Aardema, Verna |
How the Ostrich Got a Long Neck |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Aaron, Hilary |
Three Little Kittens in the Enchanted Forest: A Pop-up Adventure |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Abbott, Tony |
Danger Guys on Ice |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-21-1995 |
Adventure, Knowledge |
Casper Brainy Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Ahlberg, Janet |
Jolly Pocket Postman |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Alcott, Louisa May |
An Old-fashioned Thanksgiving and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Alcott, Louisa May |
Eight Cousins, or the Aunt Hill |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Alford, Henry |
Municipal bondage |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Aliki |
Best Friends Together Again |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-1995 |
Allen, Roger MacBride |
The Shattered Sphere |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-1995 |
Allen, Roger MacBride |
Showdown at Centerpoint |
Space Opera / SO |
Sep-01-1995 |
Allen, Steve |
Murder on the Atlantic |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-1995 |
Allende, Isabel |
Paula |
/ NF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Amarillas, Susan |
Scanlin's Law |
HH-283 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Anderson, Catherine |
Fancy Free |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-1995 |
Anderson, Kevin J.; Moesta, Rebecca |
Shadow Academy |
Space Opera / SO |
Sep-01-1995 |
Andrew, Sylvia |
Dalliance and Deception |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Andrews, Sylvia |
Rattlebone Rock |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Anouilh, Jean |
Becket |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Applegate, Katherine |
Disney's Tales from Agrabah |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Arkin, Alan |
Some Fine Grampa! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Arnold, Hilary |
Heaven and Earth: A Jacob's Ladder Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Arnold, Tedd |
No More Water in the Tub! |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-01-1995 |
Arnold, Tedd |
Five Ugly Monsters |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Ashcroft, Mary Ellen |
The Magdalene Gospel |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Auch, Mary Jane / Auch, M.J. |
Hen Lake |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Austin, Neffetiti |
Eternity |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Autin, Amelia |
Gideon's Bride |
SIM-666 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Avi |
Poppy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Badt, Karin Luisa |
Pass the Bread! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Badt, Karin Luisa |
Let's Go! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bainbridge, Beryl |
Young Adolf |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Baird, Wilhelmina |
Psykosis |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-1995 |
Baker, Jennifer |
Most Likely to Deceive |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Baker, Madeline |
Lakota Renegade |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Ballard, Todhunter |
The Californian |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-1995 |
Banks, Leanne |
A Date With Dr. Frankenstein |
SSE-983 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Barker, Cicely Mary |
Theatre Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Barlow, Linda; Tapply, William G. |
Thicker Than Water |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Barnes, Emilie |
Taking Time for Tea |
Christian / CH |
Sep-01-1995 |
Barnett, Jill |
Imagine |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Barrow, Adam |
Flawless |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-1995 |
Barthelme, Frederick |
Painted Desert |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bascom, Lionel C. |
By the Light |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Base, Graeme |
My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bates, Michael |
Wicked |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn |
Off to School |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bauman, A.F. |
Guess Where You're Going, Guess What You'll Do |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-25-1995 |
Baxt, George |
A Queer Kind of Umbrella |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-1995 |
Beath, Warren Newton |
Who Killed James Dean? |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Beattie, Ann |
Another You |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Beeman, Robin |
Minus Tide |
Literary / L |
Sep-01-1995 |
Behr, Mark |
The Smell of Apples |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bell, Frederic |
Jenny's Corner |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bellairs, John |
The Doom of the Haunted Opera |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bennett, Alan |
Writing Home |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-19-1995 |
Bennett, Cherie |
Sunset Spirit |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-1995 |
Berg, Elizabeth |
Range of Motion |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bernhard, Thomas |
Extinction |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Best, Cari |
Red Light, Green Light, Mama and Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bischoff, David |
Demon Wing |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bittner, Rosanne |
Until Tomorrow |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bittner, Rosanne |
Chase the Sun |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Blackburn, Julia |
The Book of Color |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Blake, Jennifer |
Out of the Dark |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bonansinga, Jay |
Sick |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Boone, Debby |
Welcome to This World: A Love Letter to Little Ones |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Borchardt, Alice |
Devoted |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bourne, Caroline |
