Aber, Linda Williams |
Haunted Mansion Mystery |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Abraham, Ken |
Jesus Loves Me Devotional |
Christian / CH |
Oct-01-2002 |
Adams, Kylie |
Holiday Stud |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2002 |
Addonizio, Kim |
Dorothy Parker's Elbow |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Ahlberg, Allan |
A Bit More Bert |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-11-2002 |
Albert, Michele |
Getting Her Man |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Alexander, Bruce |
Experiment in Treason |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Oct-14-2002 |
Allen, Robin |
If I Were Your Woman |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Anderson, M.T. |
Feed |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Andrews, V.C. |
Twisted Roots |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Anonymous |
'Twas the Night Before Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Apperley, Dawn |
Santa Claus Will Come Tonight |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Armstrong-Ellis, Carey |
Prudy's Problem and How She Solved It |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Ashtree, Elizabeth |
A Captain's Honor |
HS-1089 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Atkins, Ace |
Dark End of the Street |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Audley, Anselm |
Inquisition |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Autry, Gene |
Here Comes Santa Claus |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bach, Richard |
Chasing the Muse |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bailey, Mary Bryant |
Jeoffry's Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Baker, Kevin |
Paradise Alley |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Baker, Madeline |
Reckless Embrace |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Ball, Donna |
Reunion at Mossy Creek |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Banks, Leslie Esdaile |
For Better, for Worse |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barbieri, Elaine |
Miranda and the Warrior |
ATR-7 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barker, Cicely Mary |
Flower Fairies of the Autumn Celebration |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Barker, Clive |
Abarat |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-2002 |
Barlow, Steve; Skidmore, Steve |
Odyssey |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barnes, Judith |
Salthill |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barreca, Regina |
Don't Tell Mama!: The Penguin Book of Italian American Writing |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barron, T.A. |
Tree Girl |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barry, Dave |
Tricky Business |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Barton, Beverly |
The Princess's Bodyguard |
SIM-1177 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Batten, Mary |
Wild Cats |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-08-2002 |
Bausch, Robert |
The Gypsy Man |
Suspense / S |
Oct-14-2002 |
Bear, Greg |
The Collected Stories of Greg Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Beck, Ian |
Teddy's Snowy Day |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Beechen, Adam |
Board Games |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bell, James Scott |
Deadlock |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bennett, Cherie; Gottesfeld, Jeff |
See No Evil |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bergren, Lisa Tawn |
Christmas Every Morning |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-15-2002 |
Berman, Rick |
Shockwave |
Space Opera / SO |
Oct-15-2002 |
Bevill, C.L. |
Bayou Moon |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Biondello, Sal |
A Pebble Cast |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bishop, Anne |
Shadows and Light |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Black, Holly |
Tithe |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Blair, Annette |
An Unforgettable Rogue |
ZB |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Blair, Catherine |
The Rogue's Wife |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-01-2002 |
Blanc, Nero |
A Crossworder's Holiday |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Blayne, Sara |
The Captain's Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Boles, Philana Marie |
Blame It on Eve |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bonners, Susan |
Making Music |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-22-2002 |
Booth, Stephen |
Blood on the Tongue |
Police Procedural / PP |
Oct-01-2002 |
Boray, Paul |
Cash Out |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Borsten, Joan |
Mikhail Baryshnikov's Stories from My Childhood: Beloved Fairy Tales from the Queen to Cinderella |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Brandt, Beverly |
Record Time |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Brandvold, Peter |
Dealt the Devil's Hand |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Braun, Lilian Jackson |
Short and Tall Tales: Moose County Legends |
Suspense / S |
Oct-14-2002 |
Bridges, Margaret Park |
Edna Elephant |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Broday, Linda |
Knight on the Texas Plains |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bronson, Linda |
Sleigh Bells and Snowflakes: A Celebration of Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Brooks, Helen |
Christmas at His Command |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Brouwer, Sigmund |
Crown of Thorns |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Brown, Fredric |
Martians and Madness |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Brown, Sandra |
The Crush |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-08-2002 |
Bruns, Don |
Jamaica Blue |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Buchanan, Edna |
The Ice Maiden |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Buchanan, Jane |
Hank's Story |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Buckley, Christopher |
