Aarons, Will B. |
Tiger Devil |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Aiken, Joan |
The Smile of the Stranger |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-01-1978 |
Allis, Sarah |
Nightwind |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Allyne, Kerry |
West of the Waminda |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Anderson, Poul |
The Avatar |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Annixter, Jane |
The Year of the She-Grizzly |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Anthony, Evelyn |
The Return |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Oct-01-1978 |
Asimov, Isaac |
Isaac Asimov: 40 Short Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Atkins, Thomas |
The Blue Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Baker, Scott |
Symbiote's Crown |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Bate, Lucy |
Little Rabbits Loose Tooth |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Beatty, Patricia |
Wait for Me, Watch for Me, Eula Bee |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Benson, Donald R. |
Unknown Five |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
bernhard, Rita |
Girls in 5j |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Blair, Marcia |
The Final Ring |
Mystery / M |
Oct-1978 |
Blume, Judy |
Wifey |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Bonners, Susan |
Panda |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-15-1978 |
Breen, Richard |
Adam's Child |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Brown, Rosellen |
Tender Mercies |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Buchwald, Art |
Washington Leaking |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Bukowski, Charles |
Women |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Burgess, Anthony |
Nineteen Eighty-Five |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Carlisle, Sarah |
Widow Aubrey |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-12-1978 |
Carr, Rachel |
Classic Science Fiction |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Carter, Rosemary |
Sweet Impostor |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Cheever, John |
The Stories of John Cheever |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-1978 |
Christian, Nick |
Homicide Zone Four |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-1978 |
Christopher, Matt |
Jackrabbit Goalie |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Clark, Dennis L. |
Comes a Horseman |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Cleeve, Brian |
Kate |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Cleveland, David |
The April Rabbits |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Clewes, Dorothy |
Missing from Home |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Clifford, Eth |
The Rocking Chair Rebellion |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Colman, Hila |
Rachel's Legacy |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Coover, Robert |
Origin of the Brunists |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Corbett, Scott |
The Red Room Riddle |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Cork, Dorothy |
Forget and Forgive |
MB-1438 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-06-1978 |
Cortesi, Lawrence |
Escape from Mindanao |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Cosgrove, Stephen |
Rock Cycle |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-15-1978 |
Coulson, Juanita |
The Web of Wizardry |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-1978 |
Dailey, Janet |
Beware of the Stranger |
HP-256 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Daniels, Dorothy |
The Magic Ring |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-01-1978 |
Daudet, Alphonse |
Letters From My Windmill |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Davies, Robertson |
One Half of Robertson Davies |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Davis-Goff, Annabel |
Night Tennis |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-10-1978 |
Defoe, Daniel |
A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Disney, Walt |
Walt Disney's Treasury of Children's Classics |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Donald, Vivian |
Julie's Girl |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Oct-03-1978 |
Dunning, Lawrence |
Keller's Bomb |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Eckert, Allan W. |
The Wilderness War |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-1978 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm |
Historical / H |
Oct-01-1978 |
Eyerly, Jeannette |
Radigan Cares |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Farr, Caroline |
Heiress of Fear |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-03-1978 |
Farrar, Margaret |
Xwd from Times 22 |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-1978 |
Fast, Howard |
Second Generation |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Fenner, Carol |
The Skates of Uncle Richard |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Fixx, James F. |
Solve It |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Flores, Janis |
Bittersweet |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Fox, Paula |
The Little Swineherd |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Foxall, Raymond |
Noble Pirate |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Fraser, Antonia |
The Wild Island |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-1978 |
Gann, Ernest K. |
A Hostage to Fortune |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Geiss, Tony |
The Sesame Street Bedtime Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Gifford, Thomas |
Man from Lisbon |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Goulart, Ron |
The Wicked Cyborg |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Greenfield, Irving |
The God's Temptress |
Mystery / M |
Oct-01-1978 |
Hamill, Pete |
Dirty Laundry |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Hampson, Anne |
For Love of a Pagan |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Hardwick, John Michael Drinkrow |
Regency Royal |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Hardy, Thomas |
Wessex Tales |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Haugaard, Erik Christian |
Cromwell's Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Haycox, Ernest |
Action by Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-1978 |
Holmes, Efner Tudor |
Carrie's Gift |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Homer, Dale |
The Trail from Texas |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Horowitz, Julius |
Natural Enemies |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Houghton Mifflin Company |
The Pocket Dictionary |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-1978 |
Hoving, Thomas |
Tutankhamun: The Untold Story |
Thriller / T |
Oct-15-1978 |
Howard, Clark |
Six Against the Rock |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Innes, Hammond |
The Doomed Oasis |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Jakes, John |
On Wheels |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-1978 |
King, Stephen |
The Stand |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Kingman, Lee |
Head over Wheels |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Kosinski, Jerzy |
The Devil Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Krauzer, Steven M. |
The Great American Detectives |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
Duel of Desire |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lane, Richard J. |
Images of the Floating World |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-24-1978 |
Leigh, Roberta |
