Adler, David A. |
A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Ahern, Jerry |
Call to Battle |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-01-1992 |
Ahlberg, Janet |
Clothes Horse and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Aiken, Joan |
A Foot in the Grave: and Other Ghost Stories |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Alexander, Sally Hobart |
Maggie's Whopper |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-31-1992 |
Allen, Linda |
The Mouse Bride |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-25-1992 |
Almon, Russell |
The Kid Can't Miss! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Anholt, Catherine; Anholt, Laurence |
The Twins: Two by Two |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-1992 |
Anonymous |
The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen: A Traditional Tale |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-1992 |
Arnold, Judith |
Trust Me |
HAR-431 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Arnosky, Jim |
Long Spikes |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
Arnston, Harrison |
Trade Off |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Arthur, Katherine |
Keep My Heart Forever |
HR-3181 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Asimov, Isaac |
Isaac Asimov: The Complete Stories, Vol. 2 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Astley, Thea |
Hunting the Wild Pineapple |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Attanasio, A.A. |
Kingdom of the Grail |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Attanasio, A.A. |
Hunting the Ghost Dancer |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Awdry, Rev. W. |
Thomas' Big Book of Words |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-10-1992 |
Awdry, Rev. W. |
Good Morning, James |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-10-1992 |
Bagdon, Paul |
Valley of the Spotted Horse |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Baillie, Allan |
Little Brother |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Ballard, Robert |
Bright Shark |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Barker, Cicely Mary |
The Flower Fairies Year |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Baxt, George |
The Greta Garbo Murder Case |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bayer, Valerie Townsend |
City of Childhood |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bazaldua, Barbara |
Disney's Darkwing Duck in Clean Money |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bazaldua, Barbara |
Disney's Beauty and the Beast Word Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Becket, James |
Tour De France |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bedard, Michael |
Nightingale |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
Benski, Stanislaw |
Missing Pieces |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Berenstain, Leo |
The Wind Monkey: and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Berliner, Janet |
Child of the Light |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Binchy, Dan |
The Neon Madonna |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Birney, Betty G. |
Piglet Bakes Half a Haycorn Pie |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bland, Eleanor Taylor |
Dead Time |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-1992 |
Blundell, Tony |
Beware of Boys |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bly, Stephen A. |
The Dog Who Would Not Smile |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bohnhoff, Maya Kaathryn |
The Meri |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bosworth, Sheila |
Slow Poison |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bourgeois, Paulette |
Big Sarah's Little Boots |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Boyd, Lizi |
Sweet Dreams, Willy |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Boylan, Eleanor |
Murder MacHree |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bradman, Tony |
It Came from Outer Space |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-1992 |
Brahms, Ann |
Cloak of Darkness |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Brandon, Jay |
Rules of Evidence |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Brenner, Barbara |
Group Soup |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-15-1992 |
Brenner, Mayer Alan |
Spell of Fate |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Brito, Aristeo |
Devil in Texas, the |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Broder, Bill |
Sc-Sacred Hoop |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Brookner, Anita |
A Closed Eye |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Brooks, Jerome |
Knee Holes |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Brooks, Terry |
The Elf Queen of Shannara |
Epic Fantasy / EF |
Mar-03-1992 |
Bryant, Bonnie |
Racehorse |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Buchanan, Dawna Lisa |
The Falcon's Wing |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Buck, Carole |
Knight and Day |
SD-699 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Burden, Pat |
Bury Him Kindly |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Bursik, Rose |
Amelia's Fantastic Flight |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Butler, Robert Olen |
Good Scent from a Strange Mountain |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Calder, Lyn |
Minnie 'n Me: What Will I Wear? |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Calmenson, Stephanie |
Ariel above the Sea: Walt Disney's the Little Mermaid |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Campbell, Joanna |
Battlecry Forever! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Campbell, Marilyn |
Pyramid of Dreams |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Canham, Marsha |
Dark & Dangerous |
HT-386 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Card, Orson Scott |
The Memory of Earth |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Carey, Suzanne |
Navajo Wedding |
SR-855 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Carey, Valerie Scho |
