Detective Max Van Larsen, while writing an article for "True Mystery Magazine," enlists the aid of his friend, author Sylvia Plotkin, to investigate the disappearance of Judge Armand Kramer and the large amount of cash in his possession...
A murder instigated by the diabolically ingenious trust left by millionaire Andrew Graymoor to his thirteen heirs challenges Laura and Harvey Graymoor as they track the killer from Manhattan nightspots to catacombed Graymoor Island...
It is 1952, the dawn of the McCarthy era. The communist blacklist is circulating; careers and even lives hang on the decisions of the House UnAmerican Activities Commitee. In the midst of all the turmoil, suspicion, and fear is the irrepressible Tall...
During an over-the-top party at the estate of zillionaire Medwin Patton a tragic death (murder?) of a promising ballerina occurs. The deceased's father believes it was not the accident that witnesses attest to, and makes plans to eliminate the toadie...
Accepting the role of Joan of Arc, Hollywood star Greta Garbo finds herself in the middle of a picture involving German expatriates and a cast of spies. By the author of
New Year's Eve, 1931: Marlene Dietrich, as the reigning queen of Hollywood, sees fit to throw a royal bash in order to show off her legendary legs - and her secret-recipe potato pancakes. Gloria Swanson, Joan Crawford, and Jean Harlow are only a few ...
The year is 1936, and Mae West has all of Hollywood wrapped around her little finger: a place many a man would kill to be. The legendary screen siren has, however, one critic - one with deadly fangs in place of a poison pen - who is knocking off Mae ...
Gay, black and proud--and like no other homocide detective in the history of the NYPD--Pharoah Love finds himself in the middle of a most baffling case. Someone with a serious grudge is knocking off mobsters in unusual ways. In pursuit of clues, L...
George Baxt brings Hollywood in its heyday to dazzling life in this witty caper featuring a surprise sleuth -- Humphrey Bogart. While filming The Maltese Falcon, he searches for a real-life treasure, dodging a killer on a murder trail through Hollywo...
Basking in the recent success of The Thin Man, William Powell and Myrna Loy stumble onto a situation so typically Hollywood that only the real-life incarnation of Nick and Nora Charles could take the case. A Hollywood madam publicizes that she's in n...
While 1939 Atlanta is gearing up for the premiere of
Each year, for the past seventeen years, Otto Penzler, owner of the legendary Mysterious Bookshop in New York City, has commissioned an original story by a leading mystery writer. The requirements were that it be a mystery/ crime/suspense story, that...