This collection of cartoons exploring the central mystery of the cat--its complete inability to feel guilt-reprises some of the great moments in feline history as well as some petty moments of domestic turmoil...
"If any one in the government had known why Peter was in Manhattan, a law would have been found under which he could have been put on the first train out. But one could still arrive anonymously in the Metropolis and be given the benefit of the dou...
This bold, uncompromising book is the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" of the AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome epidemics. It's one of those books that will inspire you to think outside of the box. "The Closing Argument" is a provocative courtroom novella about a...
This is a very funny book about talking pigs. But it is so much more than that. As African Swine Fever Virus, a deadly virus that infects pigs, threatens to spread into Western Europe and may even reach America, the timing of this novel could not be ...
The lengthy short story is a work of alternative history that imagines what would have happened if the gay movement in had been destroyed in its infancy. What if the Stonewall riots had resulted in a bloody suppression of gay people all over America?...
This is a very funny book about talking pigs. But it is so much more than that. Charles Ortleb has written a contemporary allegorical fable about the overlapping breakdown of the porcine and human public health systems.
As African Swine Feve...