Obsession At long last, the story of the beautiful dark-hearted Kitiara Uth Matar. This compelling novel tells the story of the birth of her twin brothers, the warrior Caramon and the frail mage Raistlin, and Kit's admirable role in their upbringi...
Lost At Sea Caramon, Sturm, and Tasslehoff, on an innocent ship's errand, are blown thousands of miles off course by a magic windstorm and transported to the eastern Bloodsea. Caramon and Sturm are left for dead while Tasslehoff mysteriously turns...
At eighteen, Maquesta Kar-Thon has just volunteered to captain the Perechon for a quest with a high stake -- her father's life. The minotaur lord Attat has given her father a slow-acting poison, and is withholding the antidote until Maq captures the...