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New Books List: 462 titles

  • Kobo Abe

    A classic from the renowned Japanese novelist about isolation and the threat of a nuclear holocaust, The Ark Sakura is as timely today as it was at its original publication.

    In this Kafkaesque allegorical fantasy, Mole has converted a huge und...

  • William Miller Abrahams

    Twenty of the finest short stories published during the past year are collected in this edition of the award-winning literary series, which features the best in short fiction from magazines and journals across the country....

  • Alain Absire

    After being raised from the dead, Lazarus, separated by a haze from the rest of the world and unable to experience the physical sensations of existence, journeys to Jerusalem in an attempt to find Jesus the carpenter...

  • Harold Adams

  • Jan Adkins

    Tough smart, and sexy rancher Cookie Culler has to deal with a host of dangerous visitors to her ranch in Washington state's high country when her crooked brother shows up after having swindled a bunch of drug-smuggling dentists...

  • Susan S. Adler

    Samantha Parkington is an orpan who lives with her rich grandmother in 1904. There are many servants in Grandmary's busy, bustling household, but there is no one for Samantha to play with. That's why she's so excited when Nellie moves in next door. N...

  • Susan S. Adler

    Samantha goes to Miss Crampton's Academy, a private school for proper young ladies, where everyone is buzzing about the upcoming speaking contest. Samantha is working hard to win the gold medal. But she has something else on her mind, too. She's worr...

  • Jo Ann Algermissen

    BACK TO SCHOOL When Kelly Mallory's friends needed a favor, they knew they could count on her. But being the "nicest girl on the block" wasn't all it was cracked up to be -- Kelly needed to discover that her feelings mattered, too....

  • Aaron Allston

    In MYTHIC GREECE you get: * ROLEMASTER/MERP statistics * FANTASY HERO statistics for all elements of role-playing in the Age of Heroes * Character Creation rules that allow you to play extra-powerful Greater Hero and Demigod characters, for use with ...

  • Jorge Amado

    A Brazilian Lord of the Flies, about a group of boys who live by their wits and daring in the slums of BahiaA Penguin ClassicsThey call themselves “Captains of the Sands,” a gang of orphans and runaways who live by their wits and daring in the to...

  • Eric Ambler

    Ambler peels back the layers of experience which have affected his life with the familiar skill he uses to unfold the plot of one of his novels. The first paperback publication of the Edgar-winning autobiography....

  • Kingsley Amis

    Looking for emotional support after learning that his son is going mad, Stanley Duke, a beleaguered advertising executive, turns to Nowell, his first wife, who blames him for the boy's illness, and his second wife, Susan, who confesses she hates him...

  • Judith Arnold

    Was it love or a bad case of nerves? The way she'd been feeling lately, Susan Duvall couldn't tell. Since the discovery of her boss's unethical business practices, Susan's fast-track career had hit a roadblock and her emotions had been riding a ro...

  • Ruth Ashby

    IT IS THE YEAR 490. You have traveled back to Britain during the Dark Ages. You are escaping from enemy Picts when you become lost in a snowstorm. You spot red eyes glowing nearby-and suddenly a savage wolf leaps at you out of the wilderness! Should ...

  • Richard Austin

    BORDER BLOOD-STORM! From the nuclear devastation of World War III rose the Guardians. Guerrilla freedom fighters in a United States fallen prey to invading forces. They are the last reminder of what America stood for--and the last hope of what Ame...

  • Consuelo Sarah Baehr

    From the fertile hills of a tiny village near Jerusalem to the elegant townhouses of Georgetown, Three Daughters is a historical saga that chronicles the lives, loves, and secrets of three generations of Palestinian Christian women.Born in rural Pale...

  • Terry Baxter

    Sheriff Morgan Cassidy the terrifying task of preventing nuclear annihilation when a KGB agent arranges to have twelve nuclear warheads smuggled into the U.S. where they are to be detonated simultaneously in major cities...

  • Jahnna Beecham

    Piper Elliott has always dreamed of attending the glittering Harlequin Ball. Each summer the ball is held at the exclusive country club where Piper is a waitress, but only the most glamorous people in the resort town of Kittery Cove are invited. This...

  • Barbara Benedict

    Lovely gray-eyed Samantha Eggersley was a hopeless dreamer, leaving behind her drab existence for rosy vision of stirring romance and thrilling adventure. But even Samantha never dreamed that she would be swept off her feet by an impossibly handsome ...

