Following his father's suicide, Vance makes a quiet garden in the wilderness for himself and his family, until a strange cult inverts his father's death into religious myth, adopting Vance as resident prophet. He wanders into the desert searching for...
Working for a small organization monitoring international human rights violations, Thomas Zane is plunged into a nightmarish labyrinth of African politics, betrayal, torture, and death, when he investigates the mysterious killing of his best friend...
The construction of a golf course unearths a long-forgotten cemetery that includes the remains of a Native American girl, which are shipped off to a museum and ignite the Bones War between white landowners and embittered Native Americans. Reprint....
The Debut Novel From Michael DoaneWritten in the same tradition as On the Road and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Michael Doane’s The Crossing explores what it means to exist in 21st century America.She’s out on a pier, deep in th...