When John Ludlow of the Weather Reconnaisance Squadron falls in love with Michelle Parkes, drug smugglers hatch a plot to use the relationship as a means to employ the Squadron's planes for their own purposes...
Jackson Monroe is the finest American sniper in Vietnam's treacherous Mekong Delta. The Viet Cong call him "Black Ghost." Dispatched for a classified "illegal" mission on the Cambodia border, Monroe succeeds beyond expectation, only to be abandoned b...
In an effort to promote his "heavy metal" wartime agenda, General Jackson Monroe, once the finest of military snipers, meets with Afghanistan's Northern Alliance warlords, a setup that turns into a deadly power play that leaves Monroe responsible for...
For Morgan Buckner, guard duty at Abu Ghraib prison turns deadly during the fall of 2003 when his only friend is murdered during a prison riot. The young soldier exacts his revenge in a manner that elicits valuable information from the murderous pris...