragons who have been kept at the dragon sanctuaries no longer consider them safe havens, but prisons and they want their freedom. The dragons are no longer our allies.... In the hidden dragon sanctuar...
Trapped in a world where magic is powerful and dreams are real, Cole’s epic adventure comes to a close in book five of the New York Times bestselling “fanciful, action-packed adventure” series (Publishers Weekly, starred review), from the autho...
Trapped in a world where magic is powerful and dreams are real, Cole’s epic adventure comes to a close in book five of the New York Times bestselling “fanciful, action-packed adventure” series (Publishers Weekly, starred review), from the autho...
Kendra and Seth race to claim a talisman that could help them in their quest to protect the world from total dragon domination in this second novel of the New York Times bestselling sequel series to Fablehaven from author Brandon Mull. War has com...
Little kids have big fears, which they often imagine to be scary creatures, like monsters. In the new picture book, Smarter Than a Monster, New York Times best-selling author Brandon Mull uses humor and a fantastical imagination to uncover the truth ...
Cursed by the Key of Forgetting, Seth has lost all memory of his past -- his relationships, his experiences, and who he really is. For now he will align with his new mentor, Ronodin, the dark unicorn, who takes him to the Phantom Isle, the secret gat...
Kendra and Seth ask the Giant Queen for help in this fourth novel of the New York Times bestselling sequel series to Fablehaven from author Brandon Mull.Kendra and Seth leave the underwater dragon preserve of Crescent Lagoon for a gladiator-style are...
The beautifully illustrated edition of the origin story of Dragonwatch—the #1 New York Times best-selling series—is an extraordinary collaboration between writer Brandon Mull and series illustrator Brandon Dorman. This exclusive volume al...
The epic finale of the New York Times bestselling sequel series to Fablehaven from author Brandon Mull.The magical world teeters on the brink of collapse. The Dragon King, Celebrant, has united the dragons into a vengeful army, and only a final artif...
Nate and his friends must face a sinister carnival without their magical candy in the third and final book in the Candy Shop War series, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Beyonders and Fablehaven series.Nate, Summer, Trevor, and Pi...
WELCOME TO THE GUILD OF DRAGONWATCH Millions of Fablehaven fans will be eager to examine this illustrated field guide and learn what dragon slayers and other members of Dragonwatch have known for centuries. Many adventurers risked their lives gatheri...
#1 New York Times best-selling author Brandon Mull returns to Fablehaven with a brand-new story starring the comedic satyrs, Newel and Doren, and their battle against a gorgon. Satyrs Newel and Doren are maturing into more responsible citizens after ...