  • Elizabeth Benedict

    Eight-year-old Esme Singer embarks on a ten-year search for inner truth, as she accepts--then rejects--the self-deluding role models of her alcoholic mother and an absent father who dreams of getting rich...

  • Beverly Bird

    TRAPPED IN A LIE Tyler Cort needed answers. He couldn't understand Samantha Gate's wariness whenever he got close to her, and he'd become determined to learn her secrets. No doubt about it. The woman was hiding something. What Sam couldn't tell...

  • John Birkett

    Nasty horseplay at the Derby lands Rhineheart in a race against time to stop a murderous scheme … Michael Rhineheart is a Louisville private eye with a taste for bourbon and a nose for trouble. He's as tough and savvy as they come. His sleuthing se...

  • Alison Blair

    Hot off the presses… Samantha Hill hasn’t had much time for extracurricular activities during the first half of her sophomore year at Hawthorne College. But now that her toughest semester is over, Sam has a lot of spare time and nothing to do....

  • Jennifer Blake

    Terrified of her impending marriage, beautiful Elene Larpent scents her body with a Haitian voodoo perfume guaranteed to bewitch the wealthy landowner and ensure his devotion. But just moments into the wedding, a violent slave uprising interrupts the...

  • Patricia Boatner

    She was Anne...a once carefree American girl who followed the man she loved to Poland -- to be swept into the horrors of a World War that would change her life forever. -- She was "Ania"...fearless Resistance fighter, who never faltered, even in th...

  • Janine Boissard

    In the final installment of the adventures of the Moreau family, eighteen-year-old Cecile, youngest of the four sisters, still displays her irreverence and rebellion but begins to experience the unfairness and turmoil of life and love...

  • Barbara Boswell

    Wealthy and beautiful Vanessa Ramsey was used to men chasing her, throwing themselves at her feet -- and she'd earned her reputation as a vixen no man could tame. But when her father made Lincoln Scott an offer he couldn't refuse, she was the prize ...

  • Kate Bradley

    UNDER WATCHFUL EYES Ryan McKay always trusted his instincts. This time they told him the woman he'd seen was guilty of smuggling pre-Columbian artifacts out of Mexico to her Arizona art gallery. Trailing her had been fascinating, but to see justic...

  • Lilian Jackson Braun

    A courageous Siamese bags a cunning cat burglar...a country kitty proves a stumbling block in a violent murder...and an intuitive feline's premonition helps solve the case of the missing antique dealer....

  • Matt Braun

    THREE MEN CONQUERED THE FRONTIER... Three Brannock brothers once came west. Now, one of them survives, and Clint Brannock feels the weight of responsibility as he does his job as a U.S. deputy marshal. Hunting down an outlaw in the Indian territori...

  • Barbara Brett


    "" A] battle fraught with...the dirtiest of tricks...the stuff that destroys marriages, people, lives.... Sizzle through the summer with Sizzle.""--The Salem News

    It's the glitzy1980s. Fortunes are being made and lost--and made again. Wal...

  • William Brinkley

    Hailed as “an extraordinary novel of men at war” (The Washington Post) this is the book that inspired the TNT television series starring Eric Dane, Rhona Mitra, Adam Baldwin and Michael Bay as Executive Producer. The unimaginable has happened. Th...

  • Annette Broadrick

    FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE Agent Jordan Trent didn't want to take Lauren Mackenzie along on this risky assignment. What was worse, they had to pretend they were married! Not one to mix business with pleasure, he was surprised to find that the real ch...

  • Howard Browne

    When former Tribune reporter Jake Lingle is gunned down on the streets of Al Capone's Chicago, in June 1930, tough Tribune publisher Colonel Robert McCormick becomes determined that someone will pay for the crime...

  • Pamela Browning

    Curtisville, Kansas, is one town in the Heartland It is farming, family and faith. It is the dreams of those rugged settlers who wanted a better life for themselves and for their children. It is a place where night comes slowly and quietly, where ...

  • Steven Brust

    JOURNEY TO THE LAND OF THE DEAD. ALL EXPENSES PAID! Not my idea of an ideal vacation, but this was work. After all, even an assassin has to earn a living. The trouble is, everyone knows that a living human cannot walk the Paths of the Dead, an...

