For the past year, Superman has been living on New Krypton. But after struggling to keep their society alive in spite of numerous challenges, New Krypton faces a nightmare as Brainiac, the alien believed to be responsible for the annihilation of the ...
Superman has been living on New Krypton but after struggling to keep their society alive in spite of numerous challenges, New Krypton faces a nightmare as Brainiac, the alien believed to be responsible for the annihilation of the original planet Kryp...
The return of the hero called Jade heralds the release of the powerful Starheart that empowers her father, Green Lantern Alan Scott. This chaotic force is unleashed on Earth, causing magic to go wild - and new metahumans to emerge! Can the combined e...
The world's greatest heroes, Batman, Green Lantern, The Atom and many more, unite to fight the forces of evil. But can the team get it together in time to survive the return of the undead, villainous Dr Light....
For the past year, Superman has been living on New Krypton. But after struggling to keep their society alive in spite of numerous challenges, New Krypton faces a nightmare as Brainiac, the alien believed to be responsible for the annihilation of the ...