No Way to Treat a First Lady |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Budbill, David |
The Bones on Black Spruce Mountain |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-17-2002 |
Buff, Joe |
Crush Depth |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bunting, Josiah |
All Loves Excelling |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Burge, Wendy |
Love Me Again |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Burton, Mary |
Christmas Gold: Until Christmas |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Burton, Tim |
Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-22-2002 |
Bush, Christine |
Noah's Bark |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2002 |
Bynum, Janie |
Edna Elephant |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cabot, Meg |
The Boy Next Door |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cade, Will |
Stalker's Creek |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Campbell, Judy |
The Bachelor Doctor |
MMED-1088 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cannam, Helen |
House of Secrets |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2002 |
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin |
Happy Hanukkah, Biscuit! |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Carlson, Lori Marie |
The Flamboyant |
Historical / H |
Oct-08-2002 |
Carrick, Paul |
The Polar Bears Are Hungry |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-21-2002 |
Carroll, Marisa |
Strangers When We Meet |
COOP-3 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Carter, Don |
Heaven's All-Star Jazz Band |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-08-2002 |
Carver, Caroline |
Blood Junction |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cassidy, Carla |
Promised to a Sheik |
LSCC-5 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Chabon, Michael |
Summerland |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-02-2002 |
Chastain, Sandra |
Reunion at Mossy Creek |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cheaney, J.B. |
The True Prince |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cheek, Mavis |
The Sex Life of My Aunt |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-08-2002 |
Child, Lauren |
Utterly Me, Clarice Bean |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Child, Maureen |
The Royal Treatment |
SD-1468 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Chrisman, Freda |
Tests of Faith |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2002 |
Christenberry, Judy |
The Diplomat's Daughter |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Claremont, Chris |
X-Men Visionaries: Jim Lee |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-28-2002 |
Clark, Lucy |
The Visiting Surgeon |
MMED-1085 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Clayton, Donna |
The Sheriff's 6-Year-Old Secret |
SR-1623 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Clegg, Douglas |
Four Dark Nights |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Clegg, Douglas |
The Infinite |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cohen, Peter Zachary |
Deadly Game at Stony Creek |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-17-2002 |
Colbert, David |
The Magical Worlds of Lord of the Rings |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cole, David |
Scorpion Rain |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Coleman, Janet Wyman |
Famous Bears and Friends: One Hundred Years of Stories, Poems, Songs, and Heroics |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Coleman, Lynn A. |
After the Harvest |
Romance / R |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Colleen |
Tongue-Tied |
HT-899 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Max Allan |
I Spy |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Max Allan |
Before the Dawn |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Max Allan |
Sin City |
Police Procedural / PP |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Michael |
The Resurrectionists |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Ross |
Alvie Eats Soup |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Collins, Terry |
Avalanche Trail |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Connolly, Samantha |
If the Shoe Fits |
HD-86 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Conrad, Linda |
Secrets, Lies...and Passion |
SD-1470 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cook, Linda |
A Twilight Clear |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cook, Thomas H. |
The Interrogation |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cooke, Kaz |
Living With Crazy Buttocks |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Copeland, Lori |
Ruth |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Corbett, Grahame |
Guess Who |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-17-2002 |
Corbett, Grahame |
Who Is Inside? |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-17-2002 |
Corbett, Grahame |
Who Is Next? |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-17-2002 |
Corbit, Dana |
A Blessed Life |
LI-188 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cord, Barry |
Trail Boss from Texas |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cox, Judy |
Cool Cat, School Cat |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cross, Amanda |
The Edge of Doom |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Croutier, Alev Lytle |
Seven Houses |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Cutler, Jane |
Leap, Frog |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-23-2002 |
Dahl, Roald |
Dirty Beasts |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Dailey, Janet |
Scrooge Wore Spurs |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dain, Claudia |
The Willing Wife |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dalton, Gena |
Midnight Faith |
LI-189 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Daly, Niki |
Old Bob's Brown Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-09-2002 |
Daniel, A.B. |