  • Stuart Buchan

    Love, love, love. That's all Lucy heard about these days. She wasn't at all sure what it was, or even if she ever wanted it, now that everything around her had become so weird. Her mother had taken a house in the Hamptons for herself and Lucy, her fa...

  • Lothar Gunther Buchheim

    Autumn 1941. A U-boat is on a hazardous patrol in the Battle of the Atlantic, but the tide is beginning to turn against the Germans. As the U-boat is forced to hide beneath the surface of the sea, the increasing claustrophobia of the submarine become...

  • Gayle Buck

    THE PERFECT MAN Lord John Stokes was all that Sophia Wyndham could possibly want. He was handsome. He was wealthy. He was charming. He was honorable. He was kind. And he was brave -- brave enough to risk death to save Sophia from a hideously unsui...

  • Caroline Burnes

    Ronnie Sheffield had the scoop of her career At stake was the most controversial bill in Mississippi's history. At risk was State Senator Jeff Stuart, who'd introduced the bill, and who'd been the target of a would-be murderer. But at the center o...

  • Cordia Byers

    Dreams Of Gold Led Her West, Where Her Innocence Was Soon Lost To The Flames Of Desire.... Golden-haired Emerald Banyon sees her prospector father meet death at the hands of merciless claim jumpers. Vowing revenge, she escapes into the wildernes...

  • Robert Campbell

    When someone pulls the emergency brake up on the California Zephyr, Jake Hatch is catapulted out of the train--onto a severed corpse. All mystery buffs will enjoy the adventures of Jake Hatch, a railroad detective with a widow at every whistle stop....

  • Marsha Canham

    THEY WERE TORN BETWEEN PRIDE AND PASSION ... It was a boastful wager, a bold flirtation meant to win a proposal from the most eligible officer in His Majesty's Royal Dragoons. How was the spoiled and pampered Catherine Augustine Ashbrooke to know ...

  • Harold Carlton

    A behind-the-scenes glimpse of the glamorous, high-stakes world of fashion follows the lives and fortunes of three different women--the sensuous Mackenzie Gold; the refined Mia Stanton; and the unscrupulous Coral Stanton--as they pursue their dreams...

  • Leonard Carpenter
    • / Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery
    • Buy Buy

    In the ancient land of Nemedia, Conan of Cimmeria agrees to impersonate Baron Eihnarson's son and heir in order to escape a foul prison cell--at least until he can escape completely, with a pouch full of gold. Calissa, the Baron's sensuous daughter, ...

  • Mary Carraway

  • Carol Carrick

    Barney is playing with his new sled when Lenny Coots and his friend suddenly show up, grab the sled, and spoil Barney's fun. Why do they have to pick on him? Barney doesn't know many people in Hillside yet. His parents have recently been divorced,...

  • Ginger Chambers

    The situation called for drastic measures What danger so threatened Marlie Richards that her own father had her kidnapped, spirited to a safe house miles from her Houston home and watched twenty-four hours a day? Marlie wouldn't know until she...

  • Marion Chesney

    A MOST CURIOUS CHEMISTRY Certainly the two should never have met. The handsome, wealthy Marquess of Rockingham was the most notorious rake in London, as infamous for his violent temper as he was for his intemperate ways. And Miss Lucinda Wester...

  • Gloria Chisholm

  • Anna Clarke

    HAVE PEN, WILL MURDER A suspiciously placed patch of moss sends Paula Glenning's mentor Frances Coles tumbling down her garden steps. While Frances recuperates, Paula takes over her teaching duties at the Merle House writing circle. Unfortunately,...

  • Edward Cline

    In First Prize, Chess Hanrahan, a private detective in New York City, searches for a missing prize-winning writer, who has not claimed the much-coveted award. He learns that he has been murdered, not by an envious writer, but by the most unlikely per...

  • Miriam Cohen

  • Don Coldsmith

    The Elk-dog People have two new members, Sky-Eyes and Woodchuck, once soldiers in the imperial French Army but now fully assimilated into the tribe. When the People are threatened, the two must use both their French and Elk-dog ways to save their new...

  • Gerald Cole

  • Michael Greatrex Coney

    THERE WAS A TIME WHEN THE EARTH HAD THREE MOONS, and when the seductive sorceress Avalona could alter futures and bend "happentracks" with her spells. Indeed, in this vast chaotic universe called The Greataway, with its many imaginable futures, anyt...

