Adams, Barbara |
Can This Telethon Be Saved? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Adams, Peter Dow |
Connections: A Guide to the Basics of Writing |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1987 |
Agee, Jon |
Moon Valley |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ahern, Jerry |
The Terror |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1987 |
Aird, Catherine |
A Dead Liberty |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-01-1987 |
Anderson, Joan |
1787 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Anderson, Poul; Anderson, Karen |
Dahut |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Anthony, Evelyn |
A Place to Hide |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Appleton, William S. |
Fathers and Daughters |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Armstrong, Lindsay |
The Heart of the Matter |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Arnold, Caroline |
Trapped in Tar |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ashe, Geoffrey |
The Discovery of King Arthur |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1987 |
Ashley, Jacqueline |
The Long Journey Home |
HAR-182 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Asprin, Robert |
Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Austin, Richard |
Brute Force |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1987 |
Babel, Isaac |
Benya Krik, the Gangster and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bacher, June Masters |
Love's Soft Whisper |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Baldwin, Alex |
The Fighting Agents |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1987 |
Balogh, Mary |
The Wood Nymph |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Banks, Lynne Reid |
The Warning Bell |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Banks, Russell |
The Relation of My Imprisonment |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-12-1987 |
Banta, Mykal Mayfield |
No Ceiling but Heaven |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Barbieri, Elaine |
Ecstasy's Trail |
ZL |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Barrett, Martha Barron |
God's Country |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Barron, Elizabeth |
Miss Drayton's Crusade |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Baxter, Mary Lynn |
Between the Raindrops |
SSE-360 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Behr, Edward |
The Last Emperor |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Behrens, June |
Powwow |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Belden, David |
Children of Arable |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bell, Madison Smartt |
Zero Db and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bellamy, Jean |
Cornish Mystery |
General Fiction / GF |
Dec-31-1986 |
Benford, Gregory |
Under the Wheel |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Benson, E.F. |
Lucia in London |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bernstein, Marcelle |
The Russian Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Betancourt, Jeanne |
Sweet 16 and Never |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bienek, Horst |
September Light |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bischoff, David |
Some Kind of Wonderful |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Blaustein, Muriel |
Lola Koala and the Ten Times Worse Than Anything |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bloom, Jill |
Playing With Fire |
HI-57 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bloomfield, Kory |
Inner Joy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Blumenfeld, Gerry |
Hit the Ball and Drag Charley and Other Great Golf Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-21-1987 |
Bodey, Donald |
F.N.G. |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Boegehold, Betty |
What the Wind Told |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Bond, Michael |
Monsieur Pamplemousse Takes the Cure |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1987 |
Brennan, J.H. |
Gateway of Doom |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Bristol, Leigh |
Scarlet Sunrise |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Broch, Hermann |
The Spell |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Brooks, Janice Young |
Crown Sable |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Brown, Rebecca |
Haunted House |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Browning, Pamela |
The Flutterby Princess |
HAR-181 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Brust, Steven |
Teckla |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Burland, Brian |
Few Flowers for St. George |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson |
A Little Princess |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cajio, Linda |
Hard Habit to Break |
LS-177 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Callan, Jamie |
Just Too Cool |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carlson, Ron |
The News of the World |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carmichael, Emily |
The Devil's Darling |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carr, Eleni |
The Forever Bond |
HS-245 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carr, John Dickson |
In Spite of Thunder |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carroll, Susan |
The Lady Who Hated Shakespeare |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carter, Ashley |
Mandingo Master |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carter, Dorothy Sharp |
His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Carter, Helen |
Change of Heart |
SC-387 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carter, Lin |
Mandricardo |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Carter, Nick |
Crossfire Red |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cary, John H. |
The Social Fabric |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Case, Jim |
Philippine Hardpunch |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cavaliere, Anne |
Perfect Timing |
SD-328 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cayce, Edgar |
Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Chappell, Fred |
Dagon |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Charles, Steven |
The Enemy Within |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Chater, Elizabeth |
A Time to Love |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Chesney, Marion |
At the Sign of the Golden Pineapple |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Chute, Patricia |
Castine |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Clark, Tom |
The Exile of Celine |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Coffman, Virginia |
Dark Desire |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cole, Allan; Bunch, Chris |
A Reckoning for Kings |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cole, Joanna |
Monster Movie |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Colleton, John |
Interjecting Valery |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-06-1987 |
Comyns, Barbara |
Sisters by a River |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Comyns, Barbara |
The Skin Chairs |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Conn, Phoebe |
Emerald Fire |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Conners, Bernard |
The Hampton Sisters |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cook, Glen |
Doomstalker |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cook, Robin |
Outbreak |
Medical Thriller / MT |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cooke, Catherine |
Veil of Shadow |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cooper, M.E. |
Be Mine |
Romance / R |
Jan-01-1987 |
Coover, Robert |
A Night at the Movies Or, You Must Remember This |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Corrie, Jane |
Bond of Fate |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Corrington, John W. |
A Project Named Desire |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1987 |
Corrington, John W. |
Project Named Des |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Crawford, Charles P. |
Split Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cross, David |
Code of Blood |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cummings, Bill |
Valentines to Make Yourself |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cummings, Jack |
Rebels West |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cummings, James |
Classified Classics |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-16-1987 |
Cunningham, Marilyn |
Under the Northern Lights |
CER-485 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Curtis, Stefanie |
Heart to Heart |
SWD-118 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Cuyler, Margery |
Trouble W/Soap |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Daley, Kit |
Danger in Paradise |
CES-156 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dalmas, John; Martin, Rod |