Love in Store |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lewis, Deborah |
Kirkwood Fires |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lindsay, Rachel |
An Affair to Forget |
MB-1441 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lindsay, Rachel |
Rough Diamond Lover |
HP-257 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lindsey, Johanna |
A Pirate's Love |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lofts, Norah |
The King's Pleasure |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-01-1978 |
Loos, Anita |
The Talmadge Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Lovejoy, Jack |
The Rebel Witch |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Luellen, Valentina |
Gambler's Prize |
MHR-17 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
MacLeod, Charlotte |
Rest You Merry |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Oct-01-1978 |
Marsh, Ngaio |
Grave Mistake |
Police Procedural / PP |
Oct-01-1978 |
Mather, Anne |
Fallen Angel |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
McNickle, D'Arcy |
Wind from an Enemy Sky |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
McPhee, John |
A Sense of Where You Are |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Mercer, Charles |
Monsters in the Earth |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Meyrick, Polly |
The Damask Rose |
MHR-18 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Montana, Ron |
Cathedral Option |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Morgan, Michaela |
Zanzara |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Murphy, Tom |
Aspen Incident |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
O'Connor, Frank |
The Stories of Frank O'Connor |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Ortleb, Charles |
Relax This Book Is Only a Phase Your Going Through |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Pangborn, Edgar |
Still I Persist in Wondering |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Pargeter, Margaret |
A Man Called Cameron |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Peck, Robert Newton |
Trig Sees Red |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Penguin Books |
Believing in Giants |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-1978 |
Pepper, Curtis B. |
Marco |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-03-1978 |
Pevsner, Stella |
And You Give Me a Pain Elaine |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Peyton, K.M. |
Prove Yourself a Hero |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Powers, Anne |
Ride East, Ride West |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Powers, Anne |
The Gallant Years |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Puzo, Mario |
Fools Die |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-1978 |
Queen, Ellery |
The Last Score |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-1978 |
Renault, Mary |
The Praise Singer |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Roberts, Janet Louise |
The Dornstein Icon |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-01-1978 |
Roberts, Janet Louise |
The Curse of Kenton |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-01-1978 |
Rosenberger, Joseph |
The Shambhala Strike |
Action Adventure / AA |
Oct-01-1978 |
Ross, Clarissa |
Istanbul Nights |
Gothic / GO |
Oct-01-1978 |
Roy, Ron |
A Thousand Pails of Water |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Ryan, Tom K. |
Ride on Tumbleweeds! |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Sachs, Marilyn |
A Secret Friend |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Sagan, Francoise |
Sunlight on Cold Water |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Sagan, Francoise |
Scars on the Soul |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Sarton, May |
A Reckoning |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Scarry, Richard |
Scofield Diagnosis |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Schulz, Charles M. |
The Beagle Has Landed |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-1978 |
Seabrooke, Brenda |
The Best Burglar Alarm |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Seifert, Elizabeth |
The Doctors on Eden Place |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Shaw, Irwin |
Short Stories, Five Decades |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Siddons, Anne Rivers |
The House Next Door |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Silverberg, Robert |
Alpha 9 |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Simmons, Charles |
Wrinkles |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
St. George, Judith |
The Halo Wind |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
St. George, Judith |
The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher |
Suspense / S |
Oct-01-1978 |
Stewart, Lucy Phillips |
Bride of Chance |
CR-251 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-01-1978 |
Stratton, Rebecca |
Bargain for Paradise |
HR-2201 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Sullivan, George |
Sports Superstitions |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Thaler, Mike |
There's a Hippopotamus under My Bed |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Thaler, Mike |
Funny Bones |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Thiong'o, Ngugi wa |
Petals of Blood |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Todd, Edward |
Buffalo Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
Smith of Wootton Major |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Undset, Sigrid |
The Mistress of Husaby |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Van Herk, Aritha |
Judith |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Van Lustbader, Eric / Lustbader, Eric |
Dai-San |
Fantasy / F |
Oct-01-1978 |
Van Vogt, A.E. |
Earth Factor X |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Waldrop, Howard |
The Texas-Israeli War 1999 |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-12-1978 |
Wallace, Ian |
Z Sting |
Science Fiction / SF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Wallant, Edward Lewis |
The Pawnbroker |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-09-1978 |
Weber, Judith |
Lights, Camera, Cats! |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Webster, Jan |
Collier's Row |
Historical Romance / HR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Weldrick, Valerie |
Time Sweep |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Wernick, Saul |
The Fire Ants |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
West, Morris |
The Crooked Road |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
West, Rebecca |
Rebecca West |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Whitney, Phyllis A. |
Secret of the Tigers |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Whittal, Yvonne |
Magic of the Baobab |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Wibberley, Mary |
Witchwood |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-01-1978 |
Wiesel, Elie |
One Generation After |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Wilkinson, Sylvia |
Moss on North Side |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Williams, Claudette |
Cotillion for Mandy |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Oct-01-1978 |
Williams, Thomas |
The Followed Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-01-1978 |
Winspear, Violet |
The Valdez Marriage |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Oct-13-1978 |
Gordon, Sheila |
Monster in Mailbox |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-26-1978 |
Weinstein, Robert A. |
Grays Harbor, 1885-1913 |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-26-1978 |