  • Barbara P. Conklin

    Hearts don't lie... When Anna's family moves to the small, sleepy town of Blue Mountain, she's sure she's in for a lonely, uneventful junior year. Then she meets Michael Cartwright. He's charming, incredibility handsome - and recovering from an ac...

  • Hugh Cook

    Young Togura confronts exotic women, brawny pirates, quarrelsome dragons, and the crusty old Wizard of Drum on his quest for the index to the rediscovered odex of ore, a magical disc filled with the riches and knowledge of bygone civilizations...

  • Thomas H. Cook

    Edgar Award Finalist: A troubled cop obsessively searches for a young girl’s killer.   The young girl lies in a ditch without a scratch on her—a white high school student stretched out dead in the black part of Atlanta. She was a ric...

  • M.E. Cooper

    Shy, bookish Frankie Baker, a newcomer to Kennedy High, falls for Josh Ferguson and together they help a Kennedy student who has become the victim of a terrible prank planned by some of Frankie's former classmates...

  • Peter Corris

    'The godfather of Australian crime fiction.' A client falls from the twentieth storey of a building; a rock star goes missing; an erotic Mongol scroll vanishes; a film star has a problem that has nothing to do with creativity - it's all in a day's wo...

  • Jasmine Craig

    Finding a badly beaten man in the Sussex countryside of 1826 was a shock for Charlotte Rippon, but she succoured his needs, only to discover that he didn’t seem to speak English. Prince Karim Alexander, working undercover between London and Istan...

  • Michael Crichton

    Fueled by a powerful curiosity--and by a need to see and feel and hear, firsthand and close-up--Michael Crichton's travels have carried him into worlds diverse and compelling. This is a record of those travels--an exhilarating quest across the famili...

  • Barbara Cummings

  • Avram Davidson

    In thirteenth-century China the Polo brothers--Marco, Niccolo, and Maffeo--request permission from Kublai Khan to return to Venice, but the aging ruler requires that they first bring him a legendary immortal princess...

  • Suzannah Davis

    DESPERATE PASSION Brenna Galloway clung desperately to Rafe Sinclair's hard muscular frame, forgetting for the moment that he was a man she despised -- the right hand of America's most powerful railroad tycoon -- a man responsible for her brother's ...

  • Louisa Dawkins

    The upper-class English family of Henry and Barbara Drayton begins an inevitable disintegration when their school-age son is discovered to be having an affair with his governess and their daughter, Joanna, comes of age as she travels the world lookin...

  • DC Comics

  • John DeChancie

    YESTERDAY HE WAS AN UNEMPLOYED PHILOSOPHY MAJOR. TODAY HE LIVES IN A CASTLE... ...that's worlds away from home. His best buddy looks like seven feet of walking shag carpet, and the girl in his life's from California. In Castle Perilous, everyone has...

  • Marian Devon

    WAS HE A SOPHISTICATE? A SMUGGLER? OR SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY? NOT THAT SHE CARED, MIND YOU! What would Mama have done? Lucy Haydon bet a monkey Mama would have joined the other hostesses casting lures for dashing Mr. More. Certainly the London...

  • Joan Dial

    From the sunwashed deserts of Arizona to the shadowy moors of Yorkshire, from the raw wilderness of the Australian outback to the bloody battlefields of the Boer War, they broke society's rules... Kidnapped by Indians while on her honeymoon in Ame...

  • Jacqueline Diamond

    Sometimes dreams do come true... But with unexpected results. When Mary Ellen Spencer was finally able to fulfill all her hopes and dreams and transform herself and her life, she found that it was not so easy to leave the old self behind. Going fr...

  • Carter Dickson

    Shortly after leaping into his swimming pool and vanishing without a trace, American arts patron and accused embezzler Frederick Manning is found dead in a nearby graveyard and his old friend, British sleuth Sir Henry Merrivale, investigates...

  • Mark Dixon

  • Friedrich Durrenmatt

    When F. accepts the assignment to investigate the alleged rape and murder of Otto von Lambert's wife, she becomes entangled in a world of mistaken identity, terrorism, political intrigue, and espionage...

  • Sandra Dustin

    IRRESISTIBLE GRINGO Knowing how to ride and shoot as well as any man, Antonie Ramiriz had come to Texas to offer her deadly skills to Royal Bancroft -- the man who had saved her life and who now needed her protection. The first time she had seen the...

