Abbey, Lynn |
The Temper of Wisdom |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Adams, Bronte |
Brought to Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Adams, Deborah |
All the Great Pretenders |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-1992 |
Adams, Pepper |
That Old Black Magic |
SR-842 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Adler, Elizabeth |
Fortune Is a Woman |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Albano, Peter |
Revenge of the Seventh Carrier |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1992 |
Albert, Richard N. |
From Blues to Bop |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Aldridge, James |
The True Story of Lola Mackellar |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Anastasio, Dina |
My Secret Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-10-1992 |
Anderson, Blaine |
Heartspell |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Anderson, Virginia |
Storm Front |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Anthony, Piers |
Fractal Mode |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-09-1992 |
Ash, Rosalie |
Love by Design |
MB-3600 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Ashmore, April |
Autumn's Tender Fire |
ZH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Asimov, Isaac |
War With the Robots |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Asprin, Robert |
Phule's Paradise |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Auchincloss, Louis |
False Gods |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bale, G.F. |
Cry, Baby, Cry |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Balogh, Mary |
A Waltz Among the Stars |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-07-1992 |
Barnes, Elizabeth |
Last Summer's Girl |
MB-3594 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Barrett, Jean |
A Ring of Gold |
SD-689 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bartell, Linda Lang |
Tender Pirate |
ZL |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Barton, Beverly |
Sugar Hill |
SD-687 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-02-1992 |
Bauer, Pamela |
On Cloud Nine |
HS-484 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bauling, Jayne |
In Pursuit of Love |
MB-3601 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Baxter, Stephen |
Raft |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Beaumont, Anne |
Images of Desire |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-10-1992 |
Becker, Dan |
Last Boy Scout |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bedford, Annie North |
Frosty the Snowman |
LG |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Benjamin, Nikki |
The Best Medicine |
SSE-716 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bentheim, Rozelle |
King Kid |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Berger, John |
And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Berger, John |
About Looking |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bernhardt, William |
Primary Justice |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bingham, Lisa |
Distant Thunder |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Birch, Claire |
High Stakes |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Birmingham, John |
The Henfield Prize Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Blocksma, Mary |
Yoo Hoo, Moon! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Blos, Joan W. |
One Very Best Valentine's Day |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Boland, John C. |
Brokered Death |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Booth, Pat |
Miami |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Borthwick, J.S. |
Dude on Arrival |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bose, Frank |
Rock Solid |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Boswell, Barbara |
License to Love |
SD-685 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bowman, W.E. |
The Ascent of Rum Doodle and the Cruise of the Talking Fish |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1992 |
Bradford, S.W. |
Fair Game |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Bradley, John Ed |
Love and Obits |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Braun, Lilian Jackson |
The Cat Who Moved a Mountain |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Brennan, Melissa |
Sneaking Around |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Brink, Andre |
An Act of Terror |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Brooks, Helen |
Deceitful Lover |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Brown, J.P.S. |
The Cinnamon Colt & Other Stories |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1992 |
Brown, Micki |
Once a Rebel |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Brown, Ryan |
The Collected Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Browning, Amanda |
A Time for Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-10-1992 |
Bruckner, Christine |
Desdemona, if You Had Only Spoken |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1992 |
Brunner, John |
A Maze of Stars |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-22-1992 |
Bryant, Bonnie |
Snow Ride |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Buchan, John |
Greenmantle |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Burch, Robert |
Home-Front Heroes |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Butlin, Jan |
Allure |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Byers, Cordia |
Eden |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Byers, Richard Lee |
The Vampire's Apprentice |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Caille, Julie |
A Valentine's Day Fancy |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1992 |
Caine, Geoffrey |
Legion of the Dead |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Caldwell, Joseph |
The Uncle from Rome |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Caldwell, Pamela |
Stormswept Caress |
ZH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cameron, J.D. |
Death Dive |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1992 |
Camus, Albert |
The Rebel |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Carey, Peter |
The Tax Inspector |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-08-1992 |
Carlow, Joyce |
Honor the Dream |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Carr, M.J. |
Be My Valentine |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Carter, Angela |
Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Carter, Angela |
Expletives Deleted |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Carter, Angela |
Wise Children |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Casto, Jackie |
The New Frontier |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Charles, Maggi |
Keep It Private |
SR-840 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Chester, Laura |
Unmade Bed |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Clare, Cathryn |
Hot Stuff |
SD-688 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Clarke, Pauline |
The Return Of The Twelves |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Clifford, Eth |
Will Somebody Please Marry My Sister? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cody, Liza |
Backhand |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jan-01-1992 |
Coghlan, Ronan |
Encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Collins, Nancy A. |
In the Blood |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Collins, Toni |
Immoral Support |
SD-686 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Connelly, Michael |
The Black Echo |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jan-01-1992 |
Conran, Shirley |
Crimson |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cook, Robin |
Blindsight |
Medical Thriller / MT |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cooper, Louise |
Avatar |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cooper, Natasha |
Poison Flowers |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Copeland, Patty |
Always Annie |
KIS-76 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Copp, Dewitt S. |
Sons of the Morning |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Corey, Deirdre |
Yours 'Til the Wedding Rings |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cormier, Robert |
A Little Raw on Monday Mornings |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Coulter, Catherine |
Beyond Eden |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Craig, Alisa |
The Wrong Rite |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-01-1992 |
Crane, Hamilton |
Hands Up, Miss Seeton |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Craven, Sara |
Desperate Measures |
MB-3588 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cravens, Gwyneth |
The Gates of Paradise |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cross, Melinda |
Mirror Image |
MB-3599 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Crutcher, Chris |
The Deep End |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cummings, Monette |