White Lace |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Boyd, Candy Dawson |
Daddy, Daddy, Be There |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-12-1995 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Lackey, Mercedes |
Tiger Burning Bright |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bretton, Barbara |
Destiny's Child |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brin, David |
Brightness Reef |
Space Opera / SO |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brooks, Nan |
Birthday Cards for Girls to Make |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brouwer, Sigmund |
Rebel Glory |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Anne M. |
Bigby's Curse |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Marc |
Arthur's TV Trouble |
Action Adventure / AA |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Marc |
Monster's Lunch Box |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Margaret Wise |
Little Donkey Close Your Eyes |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Michael L. |
Israel's Divine Healer |
Christian / CH |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Nick |
Doppelgangers |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brown, Rita Mae |
Murder at Monticello |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-1995 |
Browning, Dixie |
Alex and the Angel |
SD-949 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Browning, Pamela |
Angel's Baby |
HAR-600 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bruchac, Joseph |
The Story of the Milky Way: A Cherokee Tale |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bruchac, Joseph |
Boy Who Lived with the Bears |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Brusca, Maraia Cristina |
Pedro Fools the Gringo: And Other Tales of a Latin American Trickster |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bryant, Bonnie |
Mystery Ride |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bryant, LaRee |
Forever, My Love |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Buck, Gayle |
Lady Althea's Bargain |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-1995 |
Buck, Nola |
Creepy Crawly Critters and Other Halloween Tongue Twisters |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Burleson, Frank |
Savage Frontier |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-1995 |
Bush, Timothy |
Grunt! The Primitive Cave Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-11-1995 |
Butler, Beverly |
Witch's Fire |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Butterworth, Nick |
All Together Now |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Byars, Betsy / Byars, Betsy Cromer |
Tarot Says Beware |
Mystery / M |
Sep-01-1995 |
Caidin, Martin |
A Life in Future |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Camp, Delayne |
Taming the Wild Man |
HAR-598 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Camus, Albert |
The First Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Candlewick Press |
The Candlewick Book of Bear Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-1995 |
Candlewick Press |
The Candlewick Book of Bedtime Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-1995 |
Cannell, Dorothy |
How to Murder the Man of Your Dreams |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-1995 |
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin |
Wee Mouse Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-19-1995 |
Carberry, Ann |
The Scoundrel |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Card, Orson Scott |
Alvin Journeyman |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-1995 |
Carey, Peter |
The Big Bazoohley |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-15-1995 |
Carlow, Joyce |
A Timeless Treasure |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Carmichael, Jeanne |
A Breath of Scandal |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-1995 |
Carusone, Al |
Don't Open the Door After the Sun Goes Down |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Cassidy, Laura |
Judith's Place |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Cazet, Denys |
Dancing |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Chandler, Elizabeth |
Soulmates |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Chapman, Jane |
Mary's Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Chase, Loretta |
The Mad Earl's Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-1995 |
Chatterton, Martin |
Can Dogs Fly? |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey |
The Wife of Bath and Other Cantebury Tales |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Child, Lydia Maria |
Over the River and Through the Wood: A Musical Picture Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Clair, Donna |
Carlos, Light the Farolito |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-09-1995 |
Clark, Johnnie |
No Better Way to Die |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Clay, Marilyn |
Bewitching Lord Winterton |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Sep-01-1995 |
Coelho, Paulo |
The Valkyries |
Literary / L |
Sep-01-1995 |
Coffin, M.T. |
Check It Out-And Die! |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Cohen, Barbara |
Robin Hood and Little John |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-12-1995 |
Cole, Joanna |
Monster Manners |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Cole, Judd |
Blood on the Arrows |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-1995 |
Coleman, Evelyn |
The Glass Bottle Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Collins, Max Allan |
Blue Beginning |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Sep-01-1995 |
Conford, Ellen |
See You in September |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-1995 |
Conlon-McKenna, Marita |
Very Last Unicorn |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Conn, Phoebe |
Paradise |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Cooper, J. California |
Some Love, Some Pain, Sometime |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Cooper, Kay |
Too Many Rabbits and Other Fingerplays: About Animals, Nature, Weather, and the Universe |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Corey, Ryanne |