  • Gloria Dyal

  • David Eddings

    BEGINNING OF THE QUEST The infant son of Garion and Ce'Nedra had been foully kidnapped. Now they began the great quest to rescue the child, with the immortal Belgarath the Sorcerer, his daughter Polgara the Sorceress, and inevitably the little Dra...

  • Cassie Edwards

    Innocence Lost Alone in the Kentucky wilderness, beautiful Pamela trembled under the gaze of the strong, silent red-skinned warrior -- and hungered for his touch. Strong Bear was magnificent, a handsome, virile Indian chief. And to Pamela, he was t...

  • George Alec Effinger

    While attending college in Michigan, van Eyck concocts a plan to get rich quick by stealing computer tapes containing the payrolls of the three major auto companies and ransoming them back during labor negotiations...

  • Wesley Ellis

    Jessie and Ki rescue a reformed gunslick from a bloody crossfire in the sixty-seventh Lone Star novel!They call them The Lone Star Legend: Jessica Starbuck -- a magnificent woman of the West, fighting for justice on America's frontier, and Ki -- the ...

  • Monroe Engel

    Ben Morrison, retired owner of a small chain of bookshops, who sells his business to a large chain, becomes concerned by his daughter's involvement with an unemployed former activist and his mother-in-law's approaching eighty-fifth birthday...

  • Elizabeth Engstrom

    Angelina is a killer. You’d never know it to look at her -- until you look into her eyes. Angelina doesn’t kill out of hatred or fear -- she kills out of love, bringing solace to her victims, guided by the seductive Voice that speaks only to h...

  • Lynn Erickson

    A CASE OF GOLD FEVER... That's how Cripple Creek residents diagnosed it, and Abby McAlister had it bad. Holding down two full-time jobs to support her twin boys no longer made sense once Abby learned she actually owned a Colorado gold mine! Ty ...

  • Anne Graham Estern

    Jessica and Peter Blake convince their parents to buy an antique dollhouse that turns out to be inhabited by the Picolini family, tiny circus figures who come alive and lead the children into a bizarre mystery...

  • Sandra Field

    "Cut loose! Have an affair." A disastrous marriage had made Sally reclusive and fearful of men. She knew the advice was right, though -- it was more than time for her to make a new start. So, setting off for a holiday to the island of St. ...

  • Dirk Fletcher

    Arriving in the town of Laramie, Spur McCoy is greeted with bullets, which take the life of his horse, and drowns his sorrows in the arms of brazen beauty Priscilla Shuntington who needs his help in finding her parents, who have mysteriously disappea...

  • Dick Francis

    With his five ex-wives and the nine children between them, it's no great surprise that spectacularly wealthy gold trader Malcolm Pembroke should preside over a motley clan in constant conflict with one another. But when violent death strikes the l...

  • Esther Friesner

    When the King of Elfhame discovers that his mortal wife, Amanda Taylor, and their son, Prince Cassiodoron are hiding in Godwin's Corners, Connecticut, he is determined to use his magic to make them return...

  • Eduardo Galeano

    From pre-Columbian creation myths and the first European voyages of discovery and conquest to the Age of Reagan, here is "nothing less than a unified history of the Western Hemisphere... recounted in vivid prose."-The New Yorker

    A unique and ep...

  • Randall Garrett

    Lord Darcy, Investigator in Chief for the Court of Good King John, and Sean O Lochlainn, a top forensic sorcerer, investigate the muder of Master Raimun DePlessis, whose body is found in a locked room...

  • Catherine George

    "I wouldn't intentionally hurt any woman." Leo Seymour's words were meant to be reassuring. But Davina Lennox couldn't help remembering that seven years ago, intentionally or otherwise, he had badly hurt her. She'd been ...

  • Robin Gideon

    FIRST GLANCE On her way to begin a new life, Shadow almost fell prey to a bunch of wild outlaws looking to steal her only possession: her innocence. But then the beautiful half-breed was saved by the mysterious Sorren McKenna, and her fate was forev...

  • Elizabeth Glenn

    He had a way without words. Lee Ann Chung was at her wits end with her hopelessly unruly dog, Doofus, so she enrolled him in obedience school. There she met the star canine, but it was his master who exuded a rare brand of animal magnetism. Keller Hu...

  • Parke Godwin

    You are cordially invited to a wondrous world of magic and adventure. Enter an enchanted kingdom where swords clash in blazing fury, ancient wizards cast astonishing spells, and valiant knights make battle with dragons to protect a lady fair. So, co...