The Devil and Mother Crump |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Carlisle, Donna |
Cast Adrift |
SD-700 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Carras, Helen |
Fair Winds |
KIS-84 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cassedy, Sylvia |
Red Dragonfly on My Shoulder |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cassell, Stephen |
Strike of the China Falcon |
Thriller / T |
Mar-01-1992 |
Castillo, Ana |
The Mixquiahuala Letters |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-18-1992 |
Chamberlain, Diane |
Keeper of the Light |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Chastain, Sandra |
Love and a Blue-Eyed Cowboy |
LS-531 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Chesney, Marion |
Deborah Goes to Dover |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Mar-01-1992 |
Child, Maureen |
Run Wild My Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Christelow, Eileen |
Gertrude, the Bulldog Detective |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
Clark, Douglas W. |
Rehearsal for a Renaissance |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Clark, Emma Chichester |
Lunch with Aunt Augusta |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-1992 |
Clarke, J. |
Teddy B. Zoot |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cleeves, Ann |
A Day in the Death of Dorothea Cassidy |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cliff, Michelle |
Abeng |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Clise, Michele Durkson |
No Bad Bears |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Coldsmith, Don |
World of Silence |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Coldsmith, Don |
Walks in the Sun |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cole, Babette |
Tarzana |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-25-1992 |
Conley, Robert J. |
Nickajack |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Conn, Phoebe |
Love Me 'Til Dawn |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Connaughton, Shane |
The Run of the Country |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cook, Bruce |
Death As a Career Move |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Corey, Deirdre |
Best Wishes Whoever You Are |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cox, Elizabeth |
The Ragged Way People Fall Out of Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cresswell, Jasmine |
House Guest |
HI-182 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-1992 |
Cross, Charlene |
Deeper Than Roses |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Curtis, Mary |
Loving Arms of the Law |
SSE-730 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dalton, Kit |
Gunslinger's Scalp |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dalton, Sean |
Time Trap |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dank, Gloria |
As the Sparks Fly Upward |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-1992 |
David, Karen J. |
I've Got Your Number |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Davis, Justine |
Suspicion's Gate |
SIM-423 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Davis, Suzannah |
Dance of Deception |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dawson, Clay |
Texas Manhunt |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
de Camp, L. Sprague |
The Glory That Was |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-01-1992 |
de Tagyos, Paul Ratz |
Coney Tale |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
DeFelice, Jim |
Coyote Bird |
Espionage / E |
Mar-01-1992 |
Delinsky, Barbara |
The Outsider |
HT-385 |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Delinsky, Barbara |
The Passions of Chelsea Kane |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Delton, Judy |
Trash Bash |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Desimini, Lisa |
I Am Running Away Today |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Devon, Georgina |
An Uncommon Intrigue |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dew, Robb Forman |
Fortunate Lives |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
DiBartolomeo, Al |
Blood Confessions |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dickinson, Peter |
Play Dead |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dolan, Bill |
White Rhino |
Action Adventure / AA |
Mar-01-1992 |
Donald, Robyn |
Once Bitten, Twice Shy |
MB-3624 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Donald, Robyn |
The Golden Mask |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dorsey, Christine |
Kansas Kiss |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Catnap |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-1992 |
Drake, Shannon |
Damsel in Distress |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Duncan, Judith |
Better Than Before |
SIM-421 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dunham, Mikel |
Casting for Murder |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Dunlap, Susan |
Death and Taxes |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-1992 |
Eatock, Marjorie |
The Time of Her Life |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Eickhoff, Randy Lee |
The Gombeen Man |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Elliott, Thornton |
Hard Guy |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-27-1992 |
Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star and the Horse Thieves |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Emerson, Zack |
Stand Down |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Epperson, S.K. |
Borderland |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-12-1992 |
Epstein, Joseph |
Golden Boys |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Estes, Rose |
The Stone of Time |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Estes, Rose |
The Hunter Victorious |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm in the Sierra Oriental |
Historical / H |
Mar-01-1992 |
Everett, Percival |
The One That Got Away |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
Eversole, Robyn |
The Magic House |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Eyre, Elizabeth |