When She Was Bad |
SD-950 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Coughlin, Patricia |
Joyride |
SSE-982 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Courlander, Harold |
Tiger's Whisker and Other Tales from Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Courtney, Vincent |
Sharkbait! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-11-1995 |
Cousins, Lucy |
Maisy's Pop-up Playhouse |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-04-1995 |
Crew, Gary |
Angel's Gate |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-30-1995 |
Crosby, Susan |
Almost a Honeymoon |
SD-952 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Curry, Chris |
Thunder Road |
Horror / HORR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Curtis, Christopher Paul |
The Watsons Go to Birmingham -- 1963 |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dahl, Roald |
Lamb to the Slaughter and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Daniel Graham |
The Gatekeepers |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Daniel, David |
The Skelly Man |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-01-1995 |
Darty, Peggy |
Snowflakes |
Romance / R |
Sep-01-1995 |
Davies, Robertson |
A Gathering of Ghost Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Davis, Lindsey |
Poseidon's Gold |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dawson, Janet |
Nobody's Child |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-01-1995 |
De Fontbrune, Jean Charles |
Nostradamus |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-1995 |
Delbanco, Nicholas |
In the Name of Mercy |
Medical Thriller / MT |
Sep-01-1995 |
Delton, Judy |
Ship Ahoy! |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Denning, Troy |
The Titan of Twilight |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Devlin, Harry; Devlin, Wende |
Cranberry First Day of School |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Devlin, Harry; Devlin, Wende |
Cranberry Lost at the Fair |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dische, Irene |
Strange Traffic |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dixon, Debra |
Hot As Sin |
LS-757 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dixon, Diana |
Lia's Daughter |
SSE-120 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dixon, Franklin W. |
Campaign of Crime |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-1995 |
DK Publishing |
Skateboard Monsters |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Donnelly, Jane |
Sleeping Beauty |
MB-4358 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Douglass, Jessica |
Montana Rogue |
SIM-665 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Doyle, Roddy |
The Barrytown Trilogy |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Dubowski, Cathy East |
Disney's Goofy Visits Pluto |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Duffey, Betsy |
Utterly Yours, Booker Jones |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Edwards, Andrea |
Kisses and Kids |
SSE-981 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Edwards, Pamela Duncan |
Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Edwards, Richard |
The Forest Child |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Eldred-Grigg, Stevan |
Mum |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Elkin, Stanley |
Mrs. Ted Bliss |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Emberley, Ed |
Ed Emberley's Halloween Drawing Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Emerson, Earl |
The Vanishing Smile |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-26-1995 |
Emery, Lynn |
Night Magic |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Erlbruch, Wolf |
Leonard |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Esbensen, Barbara Juster |
Dance with Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Evans, Dilys |
Monster Soup: And Other Spooky Poems |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Evans, Marianne |
Simple Twist of Fate |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Evans, Nicholas |
The Horse Whisperer |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-11-1995 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and Big Trouble in Bodie |
Historical / H |
Sep-01-1995 |
Falk, Margaret |
Dark Horse |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Sep-01-1995 |
Farris, John |
Dragonfly |
Suspense / S |
Sep-01-1995 |
Feder, Paula Kurzband |
Feather-Bed Journey |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Felix, Monique |
Plane |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
Caitlin's Guardian Angel |
SIM-661 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Ferre, Rosario |
The House on the Lagoon |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Field, Sandra |
Beyond Reach |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Fine, Anne |
In Cold Domain |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Fleischman, Sid |
The Midnight Horse |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Flint, Kenneth C. |
The Darkening Flood |
Fantasy / F |
Sep-01-1995 |
Flores, Janis |
Done Cryin' |
HS-658 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Sep-01-1995 |
Flournoy, Valerie |
Celie and the Harvest Fiddler |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Flournoy, Valerie |
Tanya's Reunion |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Follett, Ken |
A Place Called Freedom |
Suspense / S |
Aug-28-1995 |
Ford, Miela |
Bear Play |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Forward, Robert L. |
Indistinguishable from Magic |
Science Fiction / SF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Francis, Dick |
Come to Grief |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Sep-01-1995 |
Francome, John |
Stud Poker |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Friedman, Kinky |
God Bless John Wayne |
Private Investigator / PI |
Sep-01-1995 |
Friend, Catherine |
My Head Is Full of Colors |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Gabler, Mirko |
Bat Brain Stew |
General Fiction / GF |
Sep-01-1995 |
Gaffney, Patricia |
To Have & To Hold |
Historical Romance / HR |
Sep-01-1995 |