  • Emma Goldrick

    He excited her...and he scared her Robert Carlton had dropped into Laura Lackland's world -- an island backwater in the West Indies -- by helicopter. He'd charmed her minx of a daughter with bedtime stories. And he'd sent Laura's p...

  • Katherine Granger

    RISKY BUSINESS Marc English was dumbfounded. Monica Bliss, the cool, successful lady lawyer, wanted him to father her child? Monica insisted that this relationship be strictly business: she wanted a child, but she was single, and she intended to s...

  • Terence Green / Terence M. Green

    On the streets of Toronto in 1999, tough cop Mitch Helwig abandons the rules after gangsters kill his partner, trades in his standard gun for an illegal laser pistol, dons the "barking dog" lie-detector device and wages a one-man war on the mob...

  • Russell Greenan

    Relates the mad and murderous adventures of Algernon Pendleton, who lives in a relic-filled house in Brookline, Massachusetts with his closest companion--a porcelain pitcher that speaks to him on a regular basis...

  • Leigh Greenwood

    BITTER FATE Summer Ashton almost welcomed the news of the pirates boarding the Sea Otter. Anything would be better than joining the old man she'd been forced to wed by proxy -- even death at the point of a sword. But as the handsome pirate capta...

  • Carol Gregor

    She wasn't about to be a transitory pleasure Cool, self-reliant Kate Taylor had saved six long years to bring her son to see the African wilderness. Nothing would be allowed to intrude on their dream come true. And that included any advance...

  • Lisa Gregory

    Once In A Lifetime She was born Jennifer Taylor in a small Arkansas town. She was blonde, beautiful, and called "poor white I trash" by every man who wanted her. And every man did. But Jennifer was innocent as only a young girl with big dreams ...

  • Joan Hadley

    A PREPPIE HOUSE PARTY IN JAMAICA IS ENOUGH TO DRIVE A BODY TO MURDER.... The last thing bachelor-botanist Theo Bloomer wants to do is chaperon his niece and her house party on la Caribbean vacation. Nevertheless, bullied by his sister and seduced ...

  • Isidore Haiblum

    Things become complicated when private eye James Shaw tries to rescue the elderly Mrs. Silbert from burglars while staking out a crooked cop only to discover one of the thieves dead in the cop's apartment and a mysterious letter written in Yiddish...

  • Adam Hall

    On a freelance mission in Southeast Asia. Probing the shadowed secrets of a devastating arms deal. Stalking a beautiful smuggler who seduces, then kills, any man who crosses her. Especially a man who knows too much. Like Quillen.....

  • Phyllis Halldorson

    UNFINISHED BUSINESS Carol Murphy had made something of Herself in the eight years since she'd left Raindance, Nebraska, in the wake of a scandal that had destroyed her young marriage. And she'd almost convinced herself the past was dead and buried ...

  • Emily Hallin

    WHO WAS HE? His picture, gorgeous and smiling, had fallen out of Shelley's battered American literature book. She'd felt and immediate bond with this attractive stranger, but when a classmate found the snapshot propped up on her desk, the rumors sta...

  • Lucy Hamilton

    HER DREAM COME TRUE WAS BECOMING A NIGHTMARE! Allison Schuyler felt as if she were watching her medical career go up in smoke before it even got going. She had barely started her internship when chief resident Cruz Gallego began accusing her of be...

  • David Handler

    Kiddo is back and a decade older. At 23, he's not much wiser or thinner, but the family business needs him, and so does the woman of his dreams. It's time to grow up--whatever that means....

  • Joan Mary Hart

    Lisa had been young and in love-- and totally naive--when irresistible Scott Bradshaw proposed. Otherwise, she might have realized that a hardheaded, self-made millionaire would devote more vigor to amassing his fortune than to building a marriage. D...

  • Brooke Hastings

    Kristie Clarke thought she had it all -- a fresh identity and precious summers with Lizzie, the little girl who held the key to her past. She'd be reaching for the moon to expect more. Then Lizzie's adoptive father, cynical Ken Gunnison, ...

  • Sandra Heath

    A proud beauty weds a handsome lord who promises her everything but love ALTAR-BOUND Handsome and wealthy Lord Christopher Highclare made it painfully clear why he was asking a virtual nobody like Miss Louisa Cherington to be his wife. He had m...

