The Confederation of Wizards is forced to put aside its long-standing historical dispute with the inhabitants of Rovac. Instead, both must join together in a common cause, to prevent the utter destruction of their world. They face two perils: the Swa...
Young Togura confronts exotic women, brawny pirates, quarrelsome dragons, and the crusty old Wizard of Drum on his quest for the index to the rediscovered odex of ore, a magical disc filled with the riches and knowledge of bygone civilizations...
MEET TOGURA: SWORDMASTER, DEATH DEALER, DRAGON TAMER, AND QUESTING HERO EXTRAORDINAIRE least that's how would-be hero Togura likes to think of himself! Yet he can't fool the wise old wizard of Drum, who took him in, spruced him up, and taugh...
Enhances this fantasy epic collection with swift action, a well-developed world in which an oracle becomes involved in superpower warlord battles for control, and characterization which is realistic."" - The Bookwatch. ""Considers the plight of an in...
"WARS WERE NOT AS LIVELY AS STORYTELLERS PRETENDED..." Yen Olass could read dreams and tell the future. Even as chaos reigned in the city of Gendormargensis, the oracle's talent served her well. Indeed, as the city fell to battling warlords and im...
SON OF THE DEMON-- That was what his former master had named young Drake Douay, when, maddened by illness, he founded the religion of the Flame and claimed Drake as his chief enemy. But Drake, fleeing his apprenticeship as a maker of swords, would...
Welcome to a year in the life of Alfalfa, a small town like all small towns of middle-America, a farm community where you will meet strange and wonderful characters such as... Hilbert TeBrake, who is convinced this is the year he will finally beat Ea...
A murder mystery with fantasy elements set in the land of Nizon, where people eat with scissors rather than with chopsticks. Fantasy in a modern environment complete with computers and cellphones. Business manager Ken Udamana, a husband and a father ...
A fast-moving fantasy novel, a no-holds-barred novel written on an adult level, about the war on terror. In the city state of Oolong Morblock, where a certain proportion of the people have a natural ability to cause themselves to explode, in effect m...
This massive novel of 57 chapters and about 250,000 words is the story of a barbarian named Guest Gulkan. It is the tenth and final book of the CHRONICLES OF AN AGE OF DARKNESS series but can be read as an independent stand-alone novel without any k...
Togura Poulaan, a questing hero whether he liked it or not, is precipitated into a series of adventures in a world which includes dragons, sea serpents, war, wild tribes and the wizard Hostaja Sken-Pitilkin, lord of the island of Drum. A fast-paced f...
A selection of assorted writings by Hugh Walter Gilbert Cook including poems, stories and blog entries. To a large extent, this is a book of random writings, a book for dipping into rather than to read as a single chunk. The text is divided loosely i...
In the city of Dalar ken Halvar, two warrior, Asodo Hatch and Lupus Lon Oliver, battle for supremacy in virtual reality arenas. The outcome of their struggle will be the key to the outcome of a struggle taking place in the city in the world of the fa...
Short stories of varying lengths. Over 600 pages. SF, fantasy, horror, aberration and weirdness. Time travel, virtual reality, cloning. Murder in various modes of brutality. Sex, rape, necrophilia. SANTA CLAUS SEX CRIMINAL: a look at the pedophile. T...
Heron River probes the fierce bonds of family, the tragic consequences of human failure, and the persistent reverberations of history and memory.The story is set in a small Ontario town. Madeline Harbottle, a woman with a debilitating illness, seeks ...