The Gold of Cuzco |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Darcy, Lilian |
For the Taking |
SR-1620 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Darden, Christopher; Lochte, Dick |
The Last Defense |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Oct-01-2002 |
Darke, Tiffanie |
Strapline |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-07-2002 |
Date, S.V. |
Black Sunshine |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Davis, Sharon |
Adventures of Capitol Kitty |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Davis, Val |
Thread of the Spider |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-07-2002 |
Day |
Puppy Trouble |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-09-2002 |
de Lint, Charles |
Waifs and Strays |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
DeLaCroix, Alice |
The Hero of Third Grade |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Delacroix, Claire |
The Rogue |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dellin, Genell |
The Lover |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Denning, Troy |
Star by Star |
Space Opera / SO |
Oct-01-2002 |
Deveraux, Jude |
Forever: A Novel of Good and Evil, Love and Hope |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dickinson, Richard H. |
Silent Men |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
DiMercurio, Michael |
Terminal Run |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-2002 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney's Pop-Up: Friendship |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Disney Book Group |
Disney's Pop-Up: Princesses |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-14-2002 |
Dixon, Debra |
Reunion at Mossy Creek |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dixon, Franklin W. |
The Hardy Boys' Guide to Life |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Doinet, Mymi |
The Halloween Activity Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dold, Gaylord |
Six White Horses |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Donnelly, Deborah |
Died to Match |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Donnelly, Jennifer |
The Tea Rose |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Castle Rouge |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Oct-01-2002 |
Doyle, Elizabeth |
A Country Christmas |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Drake, David |
Seas of Venus |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Drake, Shannon |
Realm of Shadows |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Duane, Diane |
A Wizard Alone |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Duchin, Peter |
Blue Moon |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Duchin, Peter; Wilson, John Morgan |
Blue Moon |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Dudley-Austin, Deann |
Homeland Heroes and Heroines |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Duncan, Alice |
A Bicycle Built for Two |
ZB |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Eco, Umberto |
Baudolino |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Edwards, Nicholas |
Santa Paws, Our Hero |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Edwards, Pamela Duncan |
Warthogs in a Box |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Egan, Jennifer |
Look at Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-08-2002 |
Ehrman, Kit |
At Risk |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-2002 |
Eickhoff, Randy Lee |
Then Came Christmas |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-2002 |
Ellis, Virginia |
Reunion at Mossy Creek |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Ephron, G.H. |
Delusion |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Oct-01-2002 |
Esdaile, Leslie |
Tomorrow is Never Promised |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Evanick, Marcia |
Christmas on Conrad Street |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Evans, Richard Paul |
The Light of Christmas |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the Blackmailers |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-2002 |
Everett, Percival |
Erasure |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Farber, Erica |
Islands of the Black Moon |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-08-2002 |
Farley, Terri |
Dark Sunshine |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Farr, Diane |
Duel of Hearts |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Ferguson, Jo Ann |
A Rather Necessary End |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-01-2002 |
Fetzer, Amy J. |
The SEAL's Surprise Baby |
SD-1467 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Fielding, Liz |
City Girl in Training |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-04-2002 |
Fielding, Liz |
Baby on Loan |
HR-3722 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Fielding, Sarah |
The Adventures of David Simple |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Fiffer, Sharon |
Dead Guy's Stuff |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-2002 |
Findley, Timothy |
You Went Away |
Literary / L |
Oct-14-2002 |
Fletcher, Jessica; Bain, Donald |
You Bet Your Life |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Oct-01-2002 |
Flieger, Verlyn |
Pig Tale |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-2002 |
Flynn, Michael |
Fallen Angels |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Fontes, Justine |
Battle in the Arena |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-08-2002 |
Ford, Michael Curtis |
The Ten Thousand |
Suspense / S |
Oct-13-2002 |
Frank, Lucy |
The Annoyance Bureau |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-2002 |
Fusilli, Jim |
A Well-Known Secret |
Mystery / M |
Oct-28-2002 |
Gaddy, Eve |
A Marriage Made in Texas |
HS-1090 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Gale, Barbara |
The Ambassador's Vow |
SSE-1500 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-2002 |
Galloway, Priscilla |
The Courtesan's Daughter |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-08-2002 |