Not Wanted on the Voyage is the story of the great flood and the first time the world ended, filled with an extraordinary cast of remarkable characters. With pathos and pageantry, desperation and hope, magic and mythology, this acclaimed novel weaves...
Here is the powerful, haunting "Lemonade,"where a young boy's world is shattered by his mother's self-destruction, and eleven other stories, including "Dinner along the Amazon,"an unusual journey into the complexities of contemporary relationships....
When Lilah Kemp, a schizophrenic, unemployed librarian and sometime spiritualist, accidently frees the evil Kurtz from the pages of "Heart of Darkness," she searches desperately for a Marlow to help her return him before it is too late...
Timothy Findley’s The Piano Man’s Daughter continues to be one of his most popular books ever.A glorious reverberation of a time when change was reaching a crescendo and yet hope and renewal were always to be found, The Piano Man’s Daughter is ...
Is it the dust of death, blowing across a Mediterranean island, and etched by the footprints of a small boy who seems to be a disturbing emblem of his parents' unhappy marriage? Or the fine, but offending dirt that is dealt with so tidily by a dilige...
You Went Away is Timothy Findley's latest storytelling masterpiece, a richly evocative and haunting novella of war-time love, infidelity and the ideals of love. In his trademark, effortless recreation of past lives and loves, Findley instantly transp...
Based on the original stage production at the Stratford Festival of Canada, directed by Martha Henry.
In this daring and original production of Timothy Findley's Governor-General Award winning play, William Shakespeare and the formidable Virgin Qu...