  • Eric Helm

  • Patricia Highsmith

    "A border zone of the macabre, the disturbing, the not-quite accidental." -- John Gross, New York Times Book ReviewHorrific tragedy becomes disturbingly ordinary in The Black House, a masterful collection of short stories, written during a particula...

  • Joan Hohl

    Now was the winter of discontent for Paul Vanzant. His children were grown, the wife he'd once loved -- but who'd bitterly betrayed him -- was gone. He felt rudderless on a chillingly cold sea... Then he met Karen Mitchell -- a woman in th...

  • Budd Hopkins

    The arrival of extraterrestrial visitors is one of the most momentous events of our time. In Intruders Budd Hopkins explored the shocking truth about the contact between earthling and alien: that human beings are temporarily abducted and taken aboard...

  • Doug Hornig

    When he discovers a drowned man while scuba diving, private investigation Loren Swift becomes convinced the death was not an accident and his investigations lead them to a psychic research organization...

  • Robert L. Hovorka Jr.

    Five survivors of the ill-fated spaceliner "Goddess," led by Ensign Pamela Dubois, discover a derelict ship controlled by a predatory cybernetic entity--and in their fear Dubois's companions decide to sacrifice her to the alien...

  • Hampton Howard

    The United States intelligence agents who are portrayed in ''Friends, Russians, and Countrymen'' are too eccentric, too literate and too wisecracking actually to work for the American Government, but this is the only unpersuasive element in an otherw...

  • Charlotte Hughes

    So what if traveling salesman Brian Anthony was Mr. Body Beautiful with a damnably handsome smile -- Dannie Drysdale wasn't buying! Devastatingly gorgeous, ambitious men weren't her type, she reminded herself -- until Brian's mind-boggling kisses sw...

  • William Humphrey

    The essential anthology of early short fiction by an American master Set primarily in Texas and Oklahoma during the Great Depression, these extraordinary stories display the unique blend of irony, nostalgia, and sharp-edged lyricism that established ...

  • Tom Hyman

    During the First World War, American agent Harry Bauer is called on to infiltrate a train carrying a party of Russian revolutionaries, kill their leader--a man named Lenin--and complete a mission that could change history...

  • Jill Jarnow

    Cathy Tolan's first summer as an ocean lifeguard on Fire Island promises to be exciting - if the waves don't knock her off her feet, Jay Matthews will. Warm, easygoing Jay is a senior lifeguard, and Cathy is sure he's the perfect boy for her. But ...

  • James Weldon Johnson

  • Minka Jones

    A chance to begin a new life... That's what coming from Ireland to Australia meant to Laurie Hayes. She could carry on with her training of horses -- work she loved -- with the colts at Bucklands. And it meant escape from the obsessively pe...

  • Erica Jong

  • Susan Kalmes

    NORTHERN LIGHTS Alaska was a beautiful place to visit, Alexandra admitted, but she wouldn't want to live there. How could she spend her life in a town where the social event of the season -- The Bachelor's Ball -- culminated in an auction for a chan...

  • William Katz

    After undergoing reconstructive plastic surgery, a journalist discovers a cache of photos of women whose faces eerily match her own beautiful new face and further investigation reveals a sinister side to Dr. Andre Loval's practice...

  • Corey Keaton

    A housewarming party... for two Megan Sinclair was determined to buy her ancestors' home, enticed by the valuable heirloom she thought was hidden inside. So bidding against a big-city investor--no matter how sexy--proved incredibly frustrating. ...

  • Carolyn Keene

    NANCY FLIES INTO THE CITY OF THE GOLDEN GATE--AND LANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF AN UNDERWORLD MOB! When award-winning photojournalist Emily Foxworth invites Nancy, George, and Hannah to visit San Francisco, they look forward to a picture-perfect holiday ...

  • Carolyn Keene

    Murder is brewing at a world-famous cooking school in Chicago where two chefs turn up dead shortly after Nancy Drew and Ned enroll for a course on a bet....

  • Tom Keene

  • Jonathan Kellerman

    BRACE YOURSELF FOR SHOCK -- when Alex Delaware gets a phone call from a former patient, a young, troubled genius who suffered a devastating mental collapse... when he drives through the night to save his life and winds up in a morass of murder....

  • Jonathan Kellerman

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER   They call the ancient hills of Jerusalem the butcher’s theater. Here, upon this bloodstained stage, a faceless killer performs his violent specialty. The first to die brutally is a girl. She is drained of blood, ...