The tranquil planet of Aritani has suddenly come under attack by a vicious and unknown enemy. The Enterprise rallies to the scene, only to plunge into a deadly nightmare: Spock is found mysteriously injured, his mental powers crippled and weak, and K...
A class one medical emergency summons the Enterprise to the Federation outpost Tanis. There, a grisly surprise awaits them. Two of the lab's three researchers are dead, their bodies almost entirely drained of blood. There are no clues. No records...
What exactly happened to the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise after the end of their five-year mission? How did that mission end? What did they do before they were reunited for the adventures captured in the STAR TREK movies? Even the casual STAR TREK f...
The planet Nimbus III. A desolate, forbidding world, situated in the heart of the Neutral Zone. Unremarkable, except for one thing: Nimbus Ill is the site of an unprecedented attempt at cooperation among the galaxy's three major powers. Here, to this...
THE KLINGONS ARE PROPOSING PEACE Does this mean the end of war or the end of history? Stardate 8679.25: Internal pressures, enormous military expenditures, and the destruction of their primary energy source have brought the Klingon Empire to the ...
A man unjustly accused of a crime is pursued across treacherous terrain by the authorities in a work that has been made into a Warner Brothers film starring Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. Original. Movie tie-in....
The story begins with the launching of the U.S.S. Enterprise˜ NCC-1701-B and the mysterious disappearance of Captain James T. Kirk. Then seventy-eight years later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D receives a distress call ...
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship EnterpriseTM
Her five-year mission: To explore strange, new worlds; To seek out new life and new civilizations; To boldly go where no man has gone b...
Eighty years ago, bodiless entities brought a plague of violence and bloodshed to the planet Vulcan. The nightmare ended only when the entities were trapped inside special containers. Now, on the eve of a galaxy-scale scientific exposition, the co...
Includes descriptions of various worlds, including Bajor, Vulcan, Ferenginar, Risa, Romulus, the Klingon homeworld, Betazed, and Cardassia, and travel advisories about the Borg, the Tholians, and the Jem'hadar...
The official novelization of the widely acclaimed major motion picture based on Star Trek: The Next Generation!From the deepest, darkest reaches of space came the greatest threat the United Federation of Planets had ever faced: the Borg, a half-organ...
In a torture chamber in the medieval city of Carcassonne, two people, separated by their convictions and by cruel fate, are suddenly and shockingly reunited. Luc is there to transcribe the confession of a known heretic, who to his horror turns out to...
Star Trek: The Next Generation is the most popular, longest-running series in science fiction history. Now, after the spectacular worldwide success of Star Trek: First Contact, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise return to...
You are alone in the dark reaches of space, surrounded by aliens who do not understand who you are and what you are, and who will not accept your beliefs. Under such circumstances, an emotional human would feel lost, cut off, adrift, but Sub-Commande...
1943 -- the Year of the Ram. In the Temple of Sublime Truth, high in the Himalayas, a master monk prepares to transfer an ancient scroll to his young protégé. The scroll holds the key to an unspeakable power, one which in the wrong hands could dest...
High above the planet Earth, an alien probe appears -- and in an unspeakably horrific instant, releases a deadly blast that strafes the planet's surface, leaving a miles-wide, smoldering crater of destruction in its wake. Millions die in Florida, Cub...
The U.S.S. Enterprise is ready to rejoin the fleet. The body of the great starship -- which managed to survive the deadly Romulan-Reman attack only with Data's ultimate sacrifice -- has been restored. With the departure of first officer William Rike...