The balance of world power is threatened when Eliot Daniels, President of the United States, falls in love with the widow of the murdered Soviet premier, in a story of international intrigue, conspiracy, espionage, and assassination...
The news that Billy Grunwald, a Vietnam MIA, is still alive impels his younger, cocaine-addict brother, Rob, into a rescue mission as long-hidden family secrets disrupt the lives of William Grunwald, Sr., and the entire Grunwald family...
During the First World War, American agent Harry Bauer is called on to infiltrate a train carrying a party of Russian revolutionaries, kill their leader--a man named Lenin--and complete a mission that could change history...
Reporter John Brady and his ex-flame Tracy Anderson, are reunited after she is mysteriously linked to government officials who control a worldwide rogue CIA operation and who discover that the reporter has a dossier on them...
The birth of Genevieve Stewart, a perfect child gifted with extraordinary intelligence, strength, beauty, and intuition, sets off an international competiton to discover the secret of her remarkable talents, and only Genny holds the key to her ultima...