Death of the Duchess |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-01-1992 |
Farraday, Alicia |
The Suitable Suitor |
HRE-69 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Mar-01-1992 |
Farrell, Marjorie |
Lady Arden's Redemption |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Mar-01-1992 |
Faulkner, Colleen |
Savage Surrender |
ZL |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
Moonlight Rebel |
ZH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Fiedler, Jean |
When a Sparrow Falls |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Fine, Anne |
Poor Monty |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
Finley, Glenna |
Stowaway for Love |
Romance / R |
Mar-01-1992 |
Fisher, M.F.K. |
Boss Dog |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Florian, Douglas |
At the Zoo |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Forrest, Pamela K. |
Sweet Silver Passion |
ZH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Foster, Alan Dean |
The False Mirror |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-10-1992 |
Frankel, Valerie |
Murder on Wheels |
Private Investigator / PI |
Mar-01-1992 |
French, Judith E. |
Moondancer |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
French, Michael |
Split Image |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-10-1992 |
Freschet, Gina |
The Lute's Tune |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gabhart, Ann H. |
Two of a Kind |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gaeddert, Louann |
Roses After Rain |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gale, David |
Funny You Should Ask: The Delacorte Book of Original Humorous Short Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gallant, Roy A. |
Earth's Vanishing Forests |
Science Fiction / SF |
Feb-28-1992 |
Gallison, Kate |
The Jersey Monkey |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Garcia, Cristina |
Dreaming In Cuban |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-03-1992 |
Gardner, Kit |
Arabesque |
HH-117 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Garner, Shelia B. |
Night Music |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Garrison, Jim |
The Star Spangled Contract |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gedney, Mona |
The Easter Charade |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gee, Maggie |
Christopher and Alexandra |
Literary / L |
Mar-02-1992 |
Gerritsen, Tess |
Never Say Die |
HI-181 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gilden, Mel |
No Secrets |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Giles, Jeff |
Back in the Blue House |
Literary / L |
Mar-02-1992 |
Gill, Bartholomew |
The Death of Love |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gilligan, Shannon |
There's A Body In The Brontosaurus Room! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gilpin, T.G. |
Is Anybody There? |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Goffin, Josse |
Who Is the Boss? |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-23-1992 |
Goffin, Josse |
Ah! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Golden Books |
World Wrestling Federation: Out of Ring Battle |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Golden Books |
Forever Friends: Precious Moments |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Golden Books |
The Elves and the Shoemaker |
LG |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Goldrick, Emma |
Spirit of Love |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Goldsmith, Olivia |
The First Wives Club |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Goodis, David |
Night Squad |
Suspense / S |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gordon, Mary |
Good Boys and Dead Girls: And Other Essays |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gorman, S.S. |
Grand Slam |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Grasso, Patricia |
Emerald Enchantment |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Graversen, Pat |
The Fagin |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gray, Spalding |
Monster in a Box |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Greeley, Andrew M. |
Happy Are the Merciful |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-01-1992 |
Green, Simon R. |
The Bones of Haven |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gregory, Jill |
Cherished |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Gregory, Kay |
Dangerous Company |
MB-3634 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Grey, Zane |
The Young Pitcher |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Grey, Zane |
The Shortstop |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Haddam, Jane |
A Great Day for the Deadly |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-1992 |
Hagan, Patricia |
Heaven in a Wildflower // Forbidden to Love |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Hall, Adam |
Quiller Solitaire |
Espionage / E |
Mar-01-1992 |
Hall, Derek |
Baby Animals: Five Stories of Endangered Species |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-02-1992 |
Hall, Lynn |
The Mystery of Pony Hollow |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-24-1992 |
Hamilton, Diana |
Troubleshooter |
MB-3632 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Nightseer |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-03-1992 |
Hanchar, Peggy |
Where Eagles Soar |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Hanks, Lindsey |
Long Virginia Nights |
ZH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Hayes, Sarah M. |
This Is the Bear and the Scary Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Heidish, Marcy |
The Torching |
Horror / HORR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Henaghan, Rosalie |
For Love or Power |
MB-3636 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-01-1992 |
Henderson, Bill |
The Pushcart Prize XVI: Best of the Small Presses 1991-1992 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Henry, Diane |
Blood Red, Snow White |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |
Heron, Echo |
Mercy |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-1992 |