In The Tent Peg, award-winning novelist Aritha van Herk uses her unerring perception and impressive literary skill to capture the mystical mood of the Arctic and the people who are drawn to it. In this intriguing story, a young woman who disguises h...
Nominated for the Governor General's Award for Fiction
Winner of the Writers' Guild of Alberta Award for Fiction
Arachne Manteia is a road rider, a traveling sales rep who drives a classic Mercedes and ...
Internationally acclaimed novelist Aritha van Herk takes geography and fiction and creates of them a fiction mapped on the lines of geography, a geography following the course of fiction. A new reading of Tolstoy's tragic heroine Anna Karenina an...
Desperate to find a home, a restless, wandering woman determines that the only way she can appease her terrible homesickness is to occupy the still center of death. Unable to commit suicide, she hires a professional killer and contracts him to mu...