A collection of nineteen stories about such eccentric characters as an insomniac who makes a midnight visit to his bird dealer to purchase an owl to take to Athens, and a world-famous pianist whose lifelong dream is to be an insurance agent...
Tynset takes place during a sleepless night, but as the work unfolds it becomes apparent that the circumstances of the immediate present serve merely as points of departure. Plagued by incessant rumination, the narrator’s restless mind spins thread...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Wolfgang Hildesheimer has published 2 books.
Wolfgang Hildesheimer does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Tynset, was published in September 2016.
The first book by Wolfgang Hildesheimer, The Collected Stories of Wolfgang Hildesheimer, was published in January 1987.
No. Wolfgang Hildesheimer does not write books in series.