The Playmasters |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dalton, Kit |
Scattergun |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dalton, Martina |
Fatal Finish |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Daniels, Dana |
A Hint of Scandal |
SC-385 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dann, Jack |
In the Field of Fire |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Darcy, Jenna |
The Very Best |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Davidson, Margaret |
Puss in Boots |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
de Lint, Charles |
Jack, the Giant Killer |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1987 |
DeChancie, John |
Paradox Alley |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Delaney, Joseph H. |
Lords Temporal |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dennis, Carol L. |
Dragon's Pawn |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dennison, George |
A Tale of Pierrot and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dickson, Margaret |
Cliff Walk |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Disch, Thomas M. |
334 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Dobbin, Muriel |
Going Live |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Donahue, Marilyn Cram |
The Valley in Between |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Donnelly, Liza |
Dinosaur Day |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Dowdell, Dorothy |
Wildcatter Woman |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dragonwagon, Crescent |
Year It Rained |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Drumm, D.B. |
Children's Crusade |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1987 |
Dunham, Meredith |
Shapes: How Do You Say It? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Durrell, Gerald |
The Fantastic Flying Journey |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Eagle, Kathleen |
Something Worth Keeping |
SSE-359 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Easton, M. Coleman |
Fisherman's Curse |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ebert, Alan |
Marriages |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Eckert, Allan W. |
Court-Martial of Daniel Boone |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Eckert, Roberta |
The Duke's Gambit |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Edgerton, Clyde |
Walking Across Egypt |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Edson, J.T. |
Devil Gun |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1987 |
Eige, Lillian |
Cady |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
El Saadawi, Nawal |
Death of an Ex-Minister |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Eliot, Carolyn |
Disobedient Heart |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Elliot, Bruce |
The Office |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ellis, Audrey |
Pearls Are for Tears |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star and the Stagecoach War |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ephron, Amy |
Bruised Fruit |
Suspense / S |
Jan-06-1987 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the Mexican Line-Up |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1987 |
Faith, Barbara |
Desert Song |
SIM-173 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Farren, Mick |
Citizen Phaid |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Faust, Joe Clifford |
A Death of Honor |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Fawcett, Bill |
Quest for the Elf King |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ferrars, E.X. / Ferrars, Elizabeth |
The Other Devil's Name |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1987 |
Ferrie, Richard |
Bloodrock |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Field, Karen |
Time Will Tell |
HS-244 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Fitzgerald, Ellen |
The Heirs of Bellair |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1987 |
Flanders, Rebecca |
Painted Sunsets |
HAR-183 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Foreman, Michael |
Ben's Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Forster, Suzanne |
The Man at Ivy Bridge |
SD-327 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Galeano, Eduardo |
Faces and Masks |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-12-1987 |
Galeano, Eduardo |
Memory Of Fire |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gardner, Mary |
Keeping Warm |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Garrett, Sally |
Weaver of Dreams |
HS-243 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Garry, Madeline |
Mysterious Stranger |
CER-483 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Garton, Ray |
Live Girls |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gascoigne, Bamber |
Cod Streuth |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gash, Jonathan |
Moonspender |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gee, Maurice |
Gee |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-06-1987 |
Gibbons, Gail |
Happy Birthday! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gibbons, Gail |
Deadline! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Gildner, Gary |
The Second Bridge |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Giroux, Leo, Jr. |
The Rishi |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Glatzer, Richard |
Quest for the Cities of Gold |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Goffstein, M.B. |
An Actor |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Golden Books |
Mickey Head for the Sky |
LG |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Golden Books |
Golden Bunny and Seventeen Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Goldrick, Emma |
King of the Hill |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Goodman, Mark |
Hurrah for the Next Man Who Dies |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gordon, Jeffie Ross |
Touch Of Magic |
SFL-221 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gould, Alan |
The Man Who Stayed Below |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gower, Iris |
The Loves of Catrin |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Graeber, Charlotte |
Fudge |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Grafton, Sue |
D Is for Deadbeat |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jan-15-1987 |
Grant, Laurie |
Defiant Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Greeley, Andrew M. |
Patience of a Saint |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1987 |
Greene, Jennifer |
Madam's Room |
SD-326 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gregory, Philippa |
Wideacre |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1987 |
Grierson, Edward |
Reputation for a Song |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1987 |
Gross, Sue |
Jewel of India |
CES-153 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Haigh, Sheila |
The Little Gymnast |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hale, Hilary |
Winter's Crimes |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1987 |
Halston, Carole |
Honeymoon for One |
SSE-356 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hamburger, Philip |
Curious World: A New Yorker at Large |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |
Hammond, Gerald |
Adverse Report |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-15-1987 |
Hammond, Gerald |
The Worried Widow |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-15-1987 |
Hanchar, Peggy |
Renegade Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Harcourt, Palma |
Tommorrow's Treason |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hardin, J.D. |
The Swindler's Trail |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1987 |
Harrell, Janice |
Castles In Spain |
SFL-224 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Harris, Deborah Turner |
The Burning Stone |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1987 |
Harrison, Barbara |
Impulse |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hart, Carolyn / Hart, Carolyn G. |
Death on Demand |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hart, Gary |
The Strategies of Zeus |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hart, Virginia |
Sweet Pretender |
HR-2811 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Headapohl, Betty |
By Love Renewed |
Christian / CH |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hebert, Ernest |
The Passion of Estelle Jordan |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1987 |
Helm, Eric |
The Fall Of Camp A-555 |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1987 |
Herbert, Kathleen |
The Ghost in the Sunlight |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1987 |
Higgins, Jack |
Night of the Fox |
Thriller / T |
Jan-01-1987 |
Hildesheimer, Wolfgang |
The Collected Stories of Wolfgang Hildesheimer |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1987 |