The Wicked Stepdaughter |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1992 |
Cusick, Richie Tankersley |
Fatal Secrets |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dale, Ruth Jean |
A Million Reasons Why |
HT-380 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dalmas, John |
The Yngling and the Circle of Power |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dalton, Sean |
The Salukan Gambit |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Daniell, Tina |
Dark Heart |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Daniels, Elizabeth |
Bird of Paradise |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Daniels, Philip |
The Nice Quiet Girl |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Danks, Denise |
User Deadly |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Davis, Lindsey |
Shadows in Bronze |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jan-22-1992 |
Davol, Marguerite W. |
Black Like Kyra, White Like Me (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
DC Comics |
Tales of the Demon |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Jan-01-1992 |
De Mejo, Oscar |
Oscar de Mejo's ABC |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Delk, Karen Jones |
The Bride Price |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-1992 |
Denny, Roz |
The Cinderella Coach |
HR-3169 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dickson, Gordon R. |
Space Dogfights |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dickson, Margaret |
Wine River |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dillard, J.M. |
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country |
Space Opera / SO |
Jan-01-1992 |
Disney, Walt |
Aladdin: A Read-Aloud Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dixon, Franklin W. |
Open Season |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Domning, Joan J. |
Stormy's Man |
LS-519 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Seed upon the Wind |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1992 |
Downing, Warwick |
The Water Cure |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Duane, Diane |
Kill Station |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Duncan, Dave |
Emperor and Clown |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dundee, Wayne D. |
The Brutal Ballet |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dunning, John |
Booked to Die |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jan-23-1992 |
Dyan, Sheila |
Last Licks |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Dygard, Thomas J. |
Rebound Caper |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Echewa, T. Obinkaram |
I Saw the Sky Catch Fire |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Edgerton, Clyde |
In Memory of Junior |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Edwards, Dorothy |
My Naughty Little Sister Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Edwards, Hank (1) |
Lawless Land |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1992 |
Egan, Doris |
Two Bit Heroes |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Ellis, Carol |
The Window |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star and the Hellbound Pilgrims |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1992 |
Enright, Anne |
The Portable Virgin |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-09-1992 |
Erickson, John R. |
The Case of the Hooking Bull |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1992 |
Erickson, Lynn |
Silver Lady |
HS-482 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Eubank, Judith |
Crossover |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Evans, Ann |
Flamingo Moon |
SIM-415 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Evans, Katie |
Hunky Dory Ate It |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-16-1992 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the Arizona Showdown |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1992 |
Faith, Barbara |
Mr. Macho Meets His Match |
SSE-715 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Farish, Terry |
Flower Shadows |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
The Taming of the Teen |
SR-839 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Fine, Anne |
The Book of the Banshee |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Fisher, Leonard Everett |
Theseus and the Minotaur |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Flannery, Sean |
Moving Targets |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Foster, Jake |
Ramrod Revenge |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1992 |
Fowler, Connie May |
Sugar Cage |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Frankos, Laura |
St. Oswald's Niche |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Franzen, Jonathan |
Strong Motion |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Fremlin, Celia |
Dangerous Thoughts |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Friedman, Jason |
Haunted Houses |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Friedman, Michael Jan |
Faces of Fire |
Space Opera / SO |
Jan-15-1992 |
Friesner, Esther |
Unicorn U |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Galarza, Ernesto |
Barrio Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Gelb, Jeff |
Shock Rock |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Geringer, Laura |
Look Out, Look Out, It's Coming! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Geringer, Laura |
Yours 'til the Ice Cracks |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gibbs, Tony |
Shadow Queen |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gideon, Robin |
Wild Caress |
ZH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gillenwater, Sharon |
Secret Splendor |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gillis, Jacquelyn |
Otherwise Engaged |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gimpel, Jean |
Medieval Machine |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1992 |
Goddard, Robert |
Debt of Dishonour |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Golden Books |
What a Wonderful World: Precious Moments |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Goodis, David |
Cassidy's Girl |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gordon, Knox |
Black Mission |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gorman, S.S. |
Skiing for the Prize |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gough, Laurence |
Sandstorm |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gould, John |
Funny About That |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Gower, Daniel |
Orpheus Process |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-04-1992 |
Graham, Helen |
The Magic Shop |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Graham, Mark |
The Missing Sixth |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Greenberg, David |
Your Dog Might Be a Werewolf, Your Toes Could All Explode |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Greenland, Colin |
Take Back Plenty |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Griffin, W.E.B. |
The Witness |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jan-01-1992 |
Griffin, W.E.B. |
Line Of Fire |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-01-1992 |
Grossman, Bill |
Tommy at the Grocery Store Big Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Grubb, Davis |
Barefoot Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Guthrie, Al |
Murder by Tarot |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Guy, Rosa |
The Music of Summer |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Halecroft, David |
Benched! |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hall, Donald |
Here at Eagle Pond |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hambly, Barbara |
The Magicians of Night |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hamilton, Diana |
Games for Sophisticates |
MB-3597 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hammick, Georgina |
Virago Book of Love and Loss |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1992 |
Harmon, Danelle |
Pirate in My Arms |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1992 |
Harrell, Janice |
Deadly Confidential |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Harrington, William |
Endgame in Berlin |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Harrison, Ray |
Patently Murder |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jan-01-1992 |
Harrison, Sam |
Birdsong Ascending |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hart, Roy |
Blood Kin |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hartwell, David G. |
A Fabulous Formless Darkness |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-15-1992 |
Haskins, Jim |
Christopher Columbus: Admiral of the Ocean Sea |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hastings, Laura |
The Nightingale's Secret |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-01-1992 |
Hauptman, William |
The Storm Season |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1992 |