In 1913, sixteen-year-old Johnny Boult joins the wool-clipper "Emilia Denholm" in Melbourne as it sails for London and finds the stark reality of shipboard life different from his glamorous dreams of seafaring...
Andrew Godwin is a frustrated clerk with huge ambitions. Robbery and murder would provide him with a way out of drudgery. Will he be able to carry it through We are given a vivid account of small town life on the coast of Somerset and of a memorable...
A novel by Victor Canning using the pen name Alan Gould, first published in 1939, concerning the building of a railway viaduct at Caradon (real-life Calstock) on the Devon/Cornwall boundary. The chief engineer, John Seabright, has to cope with local ...
Claude Boon and Henry Luck, young poets in quest of their muses, cut a swathe through the cultural capitals and byways of Europe and Asia towards the end of the Cold War. The Poets' Stairwell revitalises the picaresque novel. Vibrant, sensuous and la...